name-prefix-list: delete unused methods and cleanup tests
Unit tests for NamePrefixList type are deduplicated. This allows
deleting countSources() method and NamePair type, which were used
sparsely in the unit tests and not needed by the rest of the codebase.
refs #4094
Change-Id: Id5a6e6b90f863dfeef2ed71e67a9823d84088a48
diff --git a/tests/test-name-prefix-list.cpp b/tests/test-name-prefix-list.cpp
index 6fdfd17..dc0c4c4 100644
--- a/tests/test-name-prefix-list.cpp
+++ b/tests/test-name-prefix-list.cpp
@@ -27,20 +27,84 @@
- The NamePrefixList can have names inserted and removed from it.
+ The NamePrefixList will provide a container of all the names it has,
+ without the sources for those names.
+ The NamePrefixList will return a container with all the sources for
+ a given name, with an empty container for a non-existent name.
- ndn::Name a{"testname"};
- ndn::Name b{"name"};
+ ndn::Name name1{"/ndn/test/prefix1"};
+ ndn::Name name2{"/ndn/test/prefix2"};
+ ndn::Name name3{"/ndn/test/prefix3"};
+ std::list<ndn::Name> expectedNames{name1, name2, name3};
- NamePrefixList npl1{a, b};
+ NamePrefixList list1{name1, name2, name3};
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(list1.size(), 3);
+ BOOST_TEST(list1.getNames() == expectedNames, boost::test_tools::per_element());
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(npl1.size(), 2);
+ std::vector<std::string> sources1{"static", "readvertise"};
+ std::vector<std::string> sources2{"static", "nlsrc"};
+ std::vector<std::string> sources3{"static"};
- npl1.erase(b);
+ NamePrefixList list2;
+ auto list2InsertNameSources = [&] (const ndn::Name& name, ndn::span<const std::string> sources) {
+ for (const auto& source : sources) {
+ list2.insert(name, source);
+ }
+ };
+ list2InsertNameSources(name1, sources1);
+ list2InsertNameSources(name2, sources2);
+ list2InsertNameSources(name3, sources3);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(list2.size(), 3);
+ BOOST_TEST(list2.getNames() == expectedNames, boost::test_tools::per_element());
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(npl1.size(), 1);
+ std::sort(sources1.begin(), sources1.end());
+ std::sort(sources2.begin(), sources2.end());
+ std::sort(sources3.begin(), sources3.end());
+ BOOST_TEST(list2.getSources(name1) == sources1, boost::test_tools::per_element());
+ BOOST_TEST(list2.getSources(name2) == sources2, boost::test_tools::per_element());
+ BOOST_TEST(list2.getSources(name3) == sources3, boost::test_tools::per_element());
+ auto noSources = list2.getSources("/not/a/prefix");
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(noSources.size(), 0);
+ The NamePrefixList can have names inserted and removed from it.
+ The NamePrefixList will not delete a name as long as it at least one
+ source.
+ */
+ ndn::Name name1{"/ndn/test/prefix1"};
+ ndn::Name name2{"/ndn/test/prefix2"};
+ NamePrefixList list;
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(list.insert(name2), true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(list.size(), 1);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(list.insert(name2), false);
+ list.insert(name1, "nlsr.conf");
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(list.size(), 2);
+ list.insert(name1, "readvertise");
+ list.insert(name1, "prefix-update");
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(list.size(), 2);
+ list.erase(name1, "prefix-update");
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(list.size(), 2);
+ BOOST_TEST(list.getSources(name1) == (std::set<std::string>{"nlsr.conf", "readvertise"}),
+ boost::test_tools::per_element());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(list.erase(name2), true);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(list.erase(name2), false);
+ list.erase(name1, "nlsr.conf");
+ list.erase(name1, "readvertise");
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(list.size(), 0);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(list.getSources(name1).size(), 0);
@@ -68,133 +132,6 @@
BOOST_CHECK_NE(list1, list2);
- The NamePrefixList will provide a container of all the names it has,
- without the sources for those names.
