1. 0b0eddd ci: update .travis.yml and jenkins scripts by Davide Pesavento · 6 years ago
  2. 32ec3fd communication: sync protocol adapater to add psync by Ashlesh Gawande · 7 years ago
  3. 05cb728 src+tools: use segment fetcher start by Ashlesh Gawande · 7 years ago
  4. f04f989 Convert to v2::security and adapt to ndn-cxx changes by Muktadir Chowdhury · 8 years ago
  5. 813df80 ci: sync CI scripts with NFD by Davide Pesavento · 8 years ago[Renamed (81%) from .jenkins.d/11-chronosync.sh]
  6. 6a81b77 ci: preserve PATH when running waf under sudo by Davide Pesavento · 8 years ago
  7. b9e2c65 build: Fixed ChronoSync not being found on OS X. by Nick Gordon · 8 years ago
  8. b9c5cec build: specify pre-v2 change version of ndn-cxx, ChronoSync in Jenkins file by Nick Gordon · 8 years ago
  9. 415676b make chronosync a dependency by Ashlesh Gawande · 8 years ago