nlsr_sync add
diff --git a/nlsr_sync.c b/nlsr_sync.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b228c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nlsr_sync.c
@@ -0,0 +1,794 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/un.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <ccn/ccn.h>
+#include <ccn/uri.h>
+#include <ccn/keystore.h>
+#include <ccn/signing.h>
+#include <ccn/schedule.h>
+#include <ccn/hashtb.h>
+#include <ccn/sync.h>
+#include <ccn/seqwriter.h>
+#include "nlsr.h"
+#include "nlsr_sync.h"
+#include "nlsr_lsdb.h"
+#include "utility.h"
+char *
+hex_string(unsigned char *s, size_t l)
+    const char *hex_digits = "0123456789abcdef";
+    char *r;
+    int i;
+    r = calloc(1, 1 + 2 * l);
+    for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+        r[2*i] = hex_digits[(s[i]>>4) & 0xf];
+        r[1+2*i] = hex_digits[s[i] & 0xf];
+    }
+    return(r);
+sync_cb(struct ccns_name_closure *nc,
+        struct ccn_charbuf *lhash,
+        struct ccn_charbuf *rhash,
+        struct ccn_charbuf *name)
+    char *hexL;
+    char *hexR;
+    int res;
+    struct ccn_charbuf *uri = ccn_charbuf_create();
+    if (lhash == NULL || lhash->length == 0) {
+        hexL = strdup("none");
+    } else
+        hexL = hex_string(lhash->buf, lhash->length);
+    if (rhash == NULL || rhash->length == 0) {
+        hexR = strdup("none");
+    } else
+        hexR = hex_string(rhash->buf, rhash->length);
+    if (name != NULL)
+        ccn_uri_append(uri, name->buf, name->length, 1);
+    else
+        ccn_charbuf_append_string(uri, "(null)");
+    if ( nlsr->debugging )
+	printf("Response from sync in the name: %s \n",ccn_charbuf_as_string(uri));	
+    fflush(stdout);
+    free(hexL);
+    free(hexR);
+    ccn_charbuf_destroy(&uri);
+	//--Doing our thing from here
+ 	struct ccn_indexbuf cid={0};
+    	struct ccn_indexbuf *components=&cid;
+    	ccn_name_split (name, components);
+    	//ccn_name_chop(name,components,-3);
+	//process_content_from_sync(name,components);
+	struct ccn_charbuf *content_name = ccn_charbuf_create();
+	ccn_name_init(content_name);
+	res = ccn_name_append_components(content_name, name->buf, components->buf[0], components->buf[components->n - 1]);
+	// debugging purpose
+	struct ccn_charbuf *temp=ccn_charbuf_create();
+	ccn_uri_append(temp, content_name->buf, content_name->length, 0);
+	if ( nlsr->debugging )
+		printf("Name before chopping: %s \n",ccn_charbuf_as_string(temp));
+	ccn_charbuf_destroy(&temp);
+	struct ccn_indexbuf cid1={0};
+    	struct ccn_indexbuf *components1=&cid1;
+    	res=ccn_name_split (content_name, components1);
+	if ( nlsr->debugging )
+		{
+			printf("Number of components in name = %d \n",res);
+			printf("Number of components in name as indexbuf->n = %d \n",(int)components1->n);
+		}
+	ccn_name_chop(content_name,components1,-3);
+	if ( nlsr->debugging )
+		printf("Number of components in name as indexbuf->n after chopping= %d \n",(int)components1->n);	
+	//debugging purpose
+	struct ccn_charbuf *temp1=ccn_charbuf_create();
+	ccn_uri_append(temp1, content_name->buf, content_name->length, 0);
+	if ( nlsr->debugging )
+		printf("Name after chopping: %s \n",ccn_charbuf_as_string(temp1));
+	ccn_charbuf_destroy(&temp1);
