ci: update jenkins scripts and add .travis.yml

Change-Id: I1c5c743a310da5a32b462b69f76c97dfcdc822a9
diff --git a/.jenkins.d/ b/.jenkins.d/
index c9e2a63..e627627 100755
--- a/.jenkins.d/
+++ b/.jenkins.d/
@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@
 sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/ndnsec*
 sudo rm -fr /usr/local/include/ndn-cxx
-sudo rm -f /usr/local/lib/libndn-cxx*
-sudo rm -f /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/libndn-cxx.pc
+sudo rm -f /usr/local/lib{,64}/libndn-cxx*
+sudo rm -f /usr/local/lib{,64}/pkgconfig/libndn-cxx.pc
 pushd ndn-cxx >/dev/null
 ./waf configure --color=yes --enable-shared --disable-static --without-osx-keychain
 ./waf build --color=yes -j${WAF_JOBS:-1}
-sudo env "PATH=$PATH" ./waf install --color=yes
+sudo_preserve_env PATH -- ./waf install --color=yes
 popd >/dev/null
 popd >/dev/null
diff --git a/.jenkins.d/ b/.jenkins.d/
index 9d88c33..209e10b 100755
--- a/.jenkins.d/
+++ b/.jenkins.d/
@@ -6,8 +6,14 @@
 set -x
+if [[ $JOB_NAME == *"code-coverage" ]]; then
+    COVERAGE="--with-coverage"
+elif [[ -z $DISABLE_ASAN ]]; then
+    ASAN="--with-sanitizer=address"
 # Cleanup
-sudo env "PATH=$PATH" ./waf --color=yes distclean
+sudo_preserve_env PATH -- ./waf --color=yes distclean
 if [[ $JOB_NAME != *"code-coverage" && $JOB_NAME != *"limited-build" ]]; then
   # Configure/build in optimized mode with tests
@@ -15,29 +21,24 @@
   ./waf --color=yes build -j${WAF_JOBS:-1}
   # Cleanup
-  sudo env "PATH=$PATH" ./waf --color=yes distclean
+  sudo_preserve_env PATH -- ./waf --color=yes distclean
   # Configure/build in optimized mode without tests
   ./waf --color=yes configure
   ./waf --color=yes build -j${WAF_JOBS:-1}
   # Cleanup
-  sudo env "PATH=$PATH" ./waf --color=yes distclean
+  sudo_preserve_env PATH -- ./waf --color=yes distclean
 # Configure/build in debug mode with tests
-if [[ $JOB_NAME == *"code-coverage" ]]; then
-    COVERAGE="--with-coverage"
-elif [[ -n $BUILD_WITH_ASAN || -z $TRAVIS ]]; then
-    ASAN="--with-sanitizer=address"
-./waf --color=yes configure --debug --with-tests --with-examples $COVERAGE $ASAN
+./waf --color=yes configure --debug --with-tests --with-examples $ASAN $COVERAGE
 ./waf --color=yes build -j${WAF_JOBS:-1}
 # (tests will be run against debug version)
 # Install
-sudo env "PATH=$PATH" ./waf --color=yes install
+sudo_preserve_env PATH -- ./waf --color=yes install
 if has Linux $NODE_LABELS; then
     sudo ldconfig
diff --git a/.jenkins.d/ b/.jenkins.d/
index 2541866..ec4461b 100755
--- a/.jenkins.d/
+++ b/.jenkins.d/
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
-export NDN_LOG="*=DEBUG"
 # Run unit tests
 ./build/unit-tests $(ut_log_args)
diff --git a/.jenkins.d/ b/.jenkins.d/
index 39fa40b..5813349 100644
--- a/.jenkins.d/
+++ b/.jenkins.d/
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
   Possible values:
   * empty: default build process
-  * `code-coverage` (Linux OS is assumed): debug build with tests and code coverage analysis
+  * `code-coverage` (Ubuntu Linux is assumed): debug build with tests and code coverage analysis
   * `limited-build`: only a single debug build with tests
 - `CACHE_DIR`: the variable defines a path to folder containing cached files from previous builds,
diff --git a/.jenkins.d/ b/.jenkins.d/
index a89bc27..8ddc4ba 100644
