| #! /usr/bin/env python |
| # encoding: utf-8 |
| # WARNING! Do not edit! http://waf.googlecode.com/git/docs/wafbook/single.html#_obtaining_the_waf_file |
| |
| import os,sys,re,tempfile |
| from waflib import Utils,Task,Logs,Options,Errors |
| from waflib.Logs import debug,warn |
| from waflib.TaskGen import after_method,feature |
| from waflib.Configure import conf |
| from waflib.Tools import ccroot,c,cxx,ar,winres |
| g_msvc_systemlibs=''' |
| aclui activeds ad1 adptif adsiid advapi32 asycfilt authz bhsupp bits bufferoverflowu cabinet |
| cap certadm certidl ciuuid clusapi comctl32 comdlg32 comsupp comsuppd comsuppw comsuppwd comsvcs |
| credui crypt32 cryptnet cryptui d3d8thk daouuid dbgeng dbghelp dciman32 ddao35 ddao35d |
| ddao35u ddao35ud delayimp dhcpcsvc dhcpsapi dlcapi dnsapi dsprop dsuiext dtchelp |
| faultrep fcachdll fci fdi framedyd framedyn gdi32 gdiplus glauxglu32 gpedit gpmuuid |
| gtrts32w gtrtst32hlink htmlhelp httpapi icm32 icmui imagehlp imm32 iphlpapi iprop |
| kernel32 ksguid ksproxy ksuser libcmt libcmtd libcpmt libcpmtd loadperf lz32 mapi |
| mapi32 mgmtapi minidump mmc mobsync mpr mprapi mqoa mqrt msacm32 mscms mscoree |
| msdasc msimg32 msrating mstask msvcmrt msvcurt msvcurtd mswsock msxml2 mtx mtxdm |
| netapi32 nmapinmsupp npptools ntdsapi ntdsbcli ntmsapi ntquery odbc32 odbcbcp |
| odbccp32 oldnames ole32 oleacc oleaut32 oledb oledlgolepro32 opends60 opengl32 |
| osptk parser pdh penter pgobootrun pgort powrprof psapi ptrustm ptrustmd ptrustu |
| ptrustud qosname rasapi32 rasdlg rassapi resutils riched20 rpcndr rpcns4 rpcrt4 rtm |
| rtutils runtmchk scarddlg scrnsave scrnsavw secur32 sensapi setupapi sfc shell32 |
| shfolder shlwapi sisbkup snmpapi sporder srclient sti strsafe svcguid tapi32 thunk32 |
| traffic unicows url urlmon user32 userenv usp10 uuid uxtheme vcomp vcompd vdmdbg |
| version vfw32 wbemuuid webpost wiaguid wininet winmm winscard winspool winstrm |
| wintrust wldap32 wmiutils wow32 ws2_32 wsnmp32 wsock32 wst wtsapi32 xaswitch xolehlp |
| '''.split() |
| all_msvc_platforms=[('x64','amd64'),('x86','x86'),('ia64','ia64'),('x86_amd64','amd64'),('x86_ia64','ia64'),('x86_arm','arm')] |
| all_wince_platforms=[('armv4','arm'),('armv4i','arm'),('mipsii','mips'),('mipsii_fp','mips'),('mipsiv','mips'),('mipsiv_fp','mips'),('sh4','sh'),('x86','cex86')] |
| all_icl_platforms=[('intel64','amd64'),('em64t','amd64'),('ia32','x86'),('Itanium','ia64')] |
| def options(opt): |
| opt.add_option('--msvc_version',type='string',help='msvc version, eg: "msvc 10.0,msvc 9.0"',default='') |
| opt.add_option('--msvc_targets',type='string',help='msvc targets, eg: "x64,arm"',default='') |
| def setup_msvc(conf,versions,arch=False): |
| platforms=getattr(Options.options,'msvc_targets','').split(',') |
| if platforms==['']: |
| platforms=Utils.to_list(conf.env['MSVC_TARGETS'])or[i for i,j in all_msvc_platforms+all_icl_platforms+all_wince_platforms] |
| desired_versions=getattr(Options.options,'msvc_version','').split(',') |
| if desired_versions==['']: |
| desired_versions=conf.env['MSVC_VERSIONS']or[v for v,_ in versions][::-1] |
| versiondict=dict(versions) |
| for version in desired_versions: |
| try: |
| targets=dict(versiondict[version]) |
| for target in platforms: |
| try: |
| arch,(p1,p2,p3)=targets[target] |
| compiler,revision=version.rsplit(' ',1) |
| if arch: |
| return compiler,revision,p1,p2,p3,arch |
| else: |
| return compiler,revision,p1,p2,p3 |
| except KeyError:continue |
| except KeyError:continue |
| conf.fatal('msvc: Impossible to find a valid architecture for building (in setup_msvc)') |
| @conf |