+	process_content_from_sync(content_name,components1);
+	ccn_charbuf_destroy(&content_name);
+  return(0);
+get_lsa_position(struct ccn_charbuf * ccnb, struct ccn_indexbuf *comps)
+	int res,i;
+	int lsa_position=0; 	 	
+	int name_comps=(int)comps->n;
+	for(i=0;i<name_comps;i++)
+	{
+		res=ccn_name_comp_strcmp(ccnb->buf,comps,i,"LSA");
+		if( res == 0)
+		{
+			lsa_position=i;
+			break;
+		}	
+	}
+	return lsa_position;
+get_name_part(struct name_prefix *name_part,struct ccn_charbuf * interest_ccnb, struct ccn_indexbuf *interest_comps, int offset)
+	int res,i;
+	int lsa_position=0;
+	int len=0;
+	struct ccn_indexbuf cid={0};
+    	struct ccn_indexbuf *components=&cid;
+	struct ccn_charbuf *name=ccn_charbuf_create();
+	ccn_name_from_uri(name,nlsr->slice_prefix);
+    	ccn_name_split (name, components);
+	lsa_position=components->n-2;
+    	ccn_charbuf_destroy(&name);
+	const unsigned char *comp_ptr1;
+	size_t comp_size;
+	for(i=lsa_position+1+offset;i<interest_comps->n-1;i++)
+	{
+		res=ccn_name_comp_get(interest_ccnb->buf, interest_comps,i,&comp_ptr1, &comp_size);
+		len+=1;
+		len+=(int)comp_size;	
+	}
+	len++;
+	char *neighbor=(char *)malloc(len);
+	memset(neighbor,0,len);
+	for(i=lsa_position+1+offset; i<interest_comps->n-1;i++)
+	{
+		res=ccn_name_comp_get(interest_ccnb->buf, interest_comps,i,&comp_ptr1, &comp_size);
+		memcpy(neighbor+strlen(neighbor),"/",1);
+		memcpy(neighbor+strlen(neighbor),(char *)comp_ptr1,strlen((char *)comp_ptr1));
+	}
+	name_part->name=(char *)malloc(strlen(neighbor)+1);
+	memset(name_part->name,0,strlen(neighbor)+1);
+	memcpy(name_part->name,neighbor,strlen(neighbor)+1);
+	name_part->length=strlen(neighbor)+1;
+	// Add 01/31/2013
+	free(neighbor);
+get_host_name_from_command_string(struct name_prefix *name_part,char *nbr_name_uri, int offset)
+	int res,i;
+	int len=0;
+	const unsigned char *comp_ptr1;
+	size_t comp_size;
+	struct ccn_charbuf *name=ccn_charbuf_create();
+	name = ccn_charbuf_create();
+    	res = ccn_name_from_uri(name,nbr_name_uri);
+    	if (res < 0) {
+        	fprintf(stderr, "Bad ccn URI: %s\n", nbr_name_uri);
+        	exit(1);
+    	}	
+	struct ccn_indexbuf cid={0};
+    	struct ccn_indexbuf *components=&cid;
+    	ccn_name_split (name, components);
+	for(i=components->n-2;i> (0+offset);i--)
+	{
+		res=ccn_name_comp_get(name->buf, components,i,&comp_ptr1, &comp_size);
+		len+=1;
+		len+=(int)comp_size;	
+	}
+	len++;
+	char *neighbor=(char *)malloc(len);
+	memset(neighbor,0,len);
+	for(i=components->n-2;i> (0+offset);i--)
+	{
+		res=ccn_name_comp_get(name->buf, components,i,&comp_ptr1, &comp_size);
+		if ( i != components->n-2)
+		memcpy(neighbor+strlen(neighbor),".",1);
+		memcpy(neighbor+strlen(neighbor),(char *)comp_ptr1,strlen((char *)comp_ptr1));
+	}
+	name_part->name=(char *)malloc(strlen(neighbor)+1);
+	memset(name_part->name,0,strlen(neighbor)+1);
+	memcpy(name_part->name,neighbor,strlen(neighbor)+1);
+	name_part->length=strlen(neighbor)+1;
+	// 01/31/2013
+	free(neighbor);
+	ccn_charbuf_destroy(&name);
+get_content_by_content_name(char *content_name, unsigned char **content_data)
+	struct ccn_charbuf *name = NULL;
+	struct ccn_charbuf *templ = NULL;
+	struct ccn_charbuf *resultbuf = NULL;
+	struct ccn_parsed_ContentObject pcobuf = { 0 };
