Own Name LSA installation
diff --git a/nlsr_lsdb.hpp b/nlsr_lsdb.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c37fb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nlsr_lsdb.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#ifndef NLSR_LSDB_HPP
+#define NLSR_LSDB_HPP
+#include "nlsr_lsa.hpp"
+using namespace std;
+class nlsr;
+class Lsdb{
+	Lsdb()
+	{
+	}
+	bool doesLsaExist(string key, int lsType);
+	// function related to Name LSDB 
+	bool buildAndInstallOwnNameLsa(nlsr& nlsr);
+	NameLsa& getNameLsa(string key);
+	bool installNameLsa(NameLsa &nlsa);
+	bool removeNameLsa(string& key);
+	void printNameLsdb(); //debugging
+	//function related to Cor LSDB
+	bool buildAndInstallOwnCorLsa(nlsr& nlsr);
+	CorLsa& getCorLsa(string key);
+	bool installCorLsa(CorLsa &nlsa);
+	bool removeCorLsa(string& key);
+	void printCorLsdb(); //debugging
+	bool addNameLsa(NameLsa &nlsa);
+	bool doesNameLsaExist(string key);
+	bool doesAdjLsaExist(string key);
+	bool doesCorLsaExist(string key);
+	std::list<NameLsa> nameLsdb;
+	std::list<AdjLsa> adjLsdb;
+	std::list<CorLsa> corLsdb;