| def get_msvc_version(conf,compiler,version,target,vcvars): |
| debug('msvc: get_msvc_version: %r %r %r',compiler,version,target) |
| batfile=conf.bldnode.make_node('waf-print-msvc.bat') |
| batfile.write("""@echo off |
| set INCLUDE= |
| set LIB= |
| call "%s" %s |
| echo PATH=%%PATH%% |
| echo INCLUDE=%%INCLUDE%% |
| echo LIB=%%LIB%%;%%LIBPATH%% |
| """%(vcvars,target)) |
| sout=conf.cmd_and_log(['cmd','/E:on','/V:on','/C',batfile.abspath()]) |
| lines=sout.splitlines() |
| if not lines[0]: |
| lines.pop(0) |
| for line in lines: |
| if line.startswith('PATH='): |
| path=line[5:] |
| MSVC_PATH=path.split(';') |
| elif line.startswith('INCLUDE='): |
| MSVC_INCDIR=[i for i in line[8:].split(';')if i] |
| elif line.startswith('LIB='): |
| MSVC_LIBDIR=[i for i in line[4:].split(';')if i] |
| conf.fatal('msvc: Could not find a valid architecture for building (get_msvc_version_3)') |
| env=dict(os.environ) |
| env.update(PATH=path) |
| compiler_name,linker_name,lib_name=_get_prog_names(conf,compiler) |
| cxx=conf.find_program(compiler_name,path_list=MSVC_PATH) |
| cxx=conf.cmd_to_list(cxx) |
| if'CL'in env: |
| del(env['CL']) |
| try: |
| try: |
| conf.cmd_and_log(cxx+['/help'],env=env) |
| except Exception ,e: |
| debug('msvc: get_msvc_version: %r %r %r -> failure'%(compiler,version,target)) |
| debug(str(e)) |
| conf.fatal('msvc: cannot run the compiler (in get_msvc_version)') |
| else: |
| debug('msvc: get_msvc_version: %r %r %r -> OK',compiler,version,target) |
| finally: |
| conf.env[compiler_name]='' |
| @conf |
| def gather_wsdk_versions(conf,versions): |
| version_pattern=re.compile('^v..?.?\...?.?') |
| try: |
| all_versions=Utils.winreg.OpenKey(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SOFTWARE\\Wow6432node\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows') |
| except WindowsError: |
| try: |
| all_versions=Utils.winreg.OpenKey(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows') |
| except WindowsError: |
| return |
| index=0 |
| while 1: |
| try: |
| version=Utils.winreg.EnumKey(all_versions,index) |
| except WindowsError: |
| break |
| index=index+1 |
| if not version_pattern.match(version): |
| continue |
| try: |
| msvc_version=Utils.winreg.OpenKey(all_versions,version) |
| path,type=Utils.winreg.QueryValueEx(msvc_version,'InstallationFolder') |
| except WindowsError: |
| continue |
| if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path,'bin','SetEnv.cmd')): |
| targets=[] |
| for target,arch in all_msvc_platforms: |
| try: |
| targets.append((target,(arch,conf.get_msvc_version('wsdk',version,'/'+target,os.path.join(path,'bin','SetEnv.cmd'))))) |
| except conf.errors.ConfigurationError: |
| pass |
| versions.append(('wsdk '+version[1:],targets)) |
| def gather_wince_supported_platforms(): |
| supported_wince_platforms=[] |
| try: |
| ce_sdk=Utils.winreg.OpenKey(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SOFTWARE\\Wow6432node\\Microsoft\\Windows CE Tools\\SDKs') |
| except WindowsError: |
| try: |
| ce_sdk=Utils.winreg.OpenKey(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows CE Tools\\SDKs') |
| except WindowsError: |
| ce_sdk='' |
| if not ce_sdk: |
| return supported_wince_platforms |
| ce_index=0 |
| while 1: |
| try: |
| sdk_device=Utils.winreg.EnumKey(ce_sdk,ce_index) |
| except WindowsError: |
| break |
| ce_index=ce_index+1 |
| sdk=Utils.winreg.OpenKey(ce_sdk,sdk_device) |
| try: |
| path,type=Utils.winreg.QueryValueEx(sdk,'SDKRootDir') |
| except WindowsError: |
| try: |
| path,type=Utils.winreg.QueryValueEx(sdk,'SDKInformation') |
| path,xml=os.path.split(path) |
| except WindowsError: |
| continue |