+	int res;
+	int allow_stale = 0;
+	int content_only = 1;
+	int scope = -1;
+	const unsigned char *ptr; 
+	size_t length;
+	int resolve_version = CCN_V_HIGHEST;
+	int timeout_ms = 3000;
+	const unsigned lifetime_default = CCN_INTEREST_LIFETIME_SEC << 12;
+	unsigned lifetime_l12 = lifetime_default;
+	int get_flags = 0;
+	name = ccn_charbuf_create();
+	res = ccn_name_from_uri(name,content_name);
+	if (res < 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Bad ccn URI: %s\n", content_name);
+		exit(1);
+	}
+	if (allow_stale || lifetime_l12 != lifetime_default || scope != -1) {
+		templ = ccn_charbuf_create();
+		ccn_charbuf_append_tt(templ, CCN_DTAG_Interest, CCN_DTAG);
+		ccn_charbuf_append_tt(templ, CCN_DTAG_Name, CCN_DTAG);
+		ccn_charbuf_append_closer(templ); /* </Name> */
+		if (allow_stale) {
+			ccn_charbuf_append_tt(templ, CCN_DTAG_AnswerOriginKind, CCN_DTAG);
+			ccnb_append_number(templ,
+			ccn_charbuf_append_closer(templ); /* </AnswerOriginKind> */
+		}
+		if (scope != -1) {
+			ccnb_tagged_putf(templ, CCN_DTAG_Scope, "%d", scope);
+		}
+		if (lifetime_l12 != lifetime_default) {
+			/*
+			 * Choose the interest lifetime so there are at least 3
+			 * expressions (in the unsatisfied case).
+			 */
+			unsigned char buf[3] = { 0 };
+			int i;
+			for (i = sizeof(buf) - 1; i >= 0; i--, lifetime_l12 >>= 8)
+				buf[i] = lifetime_l12 & 0xff;
+			ccnb_append_tagged_blob(templ, CCN_DTAG_InterestLifetime, buf, sizeof(buf));
+		}
+		ccn_charbuf_append_closer(templ); /* </Interest> */
+	}
+	resultbuf = ccn_charbuf_create();
+	if (resolve_version != 0) {
+		res = ccn_resolve_version(nlsr->ccn, name, resolve_version, 500);
+		if (res >= 0) {
+			ccn_uri_append(resultbuf, name->buf, name->length, 1);
+			resultbuf->length = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	res = ccn_get(nlsr->ccn, name, templ, timeout_ms, resultbuf, &pcobuf, NULL, get_flags);
+	if (res >= 0) {
+		ptr = resultbuf->buf;
+		length = resultbuf->length;
+		if (content_only){
+			ccn_content_get_value(ptr, length, &pcobuf, &ptr, &length);
+			*content_data = (unsigned char *) calloc(length, sizeof(char *));
+			memcpy (*content_data, ptr, length);
+		}
+	}
+	ccn_charbuf_destroy(&resultbuf);
+	ccn_charbuf_destroy(&templ);
+	ccn_charbuf_destroy(&name);   
+process_incoming_sync_content_lsa( unsigned char *content_data)
+	if ( nlsr->debugging )
+		printf("process_incoming_sync_content_lsa called \n");	
+	char *sep="|";
+	char *rem;
+	char *orig_router;
+	char *orl;
+	int orig_router_length;
+	char *lst;
+	int ls_type;
+	char *lsid;
+	long int ls_id;
+	char *isvld;
+	int isValid;
+	char *num_link;
+	int no_link;
+	char *np;
+	char *np_length;
+	int name_length;
+	char *data;
+	char *orig_time;
+	if ( nlsr->debugging )
+		printf("LSA Data \n");
+	if( strlen((char *)content_data ) > 0 )
+	{
+		orig_router=strtok_r((char *)content_data,sep,&rem);
+		orl=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+		orig_router_length=atoi(orl);
+		if ( nlsr->debugging )
+		{
+			printf("	Orig Router Name  : %s\n",orig_router);
+			printf("	Orig Router Length: %d\n",orig_router_length);
+		}
+		lst=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);		
+		ls_type=atoi(lst);
+		if ( nlsr->debugging )
