BUGFIX IP-Routing helper did not work for large topologies

The initial version of the IP routing helper had issues with larger
topologies, especially when multiple paths between nodes are possible.
This fix ensures, that the same route between two nodes are
installed in both directions. This leads to a 100% reachability of nodes
in larger scenarios.

Change-Id: I6165caf11e61dd948320139752c271d8cf063b2a
diff --git a/examples/ip_rounting_experiment.py b/examples/ip_rounting_experiment.py
index d33e51a..8237b9b 100644
--- a/examples/ip_rounting_experiment.py
+++ b/examples/ip_rounting_experiment.py
@@ -29,6 +29,15 @@
 from minindn.apps.nlsr import Nlsr
 from minindn.helpers.ip_routing_helper import IPRoutingHelper
+This scenario demonstrates the functionality of the IPRoutingHelper. First, the routing helper
+calculates and configures routes between all nodes and then calls the `pingAll` command to
+demonstrate that all nodes are reachable.
+Successful experiments end with: `*** Results: 0% dropped`
+To demonstrate the IPRoutingHelper in more complex scenarios, consider starting the experiment with
+the Geant-Topology (topologies/geant.conf).
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/minindn/helpers/ip_routing_helper.py b/minindn/helpers/ip_routing_helper.py
index 8c2bddf..0e5a4b7 100644
--- a/minindn/helpers/ip_routing_helper.py
+++ b/minindn/helpers/ip_routing_helper.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # -*- Mode:python; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
-# Copyright (C) 2015-2019, The University of Memphis,
+# Copyright (C) 2015-2020, The University of Memphis,
 #                          Arizona Board of Regents,
 #                          Regents of the University of California.
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@
 # If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 from igraph import Graph
-from mininet.log import info
+from mininet.log import info, debug
 class LinkInfo(object):
@@ -35,6 +36,7 @@
         self.end_intf_name = end_intf_name
         self.end_ip = end_ip
 class IPRoutingHelper(object):
     """The routing helper allows to run IP-based evaluations with Mini-NDN. It configures static IP
     routes to all nodes, which means that all nodes can reach all other nodes in the network
@@ -62,6 +64,51 @@
         return None
+    def calculateAllSubPaths(path):
+        """ This method returns all subpaths in forward and reverse order of a given path
+        :param path: Given path for which subpaths are calculated
+        :return: List of all subpaths
+        """
+        paths = []
+        # Append original path and reversed path
+        paths.append(path)
+        reversed = path[:]
+        reversed.reverse()
+        paths.append(reversed)
+        # Iterate over all possible lengths for subpaths
+        for subpath_length in range(2, len(path)):
+            # Get all subpaths of length subpath_lenght of the given path
+            for start_index in range(0, len(path) - subpath_length + 1):
+                subpath = path[start_index: start_index + subpath_length]
+                paths.append(subpath)
+                subpath = subpath[:]
+                subpath.reverse()
+                paths.append(subpath)
+        return paths
+    @staticmethod
+    def replaceExistingSubpaths(path, existing_paths):
+        subpaths = []
+        for subpath_length in range(3, len(path)):
+            for start_index in range(0, len(path) - subpath_length + 1):
+                subpaths.append(path[start_index: start_index + subpath_length])
+        subpaths.reverse()
+        for subpath in subpaths:
+            if len(subpath) == len(path):
+                continue
+            if (subpath[0], subpath[-1]) in existing_paths:
+                existing = existing_paths[(subpath[0], subpath[-1])]
+                path = path[:path.index(existing[0])] + existing[:] + path[
+                                                                      path.index(existing[-1]) + 1:]
+                break
+        return path
+    @staticmethod
     def calcAllRoutes(net):
         """ Configures IP routes between all nodes in the emulation topology. This is done in three
@@ -81,13 +128,12 @@
         for node in mini_nodes:
             node.cmd('sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1')
-        # Calculate igraph to calculate all shortest paths between nodes