| path=str(path) |
| path,device=os.path.split(path) |
| if not device: |
| path,device=os.path.split(path) |
| for arch,compiler in all_wince_platforms: |
| platforms=[] |
| if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path,device,'Lib',arch)): |
| platforms.append((arch,compiler,os.path.join(path,device,'Include',arch),os.path.join(path,device,'Lib',arch))) |
| if platforms: |
| supported_wince_platforms.append((device,platforms)) |
| return supported_wince_platforms |
| def gather_msvc_detected_versions(): |
| version_pattern=re.compile('^(\d\d?\.\d\d?)(Exp)?$') |
| detected_versions=[] |
| for vcver,vcvar in[('VCExpress','Exp'),('VisualStudio','')]: |
| try: |
| prefix='SOFTWARE\\Wow6432node\\Microsoft\\'+vcver |
| all_versions=Utils.winreg.OpenKey(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,prefix) |
| except WindowsError: |
| try: |
| prefix='SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\'+vcver |
| all_versions=Utils.winreg.OpenKey(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,prefix) |
| except WindowsError: |
| continue |
| index=0 |
| while 1: |
| try: |
| version=Utils.winreg.EnumKey(all_versions,index) |
| except WindowsError: |
| break |
| index=index+1 |
| match=version_pattern.match(version) |
| if not match: |
| continue |
| else: |
| versionnumber=float(match.group(1)) |
| detected_versions.append((versionnumber,version+vcvar,prefix+"\\"+version)) |
| def fun(tup): |
| return tup[0] |
| detected_versions.sort(key=fun) |
| return detected_versions |
| @conf |
| def gather_msvc_targets(conf,versions,version,vc_path): |
| targets=[] |
| if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(vc_path,'vcvarsall.bat')): |
| for target,realtarget in all_msvc_platforms[::-1]: |
| try: |
| targets.append((target,(realtarget,conf.get_msvc_version('msvc',version,target,os.path.join(vc_path,'vcvarsall.bat'))))) |
| except conf.errors.ConfigurationError: |
| pass |
| elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(vc_path,'Common7','Tools','vsvars32.bat')): |
| try: |
| targets.append(('x86',('x86',conf.get_msvc_version('msvc',version,'x86',os.path.join(vc_path,'Common7','Tools','vsvars32.bat'))))) |
| except conf.errors.ConfigurationError: |
| pass |
| elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(vc_path,'Bin','vcvars32.bat')): |
| try: |
| targets.append(('x86',('x86',conf.get_msvc_version('msvc',version,'',os.path.join(vc_path,'Bin','vcvars32.bat'))))) |
| except conf.errors.ConfigurationError: |
| pass |
| if targets: |
| versions.append(('msvc '+version,targets)) |
| @conf |
| def gather_wince_targets(conf,versions,version,vc_path,vsvars,supported_platforms): |
| for device,platforms in supported_platforms: |
| cetargets=[] |
| for platform,compiler,include,lib in platforms: |
| winCEpath=os.path.join(vc_path,'ce') |
| if not os.path.isdir(winCEpath): |
| continue |
| try: |
| common_bindirs,_1,_2=conf.get_msvc_version('msvc',version,'x86',vsvars) |
| except conf.errors.ConfigurationError: |
| continue |
| if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(winCEpath,'lib',platform)): |
| bindirs=[os.path.join(winCEpath,'bin',compiler),os.path.join(winCEpath,'bin','x86_'+compiler)]+common_bindirs |
| incdirs=[os.path.join(winCEpath,'include'),os.path.join(winCEpath,'atlmfc','include'),include] |
| libdirs=[os.path.join(winCEpath,'lib',platform),os.path.join(winCEpath,'atlmfc','lib',platform),lib] |
| cetargets.append((platform,(platform,(bindirs,incdirs,libdirs)))) |
| if cetargets: |
| versions.append((device+' '+version,cetargets)) |
| @conf |