+			printf("	LS Type  : %d\n",ls_type);
+		if ( ls_type == LS_TYPE_NAME )
+		{
+			lsid=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+			ls_id=atoi(lsid);
+			orig_time=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+			isvld=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+			isValid=atoi(isvld);
+			np=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+			np_length=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+			name_length=atoi(np_length);
+			if ( nlsr->debugging )
+			{
+				printf("	LS ID  : %ld\n",ls_id);
+				printf("	isValid  : %d\n",isValid);
+				printf("	Name Prefix : %s\n",np);
+				printf("	Orig Time   : %s\n",orig_time);
+				printf("	Name Prefix length: %d\n",name_length);
+			}
+			build_and_install_others_name_lsa(orig_router,ls_type,ls_id,orig_time,isValid,np);
+			print_name_lsdb();
+		}
+		else if ( ls_type == LS_TYPE_ADJ )
+		{
+			orig_time=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+			num_link=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+			no_link=atoi(num_link);
+			data=rem;
+			if ( nlsr->debugging )
+			{
+				printf("	Orig Time   : %s\n",orig_time);
+				printf("	No Link  : %d\n",no_link);
+				printf("	Data  : %s\n",data);
+			}
+			build_and_install_others_adj_lsa(orig_router,ls_type,orig_time,no_link,data);
+		}
+		else if ( ls_type == LS_TYPE_COR )
+		{
+			orig_time=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+			char *cor_r=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+			char *cor_theta=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+			double r, theta;
+			r=strtof(cor_r,NULL);
+			theta=strtof(cor_theta,NULL);
+			if ( nlsr->debugging )
+			{
+				printf("	Orig Time   : %s\n",orig_time);
+				printf("	Cor R	    : %f\n",r);
+				printf("	Cor Theta   : %f\n",theta);
+			}
+			build_and_install_others_cor_lsa(orig_router,ls_type,orig_time, (double)r, (double)theta);	
+		}
+	}
+process_content_from_sync(struct ccn_charbuf *content_name, struct ccn_indexbuf *components)
+	//int lsa_position;
+	int res;
+	size_t comp_size;
+	char *lst;
+	char *lsid;
+	const unsigned char *second_last_comp;
+	const unsigned char *third_last_comp;
+	const unsigned char *origtime;
+	char *sep=".";
+	char *rem;
+	char *second_comp_type;
+	int ls_type;
+	long int ls_id=0;
+	unsigned char *content_data = NULL;
+	char *time_stamp=(char *)malloc(20);
+	memset(time_stamp,0,20);
+	get_current_timestamp_micro(time_stamp);
+	struct ccn_charbuf *uri = ccn_charbuf_create();
+	ccn_uri_append(uri, content_name->buf, content_name->length, 0);	
+	struct name_prefix *orig_router=(struct name_prefix *)malloc(sizeof(struct name_prefix));
+	struct ccn_indexbuf cid={0};
+    	struct ccn_indexbuf *temp_components=&cid;
+	struct ccn_charbuf *name=ccn_charbuf_create();
+	ccn_name_from_uri(name,nlsr->slice_prefix);
+    	ccn_name_split (name, temp_components);
+	//lsa_position=temp_components->n-2;
+    	ccn_charbuf_destroy(&name);
+	//res=ccn_name_comp_get(content_name->buf, components,lsa_position+1,&lst, &comp_size);
+	res=ccn_name_comp_get(content_name->buf, components,components->n-2-1,&second_last_comp, &comp_size);	
+	//ls_type=atoi((char *)lst);
+	printf("2nd Last Component: %s \n",second_last_comp);
