experiment: Add multiple failure experiment

Change-Id: Ia7e856606ec483f0bb63840a0e40399058e5b6ac
diff --git a/ndn/experiments/multiple_failure_experiment.py b/ndn/experiments/multiple_failure_experiment.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db7d536
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ndn/experiments/multiple_failure_experiment.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+from ndn.experiments.experiment import Experiment
+from ndn.nlsr import Nlsr
+import time
+class MultipleFailureExperiment(Experiment):
+    def __init__(self, net, nodes, convergenceTime, strategy):
+        self.FAILURE_INTERVAL = 60
+        self.RECOVERY_INTERVAL = 60
+        # This is the number of pings required to make it through the full experiment
+        nInitialPings = self.PING_COLLECTION_TIME_BEFORE_FAILURE + len(net.hosts)*(self.FAILURE_INTERVAL + self.RECOVERY_INTERVAL)
+        print("Scheduling with %s initial pings" % nInitialPings)
+        Experiment.__init__(self, net, nodes, convergenceTime, nInitialPings, strategy)
+    def failNode(self, host):
+        print("Bringing %s down" % host.name)
+        host.nfd.stop()
+    def recoverNode(self, host):
+        print("Bringing %s up" % host.name)
+        host.nfd.start()
+        host.nlsr.start()
+        host.nfd.setStrategy("/ndn/edu", self.strategy)
+        host.cmd("ndnpingserver /ndn/edu/" + str(host) + " > ping-server &")
+    def run(self):
+        self.startPings()
+        # After the pings are scheduled, collect pings for 1 minute
+        nNodesRemainingToFail = len(self.net.hosts)
+        # Fail and recover each node
+        for host in self.net.hosts:
+            # Fail the node
+            self.failNode(host)
+            # Stay in failure state for FAILURE_INTERVAL
+            time.sleep(self.FAILURE_INTERVAL)
+            # Bring the node back up
+            self.recoverNode(host)
+            # Number of pings required to reach the end of the test
+            nPings = self.RECOVERY_INTERVAL + nNodesRemainingToFail*(self.FAILURE_INTERVAL + self.RECOVERY_INTERVAL)
+            nNodesRemainingToFail = nNodesRemainingToFail - 1
+            # Wait for NFD and NLSR to fully recover
+            time.sleep(1)
+            print("Scheduling with %s remaining pings" % nPings)
+            # Restart pings
+            for other in self.net.hosts:
+                # Do not ping self
+                if host.name != other.name:
+                    self.ping(host, other, nPings)
+            time.sleep(self.RECOVERY_INTERVAL)