| def gather_winphone_targets(conf,versions,version,vc_path,vsvars): |
| targets=[] |
| for target,realtarget in all_msvc_platforms[::-1]: |
| try: |
| targets.append((target,(realtarget,conf.get_msvc_version('winphone',version,target,vsvars)))) |
| except conf.errors.ConfigurationError ,e: |
| pass |
| if targets: |
| versions.append(('winphone '+version,targets)) |
| @conf |
| def gather_msvc_versions(conf,versions): |
| vc_paths=[] |
| for(v,version,reg)in gather_msvc_detected_versions(): |
| try: |
| try: |
| msvc_version=Utils.winreg.OpenKey(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,reg+"\\Setup\\VC") |
| except WindowsError: |
| msvc_version=Utils.winreg.OpenKey(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,reg+"\\Setup\\Microsoft Visual C++") |
| path,type=Utils.winreg.QueryValueEx(msvc_version,'ProductDir') |
| vc_paths.append((version,os.path.abspath(str(path)))) |
| except WindowsError: |
| continue |
| wince_supported_platforms=gather_wince_supported_platforms() |
| for version,vc_path in vc_paths: |
| vs_path=os.path.dirname(vc_path) |
| vsvars=os.path.join(vs_path,'Common7','Tools','vsvars32.bat') |
| if wince_supported_platforms and os.path.isfile(vsvars): |
| conf.gather_wince_targets(versions,version,vc_path,vsvars,wince_supported_platforms) |
| vsvars=os.path.join(vs_path,'VC','WPSDK','WP80','vcvarsphoneall.bat') |
| if os.path.isfile(vsvars): |
| conf.gather_winphone_targets(versions,'8.0',vc_path,vsvars) |
| for version,vc_path in vc_paths: |
| vs_path=os.path.dirname(vc_path) |
| conf.gather_msvc_targets(versions,version,vc_path) |
| @conf |
| def gather_icl_versions(conf,versions): |
| version_pattern=re.compile('^...?.?\....?.?') |
| try: |
| all_versions=Utils.winreg.OpenKey(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SOFTWARE\\Wow6432node\\Intel\\Compilers\\C++') |
| except WindowsError: |
| try: |
| all_versions=Utils.winreg.OpenKey(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SOFTWARE\\Intel\\Compilers\\C++') |
| except WindowsError: |
| return |
| index=0 |
| while 1: |
| try: |
| version=Utils.winreg.EnumKey(all_versions,index) |
| except WindowsError: |
| break |
| index=index+1 |
| if not version_pattern.match(version): |
| continue |
| targets=[] |
| for target,arch in all_icl_platforms: |
| try: |
| if target=='intel64':targetDir='EM64T_NATIVE' |
| else:targetDir=target |
| Utils.winreg.OpenKey(all_versions,version+'\\'+targetDir) |
| icl_version=Utils.winreg.OpenKey(all_versions,version) |
| path,type=Utils.winreg.QueryValueEx(icl_version,'ProductDir') |
| batch_file=os.path.join(path,'bin','iclvars.bat') |
| if os.path.isfile(batch_file): |
| try: |
| targets.append((target,(arch,conf.get_msvc_version('intel',version,target,batch_file)))) |
| except conf.errors.ConfigurationError: |
| pass |
| except WindowsError: |
| pass |
| for target,arch in all_icl_platforms: |
| try: |
| icl_version=Utils.winreg.OpenKey(all_versions,version+'\\'+target) |
| path,type=Utils.winreg.QueryValueEx(icl_version,'ProductDir') |
| batch_file=os.path.join(path,'bin','iclvars.bat') |
| if os.path.isfile(batch_file): |
| try: |
| targets.append((target,(arch,conf.get_msvc_version('intel',version,target,batch_file)))) |
| except conf.errors.ConfigurationError: |
| pass |
| except WindowsError: |
| continue |
| major=version[0:2] |
| versions.append(('intel '+major,targets)) |
| @conf |
| def gather_intel_composer_versions(conf,versions): |
| version_pattern=re.compile('^...?.?\...?.?.?') |
| try: |
| all_versions=Utils.winreg.OpenKey(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SOFTWARE\\Wow6432node\\Intel\\Suites') |
| except WindowsError: |
