nfd + ndn-cxx: New ports
Change-Id: I7ea6eba5828fca96409117debdcb8a0af87e5ff4
diff --git a/net/nfd/Portfile b/net/nfd/Portfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a893ec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net/nfd/Portfile
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
+# $Id$
+PortSystem 1.0
+PortGroup github 1.0
+github.setup named-data NFD b47d53842a6ea8d32800459270a667952d4079bf
+checksums rmd160 b4c9d6217791642ee6438172be07356554ab2efd \
+ sha256 8c40c6e96266e064455c2ca6b0b87eedd2bfed10511edcba9940facb6131802a
+name nfd
+license GPL3+
+version 0.1.0-rc1.1
+categories net
+platforms darwin
+description Named Data Networking Forwarding Daemon
+long_description \
+ NFD is a network forwarder that implements and evolves together with the \
+ Named Data Networking (NDN) protocol. The main design goal of NFD is \
+ to support diverse experimentation of NDN technology. \
+ The design emphasizes modularity and extensibility to allow easy \
+ experiments with new protocol features, algorithms, new \
+ applications. We have not fully optimized the code for \
+ performance. The intention is that performance optimizations are one \
+ type of experiments that developers can conduct by trying out \
+ different data structures and different algorithms\; over time, better \
+ implementations may emerge within the same design framework.
+depends_lib-append port:ndn-cxx \
+ port:libpcap
+depends_build-append port:pkgconfig \
+ port:py27-sphinx
+use_configure yes
+configure.env-append SPHINX_BUILD=${prefix}/bin/sphinx-build-2.7
+configure.cmd ./waf configure
+build.cmd ./waf build
+destroot.cmd ./waf install
+destroot.destdir --destdir=${destroot}
+set ndn_user ndn
+set ndn_group ndn
+add_users ${ndn_user} shell=/bin/sh group=${ndn_group} \
+ realname=NDN\ User
+post-destroot {
+ # Install plists
+ xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/LaunchDaemons/net.named-data.nfd/
+ xinstall -m 755 ${filespath}/net.named-data.nfd.plist \
+ ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/LaunchDaemons/net.named-data.nfd/
+ xinstall -m 755 ${filespath}/net.named-data.nrd.plist \
+ ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/LaunchDaemons/net.named-data.nfd/
+ reinplace "s|/usr/local|${prefix}|g" \
+ ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/LaunchDaemons/net.named-data.nfd/net.named-data.nfd.plist
+ reinplace "s|/usr/local|${prefix}|g" \
+ ${destroot}${prefix}/etc/LaunchDaemons/net.named-data.nfd/net.named-data.nrd.plist
+ # Install replacement for nfd-start/stop scripts
+ xinstall -m 755 ${filespath}/nfd-start "${destroot}${prefix}/bin/"
+ xinstall -m 755 ${filespath}/nfd-stop "${destroot}${prefix}/bin/"
+post-activate {
+ # Create log dir
+ xinstall -m 755 -d -o ${ndn_user} -g ${ndn_group} \
+ ${prefix}/var/log/ndn
+ system "cd /Library/LaunchDaemons && sudo ln -sf \
+ ${prefix}/etc/LaunchDaemons/net.named-data.nfd/net.named-data.nfd.plist"
+ system "cd /Library/LaunchDaemons && sudo ln -sf \
+ ${prefix}/etc/LaunchDaemons/net.named-data.nfd/net.named-data.nrd.plist"
+ if {![file exists ${prefix}/etc/ndn/nfd.conf]} {
+ file copy ${prefix}/etc/ndn/nfd.conf.sample \
+ ${prefix}/etc/ndn/nfd.conf
+ # Generate self-signed NDN certificate for nfd (owned by root)
+ xinstall -m 755 -d ${prefix}/var/lib/ndn/nfd/.ndn
+ system "echo tpm=file > ${prefix}/var/lib/ndn/nfd/.ndn/client.conf"
+ system "HOME=${prefix}/var/lib/ndn/nfd ndnsec-keygen /localhost/daemons/nfd | \
+ HOME=${prefix}/var/lib/ndn/nfd ndnsec-install-cert -"
+ # Generate self-signed NDN certificate for nrd (owned by ndn)
+ xinstall -m 755 -d -o ${ndn_user} -g ${ndn_group} ${prefix}/var/lib/ndn/nrd/.ndn
+ system "sudo -u ${ndn_user} -g ${ndn_group} sh -c 'echo tpm=file \
+ > ${prefix}/var/lib/ndn/nrd/.ndn/client.conf'"
+ system "sudo -u ${ndn_user} -g ${ndn_group} HOME=${prefix}/var/lib/ndn/nrd \
+ ndnsec-keygen /localhost/daemons/nrd | \
+ sudo -u ${ndn_user} -g ndn HOME=${prefix}/var/lib/ndn/nrd ndnsec-install-cert -"
+ # Dump RIB Management daemon's certificate
+ xinstall -m 755 -d ${prefix}/etc/ndn/certs
+ system "sudo sh -c 'sudo -u ${ndn_user} -g ${ndn_group} HOME=${prefix}/var/lib/ndn/nrd \
+ ndnsec-dump-certificate -i /localhost/daemons/nrd \
+ > ${prefix}/etc/ndn/certs/localhost_daemons_nrd.ndncert'"
+ }
+pre-deactivate {
+ system "${prefix}/bin/nfd-stop"
+ system "rm ${prefix}/etc/LaunchDaemons/net.named-data.nfd/net.named-data.nfd.plist"
+ system "rm ${prefix}/etc/LaunchDaemons/net.named-data.nfd/net.named-data.nrd.plist"
+notes "
+To start NFD and ensure it is started when system boots:
+ nfd-start
+To stop NFD and disable auto-start when system boots:
+ nfd-stop
+NFD log files are located in ${prefix}/var/log/ndn/
+Configuration file is in ${prefix}/var/etc/ndn/