First commit
diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aef1b10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+Simple example of sending output to multiple files and
+monitoring them
+from mininet.topo import SingleSwitchTopo
+from import Mininet
+from mininet.log import setLogLevel
+from time import time
+from select import poll, POLLIN
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+def monitorFiles( outfiles, seconds, timeoutms ):
+    "Monitor set of files and return [(host, line)...]"
+    devnull = open( '/dev/null', 'w' )
+    tails, fdToFile, fdToHost = {}, {}, {}
+    for h, outfile in outfiles.iteritems():
+        tail = Popen( [ 'tail', '-f', outfile ],
+                      stdout=PIPE, stderr=devnull )
+        fd = tail.stdout.fileno()
+        tails[ h ] = tail
+        fdToFile[ fd ] = tail.stdout
+        fdToHost[ fd ] = h
+    # Prepare to poll output files
+    readable = poll()
+    for t in tails.values():
+        readable.register( t.stdout.fileno(), POLLIN )
+    # Run until a set number of seconds have elapsed
+    endTime = time() + seconds
+    while time() < endTime:
+        fdlist = readable.poll(timeoutms)
+        if fdlist:
+            for fd, _flags in fdlist:
+                f = fdToFile[ fd ]
+                host = fdToHost[ fd ]
+                # Wait for a line of output
+                line = f.readline().strip()
+                yield host, line
+        else:
+            # If we timed out, return nothing
+            yield None, ''
+    for t in tails.values():
+        t.terminate()
+    devnull.close()  # Not really necessary
+def monitorTest( N=3, seconds=3 ):
+    "Run pings and monitor multiple hosts"
+    topo = SingleSwitchTopo( N )
+    net = Mininet( topo )
+    net.start()
+    hosts = net.hosts
+    print "Starting test..."
+    server = hosts[ 0 ]
+    outfiles, errfiles = {}, {}
+    for h in hosts:
+        # Create and/or erase output files
+        outfiles[ h ] = '/tmp/%s.out' %
+        errfiles[ h ] = '/tmp/%s.err' %
+        h.cmd( 'echo >', outfiles[ h ] )
+        h.cmd( 'echo >', errfiles[ h ] )
+        # Start pings
+        h.cmdPrint('ping', server.IP(),
+                   '>', outfiles[ h ],
+                   '2>', errfiles[ h ],
+                   '&' )
+    print "Monitoring output for", seconds, "seconds"
+    for h, line in monitorFiles( outfiles, seconds, timeoutms=500 ):
+        if h:
+            print '%s: %s' % (, line )
+    for h in hosts:
+        h.cmd('kill %ping')
+    net.stop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    setLogLevel('info')
+    monitorTest()