| try: |
| all_versions=Utils.winreg.OpenKey(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,'SOFTWARE\\Intel\\Suites') |
| except WindowsError: |
| return |
| index=0 |
| while 1: |
| try: |
| version=Utils.winreg.EnumKey(all_versions,index) |
| except WindowsError: |
| break |
| index=index+1 |
| if not version_pattern.match(version): |
| continue |
| targets=[] |
| for target,arch in all_icl_platforms: |
| try: |
| if target=='intel64':targetDir='EM64T_NATIVE' |
| else:targetDir=target |
| try: |
| defaults=Utils.winreg.OpenKey(all_versions,version+'\\Defaults\\C++\\'+targetDir) |
| except WindowsError: |
| if targetDir=='EM64T_NATIVE': |
| defaults=Utils.winreg.OpenKey(all_versions,version+'\\Defaults\\C++\\EM64T') |
| else: |
| raise WindowsError |
| uid,type=Utils.winreg.QueryValueEx(defaults,'SubKey') |
| Utils.winreg.OpenKey(all_versions,version+'\\'+uid+'\\C++\\'+targetDir) |
| icl_version=Utils.winreg.OpenKey(all_versions,version+'\\'+uid+'\\C++') |
| path,type=Utils.winreg.QueryValueEx(icl_version,'ProductDir') |
| batch_file=os.path.join(path,'bin','iclvars.bat') |
| if os.path.isfile(batch_file): |
| try: |
| targets.append((target,(arch,conf.get_msvc_version('intel',version,target,batch_file)))) |
| except conf.errors.ConfigurationError ,e: |
| pass |
| compilervars_warning_attr='_compilervars_warning_key' |
| if version[0:2]=='13'and getattr(conf,compilervars_warning_attr,True): |
| setattr(conf,compilervars_warning_attr,False) |
| patch_url='http://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/topic/328487' |
| compilervars_arch=os.path.join(path,'bin','compilervars_arch.bat') |
| for vscomntools in['VS110COMNTOOLS','VS100COMNTOOLS']: |
| if os.environ.has_key(vscomntools): |
| vs_express_path=os.environ[vscomntools]+r'..\IDE\VSWinExpress.exe' |
| dev_env_path=os.environ[vscomntools]+r'..\IDE\devenv.exe' |
| if(r'if exist "%VS110COMNTOOLS%..\IDE\VSWinExpress.exe"'in Utils.readf(compilervars_arch)and not os.path.exists(vs_express_path)and not os.path.exists(dev_env_path)): |
| Logs.warn(('The Intel compilervar_arch.bat only checks for one Visual Studio SKU ''(VSWinExpress.exe) but it does not seem to be installed at %r. ''The intel command line set up will fail to configure unless the file %r''is patched. See: %s')%(vs_express_path,compilervars_arch,patch_url)) |
| except WindowsError: |
| pass |
| major=version[0:2] |
| versions.append(('intel '+major,targets)) |
| @conf |
| def get_msvc_versions(conf): |
| if not conf.env['MSVC_INSTALLED_VERSIONS']: |
| lst=[] |
| conf.gather_icl_versions(lst) |
| conf.gather_intel_composer_versions(lst) |
| conf.gather_wsdk_versions(lst) |
| conf.gather_msvc_versions(lst) |
| conf.env['MSVC_INSTALLED_VERSIONS']=lst |
| return conf.env['MSVC_INSTALLED_VERSIONS'] |
| @conf |
| def print_all_msvc_detected(conf): |
| for version,targets in conf.env['MSVC_INSTALLED_VERSIONS']: |
| Logs.info(version) |
| for target,l in targets: |
| Logs.info("\t"+target) |
| @conf |
| def detect_msvc(conf,arch=False): |
| versions=get_msvc_versions(conf) |
| return setup_msvc(conf,versions,arch) |
| @conf |
| def find_lt_names_msvc(self,libname,is_static=False): |
| lt_names=['lib%s.la'%libname,'%s.la'%libname,] |
| for path in self.env['LIBPATH']: |
| for la in lt_names: |
| laf=os.path.join(path,la) |
| dll=None |
| if os.path.exists(laf): |
| ltdict=Utils.read_la_file(laf) |
| lt_libdir=None |
| if ltdict.get('libdir',''): |
| lt_libdir=ltdict['libdir'] |
| if not is_static and ltdict.get('library_names',''): |
| dllnames=ltdict['library_names'].split() |
| dll=dllnames[0].lower() |
