ndnx: Bumping up the version and deprecating start up script

From now on, NDNx Control Center is the only means to run ndnx
automatically on startup and set up default route.
diff --git a/net/ndnx/Portfile b/net/ndnx/Portfile
index e2f6e5f..6fb1d29 100644
--- a/net/ndnx/Portfile
+++ b/net/ndnx/Portfile
@@ -4,15 +4,15 @@
 PortSystem              1.0
 PortGroup               github 1.0
-github.setup            named-data ndnx 25ad5ea4a2b445ce2f98809dd77ba9a5ce46ea84
+github.setup            named-data ndnx cdd3afd7a192b3d1fe8a223505f0c551869bb655
 checksums               rmd160  2029a4e57625c372fac9ba50574c5d1fd72c709c \
                         sha256  351605a6b4e7a25ddce052f20e16fa9607ec8208d8af570cf8c7eab65f6bee04
 name                    ndnx
 homepage                http://www.named-data.net
 license                 GPL-2+ LGPL-2.1+
-version                 0.2-git-25ad5
-revision                0
+version                 0.2-git-cdd3a
+revision                1
 categories              net
 platforms               darwin
@@ -28,14 +28,6 @@
                         port:libxml2 \
-set ndnxuser            ndnx
-set ndnxgroup           ndnx
-set ndnxdir             ${prefix}/etc/ndnx
-add_users               ${ndnxuser} shell=/bin/sh group=${ndnxgroup} \
-                        home=${ndnxdir} \
-                        realname=NDNx\ Account
 default_variants        +java +apps
 variant java description {Enable Java API build} {
@@ -46,10 +38,6 @@
     configure.env-delete   BUILD_APPS=false
-post-patch {
-    reinplace   "s|\$HOME/.ndnx/|${ndnxdir}/|g" ${worksrcpath}/csrc/util/ndndstart.sh
 configure.env-append    OPENSSL_CFLAGS=-I${prefix}/include \
                         OPENSSL_LIBS=-L${prefix}/lib \
                         INSTALL_BASE=${prefix} \
@@ -65,55 +53,6 @@
                         INSTALL_BASE=${prefix} \
-post-destroot {
-    # Create a configuration directory, which also a home directory for ${ndnxuser}
-    xinstall -d -o ${ndnxuser} -g ${ndnxgroup} "${destroot}${ndnxdir}"
-    # Copy a sample ndnd.conf file
-    xinstall -o ${ndnxuser} -g ${ndnxgroup} \
-        ${worksrcpath}/csrc/libexec/ndnd.conf.sample \
-        ${destroot}${ndnxdir}/
-    # Create a sample ndndrc file
-    system "echo NDNR_GLOBAL_PREFIX=/ndn/keys > \"${destroot}${ndnxdir}/ndndrc.sample\""
-    system "echo NDND_LOG=${prefix}/var/log/ndnd.log >> \"${destroot}${ndnxdir}/ndndrc.sample\""
-    system "echo NDND_DEBUG=16 >> \"${destroot}${ndnxdir}/ndndrc.sample\""
-post-activate {
-    # log file needs to be owned by ${ndnxuser}, otherwise ndnd will not be able to write to it
-    file mkdir "${prefix}/var/log"
-    touch "${prefix}/var/log/ndnd.log"
-    file attributes "${prefix}/var/log/ndnd.log" -owner ${ndnxuser} -group ${ndnxgroup}
-    file mkdir "${prefix}/var/run/ndnd"
-    file attributes "${prefix}/var/run/ndnd" -owner ${ndnxuser} -group ${ndnxgroup}
-    # Make sure initial conf files are present and setup correctly
-    foreach f { ndnd.conf ndndrc } {
-        if {![file exists ${ndnxdir}/${f}]} {
-            file copy ${ndnxdir}/${f}.sample \
-                ${ndnxdir}/${f}
-        }
-    }
-startupitem.pidfile     none
-startupitem.start       "su ${ndnxuser} -c \"${prefix}/bin/ndndstart\" && sleep 5 && su ${ndnxuser} -c \"${prefix}/bin/ndnd-autoconfig -d ${prefix}/var/run/ndnd/autoconfig.pid &\""
-startupitem.stop        "su ${ndnxuser} -c \"kill `cat ${prefix}/var/run/ndnd/autoconfig.pid`\" ; su ${ndnxuser} -c \"${prefix}/bin/ndndstop\""
-startupitem.restart     "su ${ndnxuser} -c \"${prefix}/bin/ndndc -f ${ndnxdir}/ndnd.conf\" && su ${ndnxuser} -c \"${prefix}/bin/ndnd-autoconfig\""
-variant no_autoconf description {Disable automatic detection of local ndnx hub} {
-    startupitem.start       "su ${ndnxuser} -c \"${prefix}/bin/ndndstart\""
-    startupitem.restart     "su ${ndnxuser} -c \"${prefix}/bin/ndndc -f ${ndnxdir}/ndnd.conf\""
-startupitem.create      yes
-startupitem.name        ${name}
-startupitem.netchange   yes
-startupitem.logevents   yes
-startupitem.logfile     ${prefix}/var/log/ndnx.log
 notes "
 You can add the following line into \"${ndnxdir}/ndndrc\" in order to automatically
@@ -121,19 +60,8 @@
-For more information and documentation, refer to man pages and http://www.ndnx.org website.
+For more information and documentation, refer to man pages and http://www.named-data.net website.
-If you have your public key signed by NDN testbed operators and you installed the certificate
-\(using ndn-install-pubcert command\), you can enable automatic configuration of the default
-route using your key.  To do so, you need to run the following commands once:
-  # extract public key from ndnx user
-  sudo HOME=${ndnxdir} ndn-extract-public-key > /tmp/ndnx.pem
-  # sign public key of the ndnx user
-  ndn-sign-key -i \"ndnx-autoconfig\" /tmp/ndnx.pem
-  # install certification of the public key
-  sudo HOME=${ndnxdir} ndn-install-pubcert /tmp/ndnx.pubcert
+Consider installing NDNx Control Center \(port install ndnx-control-center\) if you want the daemon
+to automatically start and configure default route.