+	second_comp_type=strtok_r((char *)second_last_comp,sep,&rem);		
+	if ( strcmp( second_comp_type, "lsId" ) == 0 )
+	{	
+		lsid=rem;
+		ls_id=atoi(rem);
+		res=ccn_name_comp_get(content_name->buf, components,components->n-2-2,&third_last_comp, &comp_size);
+		lst=strtok_r((char *)third_last_comp,sep,&rem);
+		lst=rem;
+		ls_type=atoi(lst);
+		res=ccn_name_comp_get(content_name->buf, components,components->n-2,&origtime, &comp_size);
+		ccn_name_chop(content_name,components,-3);
+		get_name_part(orig_router,content_name,components,0);
+		if ( nlsr->debugging )
+			printf("Orig Router: %s Ls Type: %d Ls id: %ld Orig Time: %s\n",orig_router->name,ls_type,ls_id,origtime);
+		int lsa_life_time=get_time_diff(time_stamp,(char *)origtime);
+		if ( (strcmp((char *)orig_router,nlsr->router_name) == 0 && lsa_life_time < nlsr->lsa_refresh_time) || (strcmp((char *)orig_router,nlsr->router_name) != 0 && lsa_life_time < nlsr->router_dead_interval) )
+		{
+			int is_new_name_lsa=check_is_new_name_lsa(orig_router->name,(char *)lst,(char *)lsid,(char *)origtime);
+			if ( is_new_name_lsa == 1 )
+			{
+				if ( nlsr->debugging )
+					printf("New NAME LSA.....\n");	
+				get_content_by_content_name(ccn_charbuf_as_string(uri), &content_data);
+				if ( nlsr->debugging )
+					printf("Content Data: %s \n",content_data);
+				process_incoming_sync_content_lsa(content_data);
+			}
+			else 
+			{
+				if ( nlsr->debugging )
+					printf("Name LSA / Newer Name LSA already xists in LSDB\n");
+				get_content_by_content_name(ccn_charbuf_as_string(uri), &content_data);
+				if ( nlsr->debugging )
+					printf("Content Data: %s \n",content_data);
+			}
+		}
+		else 
+		{
+			if ( nlsr->debugging )
+				printf("Lsa is older than Router LSA refresh time/ Dead Interval\n");
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		ls_type=atoi(rem);
+		lst=rem;
+		if(ls_type == LS_TYPE_ADJ)
+		{
+			res=ccn_name_comp_get(content_name->buf, components,components->n-2,&origtime, &comp_size);
+			ccn_name_chop(content_name,components,-2);
+			get_name_part(orig_router,content_name,components,0);
+			if ( nlsr->debugging )
+				printf("Orig Router: %s Ls Type: %d Orig Time: %s\n",orig_router->name,ls_type,origtime);		
+			int lsa_life_time=get_time_diff(time_stamp,(char *)origtime);
+			if ( (strcmp((char *)orig_router,nlsr->router_name) == 0 && lsa_life_time < nlsr->lsa_refresh_time) || (strcmp((char *)orig_router,nlsr->router_name) != 0 && lsa_life_time < nlsr->router_dead_interval) )	
+			{
+				int is_new_adj_lsa=check_is_new_adj_lsa(orig_router->name,(char *)lst,(char *)origtime);
+				if ( is_new_adj_lsa == 1 )
+				{
+					if ( nlsr->debugging )
+						printf("New Adj LSA.....\n");	
+					get_content_by_content_name(ccn_charbuf_as_string(uri), &content_data);
+					if ( nlsr->debugging )
+						printf("Content Data: %s \n",content_data);
+					process_incoming_sync_content_lsa(content_data);			
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					if ( nlsr->debugging )
+						printf("Adj LSA / Newer Adj LSA already exists in LSDB\n");
+					get_content_by_content_name(ccn_charbuf_as_string(uri), &content_data);
+					if ( nlsr->debugging )
+						printf("Content Data: %s \n",content_data);
+				}
+			}
+			else 
+			{