| dll=re.sub('\.dll$','',dll) |
| return(lt_libdir,dll,False) |
| elif ltdict.get('old_library',''): |
| olib=ltdict['old_library'] |
| if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path,olib)): |
| return(path,olib,True) |
| elif lt_libdir!=''and os.path.exists(os.path.join(lt_libdir,olib)): |
| return(lt_libdir,olib,True) |
| else: |
| return(None,olib,True) |
| else: |
| raise self.errors.WafError('invalid libtool object file: %s'%laf) |
| return(None,None,None) |
| @conf |
| def libname_msvc(self,libname,is_static=False): |
| lib=libname.lower() |
| lib=re.sub('\.lib$','',lib) |
| if lib in g_msvc_systemlibs: |
| return lib |
| lib=re.sub('^lib','',lib) |
| if lib=='m': |
| return None |
| (lt_path,lt_libname,lt_static)=self.find_lt_names_msvc(lib,is_static) |
| if lt_path!=None and lt_libname!=None: |
| if lt_static==True: |
| return os.path.join(lt_path,lt_libname) |
| if lt_path!=None: |
| _libpaths=[lt_path]+self.env['LIBPATH'] |
| else: |
| _libpaths=self.env['LIBPATH'] |
| static_libs=['lib%ss.lib'%lib,'lib%s.lib'%lib,'%ss.lib'%lib,'%s.lib'%lib,] |
| dynamic_libs=['lib%s.dll.lib'%lib,'lib%s.dll.a'%lib,'%s.dll.lib'%lib,'%s.dll.a'%lib,'lib%s_d.lib'%lib,'%s_d.lib'%lib,'%s.lib'%lib,] |
| libnames=static_libs |
| if not is_static: |
| libnames=dynamic_libs+static_libs |
| for path in _libpaths: |
| for libn in libnames: |
| if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path,libn)): |
| debug('msvc: lib found: %s'%os.path.join(path,libn)) |
| return re.sub('\.lib$','',libn) |
| self.fatal("The library %r could not be found"%libname) |
| return re.sub('\.lib$','',libname) |
| @conf |
| def check_lib_msvc(self,libname,is_static=False,uselib_store=None): |
| libn=self.libname_msvc(libname,is_static) |
| if not uselib_store: |
| uselib_store=libname.upper() |
| if False and is_static: |
| self.env['STLIB_'+uselib_store]=[libn] |
| else: |
| self.env['LIB_'+uselib_store]=[libn] |
| @conf |
| def check_libs_msvc(self,libnames,is_static=False): |
| for libname in Utils.to_list(libnames): |
| self.check_lib_msvc(libname,is_static) |
| def configure(conf): |
| conf.autodetect(True) |
| conf.find_msvc() |
| conf.msvc_common_flags() |
| conf.cc_load_tools() |
| conf.cxx_load_tools() |
| conf.cc_add_flags() |
| conf.cxx_add_flags() |
| conf.link_add_flags() |
| conf.visual_studio_add_flags() |
| @conf |
| def no_autodetect(conf): |
| conf.env.NO_MSVC_DETECT=1 |
| configure(conf) |
| @conf |
| def autodetect(conf,arch=False): |
| v=conf.env |
| if v.NO_MSVC_DETECT: |
| return |
| if arch: |
| compiler,version,path,includes,libdirs,arch=conf.detect_msvc(True) |
| v['DEST_CPU']=arch |
| else: |
| compiler,version,path,includes,libdirs=conf.detect_msvc() |
| v['PATH']=path |
| v['INCLUDES']=includes |
| v['LIBPATH']=libdirs |
| v['MSVC_COMPILER']=compiler |
| try: |
| v['MSVC_VERSION']=float(version) |
| except Exception: |
| v['MSVC_VERSION']=float(version[:-3]) |
| def _get_prog_names(conf,compiler): |
| if compiler=='intel': |
| compiler_name='ICL' |
| linker_name='XILINK' |
| lib_name='XILIB' |
| else: |
| compiler_name='CL' |
| linker_name='LINK' |
| lib_name='LIB' |
| return compiler_name,linker_name,lib_name |
| @conf |
| def find_msvc(conf): |
| if sys.platform=='cygwin': |
| conf.fatal('MSVC module does not work under cygwin Python!') |
| v=conf.env |
| path=v['PATH'] |
| compiler=v['MSVC_COMPILER'] |
| version=v['MSVC_VERSION'] |
| compiler_name,linker_name,lib_name=_get_prog_names(conf,compiler) |
| v.MSVC_MANIFEST=(compiler=='msvc'and version>=8)or(compiler=='wsdk'and version>=6)or(compiler=='intel'and version>=11) |
| cxx=None |
| if v['CXX']:cxx=v['CXX'] |
