security: Add permanent certificate storage for validator

refs: #2779

Change-Id: I5d9588136474b7eff3adf258a60aff0b7909bead
diff --git a/tests/test-conf-file-processor.cpp b/tests/test-conf-file-processor.cpp
index e5f709d..50cc872 100644
--- a/tests/test-conf-file-processor.cpp
+++ b/tests/test-conf-file-processor.cpp
@@ -471,6 +471,53 @@
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(processConfigurationString(SECTION_GENERAL_NEGATIVE_VALUE), false);
+  ndn::Name identity("/TestNLSR/identity");
+  identity.appendVersion();
+  ndn::KeyChain keyChain;
+  keyChain.createIdentity(identity);
+  ndn::Name certName = keyChain.getDefaultCertificateNameForIdentity(identity);
+  shared_ptr<ndn::IdentityCertificate> certificate = keyChain.getCertificate(certName);
+  const boost::filesystem::path CERT_PATH =
+      (boost::filesystem::current_path() / std::string("cert-to-publish.cert"));
+  ndn::io::save(*certificate, CERT_PATH.string());
+  const std::string SECTION_SECURITY =
+  "security\n"
+  "{\n"
+  "  validator\n"
+  "  {\n"
+  "    trust-anchor\n"
+  "    {\n"
+  "      type any\n"
+  "    }\n"
+  "  }\n"
+  "  prefix-update-validator\n"
+  "  {\n"
+  "    trust-anchor\n"
+  "    {\n"
+  "      type any\n"
+  "    }\n"
+  "  }\n"
+  "  cert-to-publish \"cert-to-publish.cert\"\n"
+  "}\n\n";
+  BOOST_CHECK(processConfigurationString(SECTION_SECURITY));
+  // Certificate should now be in the CertificateStore
+  const security::CertificateStore& certStore = nlsr.getCertificateStore();
+  const ndn::Name certKey = certificate->getName().getPrefix(-1);
+  BOOST_CHECK(certStore.find(certKey) != nullptr);
+  // Cleanup
+  keyChain.deleteIdentity(identity);
+  boost::filesystem::remove(CERT_PATH);
 } //namespace test