+				if ( nlsr->debugging )
+					printf("Lsa is older than Router LSA refresh time/ Dead Interval\n");
+			}
+		}
+		else if(ls_type == LS_TYPE_COR)
+		{
+			res=ccn_name_comp_get(content_name->buf, components,components->n-2,&origtime, &comp_size);
+			ccn_name_chop(content_name,components,-2);
+			get_name_part(orig_router,content_name,components,0);
+			if ( nlsr->debugging )
+				printf("Orig Router: %s Ls Type: %d Orig Time: %s\n",orig_router->name,ls_type,origtime);
+			int lsa_life_time=get_time_diff(time_stamp,(char *)origtime);
+			if ( (strcmp((char *)orig_router,nlsr->router_name) == 0 && lsa_life_time < nlsr->lsa_refresh_time) || (strcmp((char *)orig_router,nlsr->router_name) != 0 && lsa_life_time < nlsr->router_dead_interval) )	
+			{
+				int is_new_cor_lsa=check_is_new_cor_lsa(orig_router->name,(char *)lst,(char *)origtime);
+				if ( is_new_cor_lsa == 1 )
+				{
+					if ( nlsr->debugging )
+						printf("New Cor LSA.....\n");	
+					get_content_by_content_name(ccn_charbuf_as_string(uri), &content_data);
+					if ( nlsr->debugging )
+						printf("Content Data: %s \n",content_data);
+					process_incoming_sync_content_lsa(content_data);			
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					if ( nlsr->debugging )
+						printf("Cor LSA / Newer Cor LSA already exists in LSDB\n");
+					get_content_by_content_name(ccn_charbuf_as_string(uri), &content_data);
+					if ( nlsr->debugging )
+						printf("Content Data: %s \n",content_data);
+				}
+			}
+			else 
+			{	
+				if ( nlsr->debugging )
+					printf("Lsa is older than Router LSA refresh time/ Dead Interval\n");
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (content_data != NULL)
+		free(content_data);
+	ccn_charbuf_destroy(&uri);
+	//01/31/2013	
+	free(time_stamp);
+sync_monitor(char *topo_prefix, char *slice_prefix)
+    static struct ccns_name_closure nc={0};	
+    nlsr->closure = &nc;
+    struct ccn_charbuf *prefix = ccn_charbuf_create();
+    struct ccn_charbuf *roothash = NULL;
+    struct ccn_charbuf *topo = ccn_charbuf_create(); 
+    nlsr->slice = ccns_slice_create();
+    ccn_charbuf_reset(prefix);
+    ccn_charbuf_reset(topo);
+    ccn_charbuf_reset(prefix);
+    ccn_name_from_uri(prefix, slice_prefix);
+    ccn_charbuf_reset(topo);
+    ccn_name_from_uri(topo, topo_prefix);
+    ccns_slice_set_topo_prefix(nlsr->slice, topo, prefix);
+    nlsr->closure->callback = &sync_cb;
+    nlsr->ccns = ccns_open(nlsr->ccn, nlsr->slice, nlsr->closure, roothash, NULL);
+    //01/31/2013
+    ccn_charbuf_destroy(&prefix);
+    ccn_charbuf_destroy(&topo);
+struct ccn_charbuf *
+make_template(int scope)
+    struct ccn_charbuf *templ = NULL;
+    templ = ccn_charbuf_create();
+    ccn_charbuf_append_tt(templ, CCN_DTAG_Interest, CCN_DTAG);
+    ccn_charbuf_append_tt(templ, CCN_DTAG_Name, CCN_DTAG);
+    ccn_charbuf_append_closer(templ); /* </Name> */
+    if (0 <= scope && scope <= 2)
+        ccnb_tagged_putf(templ, CCN_DTAG_Scope, "%d", scope);
+    ccn_charbuf_append_closer(templ); /* </Interest> */
+    return(templ);
+write_data_to_repo(char *data, char *name_prefix)
+	if ( nlsr->debugging )
+	{
+		printf("write_data_to_repo called\n");
+		printf("Content Name: %s \n",name_prefix);