| elif'CXX'in conf.environ:cxx=conf.environ['CXX'] |
| cxx=conf.find_program(compiler_name,var='CXX',path_list=path) |
| cxx=conf.cmd_to_list(cxx) |
| env=dict(conf.environ) |
| if path:env.update(PATH=';'.join(path)) |
| if not conf.cmd_and_log(cxx+['/nologo','/help'],env=env): |
| conf.fatal('the msvc compiler could not be identified') |
| v['CC']=v['CXX']=cxx |
| v['CC_NAME']=v['CXX_NAME']='msvc' |
| if not v['LINK_CXX']: |
| link=conf.find_program(linker_name,path_list=path) |
| if link:v['LINK_CXX']=link |
| else:conf.fatal('%s was not found (linker)'%linker_name) |
| v['LINK']=link |
| if not v['LINK_CC']: |
| v['LINK_CC']=v['LINK_CXX'] |
| if not v['AR']: |
| stliblink=conf.find_program(lib_name,path_list=path,var='AR') |
| if not stliblink:return |
| v['ARFLAGS']=['/NOLOGO'] |
| conf.find_program('MT',path_list=path,var='MT') |
| v['MTFLAGS']=['/NOLOGO'] |
| try: |
| conf.load('winres') |
| except Errors.WafError: |
| warn('Resource compiler not found. Compiling resource file is disabled') |
| @conf |
| def visual_studio_add_flags(self): |
| v=self.env |
| try:v.prepend_value('INCLUDES',[x for x in self.environ['INCLUDE'].split(';')if x]) |
| except Exception:pass |
| try:v.prepend_value('LIBPATH',[x for x in self.environ['LIB'].split(';')if x]) |
| except Exception:pass |
| @conf |
| def msvc_common_flags(conf): |
| v=conf.env |
| v['DEST_BINFMT']='pe' |
| v.append_value('CFLAGS',['/nologo']) |
| v.append_value('CXXFLAGS',['/nologo']) |
| v['DEFINES_ST']='/D%s' |
| v['CC_SRC_F']='' |
| v['CC_TGT_F']=['/c','/Fo'] |
| if v['MSVC_VERSION']>=8: |
| v['CC_TGT_F']=['/FC']+v['CC_TGT_F'] |
| v['CXX_SRC_F']='' |
| v['CXX_TGT_F']=['/c','/Fo'] |
| if v['MSVC_VERSION']>=8: |
| v['CXX_TGT_F']=['/FC']+v['CXX_TGT_F'] |
| v['CPPPATH_ST']='/I%s' |
| v['AR_TGT_F']=v['CCLNK_TGT_F']=v['CXXLNK_TGT_F']='/OUT:' |
| v['LIB_ST']='%s.lib' |
| v['LIBPATH_ST']='/LIBPATH:%s' |
| v['STLIB_ST']='%s.lib' |
| v.append_value('LINKFLAGS',['/NOLOGO']) |
| if v['MSVC_MANIFEST']: |
| v.append_value('LINKFLAGS',['/MANIFEST']) |
| v['CFLAGS_cshlib']=[] |
| v['CXXFLAGS_cxxshlib']=[] |
| v['LINKFLAGS_cshlib']=v['LINKFLAGS_cxxshlib']=['/DLL'] |
| v['cshlib_PATTERN']=v['cxxshlib_PATTERN']='%s.dll' |
| v['implib_PATTERN']='%s.lib' |
| v['IMPLIB_ST']='/IMPLIB:%s' |
| v['LINKFLAGS_cstlib']=[] |
| v['cstlib_PATTERN']=v['cxxstlib_PATTERN']='%s.lib' |
| v['cprogram_PATTERN']=v['cxxprogram_PATTERN']='%s.exe' |
| @after_method('apply_link') |
| @feature('c','cxx') |
| def apply_flags_msvc(self): |
| if self.env.CC_NAME!='msvc'or not getattr(self,'link_task',None): |
| return |
| is_static=isinstance(self.link_task,ccroot.stlink_task) |
| subsystem=getattr(self,'subsystem','') |
| if subsystem: |
| subsystem='/subsystem:%s'%subsystem |
| flags=is_static and'ARFLAGS'or'LINKFLAGS' |
| self.env.append_value(flags,subsystem) |
| if not is_static: |
| for f in self.env.LINKFLAGS: |
| d=f.lower() |
| if d[1:]=='debug': |
| pdbnode=self.link_task.outputs[0].change_ext('.pdb') |
| self.link_task.outputs.append(pdbnode) |
| try: |
| self.install_task.source.append(pdbnode) |
| except AttributeError: |
| pass |
| break |
| @feature('cprogram','cshlib','cxxprogram','cxxshlib') |
| @after_method('apply_link') |
| def apply_manifest(self): |
| if self.env.CC_NAME=='msvc'and self.env.MSVC_MANIFEST and getattr(self,'link_task',None): |
| out_node=self.link_task.outputs[0] |
| man_node=out_node.parent.find_or_declare(out_node.name+'.manifest') |
| self.link_task.outputs.append(man_node) |
| self.link_task.do_manifest=True |
| def exec_mf(self): |
| env=self.env |
| mtool=env['MT'] |
| if not mtool: |