- */
- const ndn::Name name1{"/ndn/test/prefix1"};
- const ndn::Name name2{"/ndn/test/prefix2"};
- const ndn::Name name3{"/ndn/test/prefix3"};
- NamePrefixList list{name1, name2, name3};
- std::vector<ndn::Name> referenceNames{name1, name2, name3};
- auto names = list.getNames();
- BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(names.size(), 3);
- // Verify that all of the names are in the list.
- for (const auto& name : names) {
- bool didMatch = false;
- for (const auto& referenceName : referenceNames) {
- didMatch = didMatch || (name == referenceName);
- }
- BOOST_CHECK(didMatch);
- }
- The NamePrefixList will count the number of sources for a given
- name, with zero for a non-existent name.
- */
- const ndn::Name name1{"/ndn/test/prefix1"};
- const ndn::Name invalidName{"/not/a/prefix"};
- NamePrefixList list;
- list.insert(name1, "nlsr.conf");
- list.insert(name1, "readvertise");
- list.insert(name1, "prefix-update");
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(list.countSources(name1), 3);
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(list.countSources(invalidName), 0);
- The NamePrefixList will return a container with all the sources for
- a given name, with an empty container for a non-existent name.
- */
- NamePrefixList list;
- const ndn::Name name1{"/ndn/test/prefix1"};
- const ndn::Name invalidName{"/not/a/prefix"};
- list.insert(name1, "nlsr.conf");
- list.insert(name1, "readvertise");
- list.insert(name1, "prefix-update");
- std::vector<std::string> referenceSources{"nlsr.conf", "readvertise", "prefix-update"};
- const std::vector<std::string> sources = list.getSources(name1);
- BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(list.countSources(name1), 3);
- for (const auto& source : sources) {
- bool didMatch = false;
- for (const auto& referenceSource : referenceSources) {
- didMatch = didMatch || (source == referenceSource);
- }
- BOOST_CHECK(didMatch);
- }
- std::vector<std::string> noSources = list.getSources(invalidName);
- BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(noSources.size(), 0);
- The NamePrefixList will not delete a name as long as it at least one
- source.
- */
- NamePrefixList list;
- const ndn::Name name1{"/ndn/test/prefix1"};
- list.insert(name1, "nlsr.conf");
- list.insert(name1, "readvertise");
- list.insert(name1, "prefix-update");
- list.erase(name1, "prefix-update");
- std::vector<std::string> referenceSources{"nlsr.conf", "readvertise", "prefix-update"};
- const std::vector<std::string> sources = list.getSources(name1);
- BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(list.countSources(name1), 2);
- for (const auto& source : sources) {
- bool didMatch = false;
- for (const auto& referenceSource : referenceSources) {
- didMatch = didMatch || (source == referenceSource);
- }
- BOOST_CHECK(didMatch);
- }
- const ndn::Name name1{"/ndn/test/prefix1"};
- const ndn::Name name2{"/ndn/test/prefix2"};
- const ndn::Name name3{"/ndn/test/prefix3"};
- std::list<ndn::Name> testList{name1, name2, name3};
- const std::vector<std::string> sources1{"readvertise", "static"};
- const std::vector<std::string> sources2{"nlsrc", "static"};
- const std::vector<std::string> sources3{"static"};
- NamePrefixList list1{name1, name2, name3};
- auto list = list1.getNames();
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(list1.size(), 3);
- BOOST_CHECK(testList == list);
- NamePrefixList list2{ NamePrefixList::NamePair{name1, sources1},
- NamePrefixList::NamePair{name2, sources2}, NamePrefixList::NamePair{name3, sources3} };
- auto name1Sources = list2.getSources(name1);
- BOOST_CHECK(sources1 == name1Sources);
- auto name2Sources = list2.getSources(name2);
- BOOST_CHECK(sources2 == name2Sources);
- auto name3Sources = list2.getSources(name3);
- BOOST_CHECK(sources3 == name3Sources);
- const std::vector<ndn::Name> namesVector{name1, name2, name3};
- NamePrefixList list3(namesVector);
- BOOST_CHECK(list1 == list3);
} // namespace test