--- a/.jenkins.d/
+++ b/.jenkins.d/
@@ -16,3 +16,22 @@
     set ${saved_xtrace}
     return ${ret}
+sudo_preserve_env() {
+    local saved_xtrace
+    [[ $- == *x* ]] && saved_xtrace=-x || saved_xtrace=+x
+    set +x
+    local vars=()
+    while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
+        local arg=$1
+        shift
+        case ${arg} in
+            --) break ;;
+            *)  vars+=("${arg}=${!arg}") ;;
+        esac
+    done
+    set ${saved_xtrace}
+    sudo env "${vars[@]}" "$@"
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47579e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+language: cpp
+dist: xenial
+  global:
+    - JOB_NAME=limited-build
+    - WAF_JOBS=2
+  include:
+    # Linux/gcc
+    #
+    - os: linux
+      env: COMPILER=g++-5
+    - os: linux
+      env: COMPILER=g++-6
+    - os: linux
+      env: COMPILER=g++-7
+    - os: linux
+      env: COMPILER=g++-8
+    # Linux/clang
+    #
+    - os: linux
+      env: COMPILER=clang++-3.8
+    - os: linux
+      env: COMPILER=clang++-3.9
+    - os: linux
+      env: COMPILER=clang++-4.0
+    - os: linux
+      env: COMPILER=clang++-5.0
+    - os: linux
+      env: COMPILER=clang++-6.0
+    # temporarily disable AddressSanitizer on clang-7 and later
+    # due to
+    - os: linux
+      env: COMPILER=clang++-7 DISABLE_ASAN=yes
+    - os: linux
+      env: COMPILER=clang++-8 DISABLE_ASAN=yes
+    - os: linux
+      env: COMPILER=clang++-9 DISABLE_ASAN=yes
+    # macOS/clang
+    #
+    - os: osx
+      osx_image: xcode8.3
+      env: OSX_VERSION=10.12
+    - os: osx
+      osx_image: xcode9.2
+      env: OSX_VERSION=10.12
+    - os: osx
+      osx_image: xcode9.4
+      env: OSX_VERSION=10.13
+    - os: osx
+      osx_image: xcode10.1
+      env: OSX_VERSION=10.13
+    - os: osx
+      osx_image: xcode10.2
+      env: OSX_VERSION=10.14
+  allow_failures:
+    - env: COMPILER=clang++-9 DISABLE_ASAN=yes
+  fast_finish: true
+install: |
+    case ${COMPILER} in
+      g++-5)
+        ;;
+      g++-*)
+        travis_retry sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
+        travis_retry sudo apt-get -qq update
+        travis_retry sudo apt-get -qy install "${COMPILER}"
+        ;;
+      clang++-*)
+        CLANG_VERSION=${COMPILER/clang++}
+        if [[ ${CLANG_VERSION} != "-3."* ]]; then
+          travis_retry wget -nv -O - "" | sudo apt-key add -
+          travis_retry sudo add-apt-repository -y "deb llvm-toolchain-xenial${CLANG_VERSION/-9} main"
+        fi
+        travis_retry sudo apt-get -qq update
+        travis_retry sudo apt-get -qy install "clang${CLANG_VERSION}"
+        ;;
+    esac
+  - if [[ ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} == linux ]]; then export NODE_LABELS="Linux Ubuntu Ubuntu-16.04"; fi
+  - if [[ ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} == osx ]]; then export NODE_LABELS="OSX OSX-${OSX_VERSION}"; fi
+  - if [[ ${OSX_VERSION} == 10.12 ]]; then brew update; fi
+  # workaround for
+  - if [[ ${OSX_VERSION} == 10.12 ]]; then brew outdated python || brew upgrade python; fi
+  # workaround for
+  - if [[ ${OSX_VERSION} == 10.12 ]]; then /usr/bin/yes | pip2 uninstall numpy || true; fi
+  - if [[ -n ${COMPILER} ]]; then export CXX=${COMPILER}; fi
+  - ${CXX:-c++} --version
+  - python --version
+  - ./.jenkins