| return 0 |
| self.do_manifest=False |
| outfile=self.outputs[0].abspath() |
| manifest=None |
| for out_node in self.outputs: |
| if out_node.name.endswith('.manifest'): |
| manifest=out_node.abspath() |
| break |
| if manifest is None: |
| return 0 |
| mode='' |
| if'cprogram'in self.generator.features or'cxxprogram'in self.generator.features: |
| mode='1' |
| elif'cshlib'in self.generator.features or'cxxshlib'in self.generator.features: |
| mode='2' |
| debug('msvc: embedding manifest in mode %r'%mode) |
| lst=[] |
| lst.append(env['MT']) |
| lst.extend(Utils.to_list(env['MTFLAGS'])) |
| lst.extend(['-manifest',manifest]) |
| lst.append('-outputresource:%s;%s'%(outfile,mode)) |
| lst=[lst] |
| return self.exec_command(*lst) |
| def quote_response_command(self,flag): |
| if flag.find(' ')>-1: |
| for x in('/LIBPATH:','/IMPLIB:','/OUT:','/I'): |
| if flag.startswith(x): |
| flag='%s"%s"'%(x,flag[len(x):]) |
| break |
| else: |
| flag='"%s"'%flag |
| return flag |
| def exec_response_command(self,cmd,**kw): |
| try: |
| tmp=None |
| if sys.platform.startswith('win')and isinstance(cmd,list)and len(' '.join(cmd))>=8192: |
| program=cmd[0] |
| cmd=[self.quote_response_command(x)for x in cmd] |
| (fd,tmp)=tempfile.mkstemp() |
| os.write(fd,'\r\n'.join(i.replace('\\','\\\\')for i in cmd[1:])) |
| os.close(fd) |
| cmd=[program,'@'+tmp] |
| ret=self.generator.bld.exec_command(cmd,**kw) |
| finally: |
| if tmp: |
| try: |
| os.remove(tmp) |
| except OSError: |
| pass |
| return ret |
| def exec_command_msvc(self,*k,**kw): |
| if isinstance(k[0],list): |
| lst=[] |
| carry='' |
| for a in k[0]: |
| if a=='/Fo'or a=='/doc'or a[-1]==':': |
| carry=a |
| else: |
| lst.append(carry+a) |
| carry='' |
| k=[lst] |
| if self.env['PATH']: |
| env=dict(self.env.env or os.environ) |
| env.update(PATH=';'.join(self.env['PATH'])) |
| kw['env']=env |
| bld=self.generator.bld |
| try: |
| if not kw.get('cwd',None): |
| kw['cwd']=bld.cwd |
| except AttributeError: |
| bld.cwd=kw['cwd']=bld.variant_dir |
| ret=self.exec_response_command(k[0],**kw) |
| if not ret and getattr(self,'do_manifest',None): |
| ret=self.exec_mf() |
| return ret |
| def wrap_class(class_name): |
| cls=Task.classes.get(class_name,None) |
| if not cls: |
| return None |
| derived_class=type(class_name,(cls,),{}) |
| def exec_command(self,*k,**kw): |
| if self.env['CC_NAME']=='msvc': |
| return self.exec_command_msvc(*k,**kw) |
| else: |
| return super(derived_class,self).exec_command(*k,**kw) |
| derived_class.exec_command=exec_command |
| derived_class.exec_response_command=exec_response_command |
| derived_class.quote_response_command=quote_response_command |
| derived_class.exec_command_msvc=exec_command_msvc |
| derived_class.exec_mf=exec_mf |
| return derived_class |
| for k in'c cxx cprogram cxxprogram cshlib cxxshlib cstlib cxxstlib'.split(): |
| wrap_class(k) |
| def make_winapp(self,family): |
| append=self.env.append_unique |
| append('DEFINES','WINAPI_FAMILY=%s'%family) |
| append('CXXFLAGS','/ZW') |
| append('CXXFLAGS','/TP') |
| for lib_path in self.env.LIBPATH: |
| append('CXXFLAGS','/AI%s'%lib_path) |
| @feature('winphoneapp') |
| @after_method('process_use') |
| @after_method('propagate_uselib_vars') |
| def make_winphone_app(self): |
| make_winapp(self,'WINAPI_FAMILY_PHONE_APP') |
| conf.env.append_unique('LINKFLAGS','/NODEFAULTLIB:ole32.lib') |
| conf.env.append_unique('LINKFLAGS','PhoneAppModelHost.lib') |
| @feature('winapp') |
| @after_method('process_use') |
| @after_method('propagate_uselib_vars') |
| def make_windows_app(self): |
| make_winapp(self,'WINAPI_FAMILY_DESKTOP_APP') |