+        # Create the network graph to calculate all shortest paths between nodes
         node_names = [node.name for node in mini_nodes]
         links = []
         for link in mini_links:
             links.append((link.intf1.node.name, link.intf2.node.name))
             links.append((link.intf2.node.name, link.intf1.node.name))
         networkGraph = Graph()
         networkGraph = networkGraph.as_directed()
         for node in node_names:
@@ -95,22 +141,44 @@
         for (a, b) in links:
             networkGraph.add_edges([(a, b), (b, a)])
-        named_paths = []
+        existing_paths = {}  # Variable existing_paths stores all paths that are installed
+        shortest_paths = []  # List of calculated shorted paths betweeen all nodes
+        # Calculate shortest paths between all nodes using libigraph
         for from_node in node_names:
             for to_node in node_names:
                 if from_node != to_node:
+                    if (from_node, to_node) in existing_paths \
+                            or (to_node, from_node) in existing_paths:
+                        continue
                     paths = networkGraph.get_all_shortest_paths(from_node, to_node)
                     if len(paths) == 0:
-                    shortest_path = paths[0]
-                    shortest_path_with_nodenames = []
-                    for node in shortest_path:
-                        shortest_path_with_nodenames.append(networkGraph.vs['name'][node])
-                    named_paths.append(shortest_path_with_nodenames)
+                    paths.sort(key=lambda x: str(x))
+                    paths.sort(key=lambda x: len(x))
+                    shortest_path = paths[0]  # Shortest path with node indizes as nodes
+                    # Translate node indizes to node names
+                    shortest_path_nodenames = [networkGraph.vs['name'][node]
+                                               for node in shortest_path]
+                    shortest_paths.append(shortest_path_nodenames)
+        # Iterate over shortest paths and store subpaths that need to be installed on the nodes.
+        # Also, it is made sure that all paths and reverse paths are the same
+        shortest_paths.sort(key=lambda x: len(x), reverse=True)
+        for path in shortest_paths:
+            # Replace already existing subpaths of the path to make sure that no two paths between
+            # two nodes exist
+            path = IPRoutingHelper.replaceExistingSubpaths(path, existing_paths)
+            # Mark all subpaths of path to install on nodes, unless they already exist
+            subpaths = IPRoutingHelper.calculateAllSubPaths(path)
+            for subpath in subpaths:
+                if (subpath[0], subpath[-1]) not in existing_paths:
+                    existing_paths[(subpath[0], subpath[-1])] = subpath
         # Iterate over all paths and configure the routes using the 'route add'
         info('Configure routes on all nodes\n')
-        for path in named_paths:
+        for path in existing_paths.values():
             start_node = path[0]
             end_node = path[-1]
             mini_start = net.get(start_node)
@@ -119,16 +187,17 @@
             link_info = IPRoutingHelper.findLinkInformation(mini_links, path[0], path[1])
             start_intf = link_info.start_intf_name
+            # Configure the route for every IP address of the destination
             for intf in mini_end.intfs:
                 addr = mini_end.intfs[intf].ip
                 if len(path) == 2:
                     # For direct connection, configure exit interface
-                    info('[{}] route add -host {} dev {}\n'.format(start_node, addr, start_intf))
+                    debug('[{}] route add -host {} dev {}\n'.format(start_node, addr, start_intf))
                     mini_start.cmd('route add -host {} dev {}'.format(addr, start_intf))
                 elif len(path) > 2:
                     # For longer paths, configure next hop as gateway
                     gateway_ip = link_info.end_ip
-                    info('[{}] route add -host {} dev {} gw {}\n'
-                         .format(start_node, addr, start_intf, gateway_ip))
+                    debug('[{}] route add -host {} dev {} gw {}\n'
+                          .format(start_node, addr, start_intf, gateway_ip))
                     mini_start.cmd('route add -host {} dev {} gw {}'
                                    .format(addr, start_intf, gateway_ip))