tests: wrote select-cheapest-hop test.

Change-Id: I1eaed69675010bbf7b85221b72c4fcea71ebd9f0
refs: #4169
1 file changed
tree: 0e6e38567fd76c62aa9146d731a05b5dabc34060
  1. .jenkins.d/
  2. .waf-tools/
  3. docs/
  4. src/
  5. tests/
  6. tests-integrated/
  7. tools/
  8. .gitignore
  9. .jenkins
  10. .travis.yml
  11. AUTHORS.md
  12. COPYING.md
  13. log4cxx.properties.sample.in
  14. nlsr.conf
  15. README-dev.md
  16. README.md
  17. waf
  18. wscript

NLSR - Named Data Link State Routing Protocol

For complete documentation and more extensive information, please visit the NLSR homepage.


NLSR is a routing protocol in NDN that populates NDN's Routing Information Base. NLSR will continue to evolve alongside the Named Data Networking protocol.

NLSR is an open and free software package licensed under the GPL 3.0 license and free to all Internet users and developers. For more information about the licensing details and limitations, refer to COPYING.md.

NLSR is developed by the members of the NSF-sponsored NDN project team. For more details, please refer to AUTHORS.md. Bug reports and feedback are highly appreciated and can be made through the Redmine site.

The main design goal of NLSR is to provide a routing protocol to populate NDN's FIB. NLSR calculates the routing table using link-state or hyperbolic routing and produces multiple faces for each reachable name prefix in a single authoritative domain. NLSR will continue to evolve over time to include neighbor discovery and to become a full fledged inter-domain routing protocol for NDN.

Source releases

The source code and source-code installation instructions are always available at the following links:

Additional information