All done! GUI + working version. Some few adjustments on the code to be done.
diff --git a/bin/miniccnx b/bin/miniccnx
index 256383d..614d5ca 100755
--- a/bin/miniccnx
+++ b/bin/miniccnx
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 import os.path, time
 import optparse
 import datetime
+import pdb
 def parse_args():
     usage="""Usage: miniccnx [template_file] [ -t | --testbed ]
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@
         Topo.__init__(self, **opts)
         hosts_conf = parse_hosts(conf_arq)
-#       routers_conf = parse_routers(conf_arq)
+       	routers_conf = parse_routers(conf_arq)
         links_conf = parse_links(conf_arq)
@@ -56,13 +57,14 @@
                 self.isLimited = True
             self.addHost(,, fib=host.uri_tuples,cpu=host.cpu,cores=host.cores,cache=host.cache)
-#        for router in routers_conf:
-#            if router.cpu != None and self.isLimited != True:
-#                self.isLimited = True
-#            self.addHost(,fib=router.uri_tuples,cpu=router.cpu,cores=router.cores)
+        for router in routers_conf:
+            if router.cpu != None and self.isLimited != True:
+                self.isLimited = True
+            self.addHost(,fib=router.uri_tuples,cpu=router.cpu,cores=router.cores, cache=router.cache)
         for link in links_conf:
             if len(link.linkDict) == 0:
+		#pdb.set_trace()
                 self.addLink(link.h1, link.h2)
                 self.addLink(link.h1, link.h2, **link.linkDict)