+		printf("Content Data: %s \n",data);
+	}
+	struct ccn *temp_ccn;
+	temp_ccn=ccn_create();
+	int ccn_fd=ccn_connect(temp_ccn, NULL);
+	if(ccn_fd == -1)
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr,"Could not connect to ccnd for Data Writing\n");
+		writeLogg(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,"Could not connect to ccnd for Data Writing\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+    struct ccn_charbuf *name = NULL;
+    struct ccn_seqwriter *w = NULL;
+    int blocksize = 4096;
+    int freshness = -1;
+    int torepo = 1;
+    int scope = 1;
+    int res;
+    size_t blockread;
+    struct ccn_charbuf *templ;
+    name = ccn_charbuf_create();
+    res = ccn_name_from_uri(name, name_prefix);
+    if (res < 0) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "bad CCN URI: %s\n",name_prefix);
+	return -1;
+    }
+    w = ccn_seqw_create(temp_ccn, name);
+    if (w == NULL) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "ccn_seqw_create failed\n");
+	return -1;
+    }
+    ccn_seqw_set_block_limits(w, blocksize, blocksize);
+    if (freshness > -1)
+        ccn_seqw_set_freshness(w, freshness);
+    if (torepo) {
+        struct ccn_charbuf *name_v = ccn_charbuf_create();
+        ccn_seqw_get_name(w, name_v);
+        ccn_name_from_uri(name_v, "%C1.R.sw");
+        ccn_name_append_nonce(name_v);
+        templ = make_template(scope);
+        res = ccn_get(temp_ccn, name_v, templ, 60000, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
+        ccn_charbuf_destroy(&templ);
+        ccn_charbuf_destroy(&name_v);
+        if (res < 0) {
+            fprintf(stderr, "No response from repository\n");
+	    return -1;
+        }
+    }
+	blockread = 0;
+	blockread=strlen(data);
+	if (blockread > 0) {
+		ccn_run(temp_ccn, 100);
+		res = ccn_seqw_write(w, data, blockread);	
+        	while (res == -1) {
+            		ccn_run(temp_ccn, 100);
+	       		res = ccn_seqw_write(w, data, blockread);
+           	}
+    	}
+    ccn_seqw_close(w);
+    ccn_run(temp_ccn, 100);
+    ccn_charbuf_destroy(&name);
+    ccn_destroy(&temp_ccn);
+	return 0;
+create_sync_slice(char *topo_prefix, char *slice_prefix)
+    int res;
+    struct ccns_slice *slice;
+    struct ccn_charbuf *prefix = ccn_charbuf_create();
+    struct ccn_charbuf *topo = ccn_charbuf_create();
+    struct ccn_charbuf *clause = ccn_charbuf_create();
+    struct ccn_charbuf *slice_name = ccn_charbuf_create();
+    struct ccn_charbuf *slice_uri = ccn_charbuf_create();
+    if (prefix == NULL || topo == NULL || clause == NULL ||
+        slice_name == NULL || slice_uri == NULL) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate required memory.\n");
+	return -1;
+    }
+    slice = ccns_slice_create();
+    ccn_charbuf_reset(topo);
+    ccn_name_from_uri(topo, topo_prefix);
+    ccn_charbuf_reset(prefix);
+    ccn_name_from_uri(prefix,slice_prefix );
+    ccns_slice_set_topo_prefix(slice, topo, prefix);
+    res = ccns_write_slice(nlsr->ccn, slice, slice_name);
+    //01/31/2013
+    ccns_slice_destroy(&slice);
+    ccn_charbuf_destroy(&prefix);
+    ccn_charbuf_destroy(&topo);
+    ccn_charbuf_destroy(&clause);
+    ccn_charbuf_destroy(&slice_name);
+    ccn_charbuf_destroy(&slice_uri);
+    return 0;