First Commit with CCN Sync
diff --git a/nlsr-sync-0.0/nlsr_route.c b/nlsr-sync-0.0/nlsr_route.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8537b2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nlsr-sync-0.0/nlsr_route.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1214 @@
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <config.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <ccn/ccn.h>
+#include <ccn/uri.h>
+#include <ccn/keystore.h>
+#include <ccn/signing.h>
+#include <ccn/schedule.h>
+#include <ccn/hashtb.h>
+#include "nlsr.h"
+#include "nlsr_route.h"
+#include "nlsr_lsdb.h"
+#include "nlsr_npt.h"
+#include "nlsr_adl.h"
+#include "nlsr_fib.h"
+#include "utility.h"
+route_calculate(struct ccn_schedule *sched, void *clienth, struct ccn_scheduled_event *ev, int flags)
+ if(flags == CCN_SCHEDULE_CANCEL)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ nlsr_lock();
+ if ( nlsr->debugging )
+ printf("route_calculate called\n");
+ if ( nlsr->detailed_logging )
+ writeLogg(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,"route_calculate called\n");
+ if( ! nlsr->is_build_adj_lsa_sheduled )
+ {
+ /* Calculate Route here */
+ print_routing_table();
+ print_npt();
+ struct hashtb_param param_me = {0};
+ nlsr->map = hashtb_create(sizeof(struct map_entry), ¶m_me);
+ nlsr->rev_map = hashtb_create(sizeof(struct map_entry), ¶m_me);
+ make_map();
+ assign_mapping_number();
+ print_map();
+ print_rev_map();
+ do_old_routing_table_updates();
+ clear_old_routing_table();
+ print_routing_table();
+ print_npt();
+ int i;
+ int **adj_matrix;
+ int map_element=hashtb_n(nlsr->map);
+ adj_matrix=malloc(map_element * sizeof(int *));
+ for(i = 0; i < map_element; i++)
+ {
+ adj_matrix[i] = malloc(map_element * sizeof(int));
+ }
+ make_adj_matrix(adj_matrix,map_element);
+ if ( nlsr->debugging )
+ print_adj_matrix(adj_matrix,map_element);
+ long int source=get_mapping_no(nlsr->router_name);
+ long int *parent=(long int *)malloc(map_element * sizeof(long int));
+ long int *dist=(long int *)malloc(map_element * sizeof(long int));
+ int num_link=get_no_link_from_adj_matrix(adj_matrix, map_element ,source);
+ if ( (num_link == 0) || (nlsr->multi_path_face_num <= 1 ) )
+ {
+ calculate_path(adj_matrix,parent,dist, map_element, source);
+ print_all_path_from_source(parent,source);
+ print_all_next_hop(parent,source);
+ update_routing_table_with_new_route(parent, dist,source);
+ }
+ else if ( (num_link != 0) && (nlsr->multi_path_face_num > 1 ) )
+ {
+ long int *links=(long int *)malloc(num_link*sizeof(long int));
+ long int *link_costs=(long int *)malloc(num_link*sizeof(long int));
+ get_links_from_adj_matrix(adj_matrix, map_element , links, link_costs, source);
+ for ( i=0 ; i < num_link; i++)
+ {
+ adjust_adj_matrix(adj_matrix, map_element,source,links[i],link_costs[i]);
+ calculate_path(adj_matrix,parent,dist, map_element, source);
+ print_all_path_from_source(parent,source);
+ print_all_next_hop(parent,source);
+ update_routing_table_with_new_route(parent, dist,source);
+ }
+ free(links);
+ free(link_costs);
+ }
+ update_npt_with_new_route();
+ print_routing_table();
+ print_npt();
+ for(i = 0; i < map_element; i++)
+ {
+ free(adj_matrix[i]);
+ }
+ free(parent);
+ free(dist);
+ free(adj_matrix);
+ hashtb_destroy(&nlsr->map);
+ hashtb_destroy(&nlsr->rev_map);
+ }
+ nlsr->is_route_calculation_scheduled=0;
+ nlsr_unlock();
+ return 0;
+calculate_path(int **adj_matrix, long int *parent,long int *dist ,long int V, long int S)
+ int i;
+ long int v,u;
+ //long int *dist=(long int *)malloc(V * sizeof(long int));
+ long int *Q=(long int *)malloc(V * sizeof(long int));
+ long int head=0;
+ /* Initial the Parent */
+ for (i = 0 ; i < V; i++)
+ {
+ parent[i]=EMPTY_PARENT;
+ dist[i]=INF_DISTANCE;
+ Q[i]=i;
+ }
+ if ( S != NO_MAPPING_NUM )
+ {
+ dist[S]=0;
+ sort_queue_by_distance(Q,dist,head,V);
+ while (head < V )
+ {
+ u=Q[head];
+ if(dist[u] == INF_DISTANCE)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ for(v=0 ; v <V; v++)
+ {
+ if( adj_matrix[u][v] > 0 ) //
+ {
+ if ( is_not_explored(Q,v,head+1,V) )
+ {
+ if( dist[u] + adj_matrix[u][v] < dist[v])
+ {
+ dist[v]=dist[u] + adj_matrix[u][v] ;
+ parent[v]=u;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ head++;
+ sort_queue_by_distance(Q,dist,head,V);
+ }
+ }
+ free(Q);
+ //free(dist);
+print_all_path_from_source(long int *parent,long int source)
+ int i, map_element;
+ struct map_entry *me;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator ee;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator *e = ⅇ
+ hashtb_start(nlsr->map, e);
+ map_element=hashtb_n(nlsr->map);
+ if ( source != NO_MAPPING_NUM)
+ {
+ for(i=0;i<map_element;i++)
+ {
+ me=e->data;
+ if(me->mapping != source)
+ {
+ if ( nlsr->debugging )
+ {
+ print_path(parent,(long int)me->mapping);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ if ( nlsr->detailed_logging )
+ {
+ print_path(parent,(long int)me->mapping);
+ writeLogg(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,"\n");
+ }
+ }
+ hashtb_next(e);
+ }
+ }
+ hashtb_end(e);
+print_all_next_hop(long int *parent,long int source)
+ int i, map_element;
+ struct map_entry *me;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator ee;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator *e = ⅇ
+ hashtb_start(nlsr->map, e);
+ map_element=hashtb_n(nlsr->map);
+ for(i=0;i<map_element;i++)
+ {
+ me=e->data;
+ if(me->mapping != source)
+ {
+ if ( nlsr->debugging )
+ printf("Dest: %d Next Hop: %ld\n",me->mapping,get_next_hop_from_calculation(parent,me->mapping,source));
+ if ( nlsr->detailed_logging )
+ writeLogg(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,"Dest: %d Next Hop: %ld\n",me->mapping,get_next_hop_from_calculation(parent,me->mapping,source));
+ }
+ hashtb_next(e);
+ }
+ hashtb_end(e);
+long int
+get_next_hop_from_calculation(long int *parent, long int dest,long int source)
+ long int next_hop;
+ while ( parent[dest] != EMPTY_PARENT )
+ {
+ next_hop=dest;
+ dest=parent[dest];
+ }
+ if ( dest != source )
+ {
+ next_hop=NO_NEXT_HOP;
+ }
+ return next_hop;
+print_path(long int *parent, long int dest)
+ if (parent[dest] != EMPTY_PARENT )
+ print_path(parent,parent[dest]);
+ printf(" %ld",dest);
+is_not_explored(long int *Q, long int u,long int start, long int element)
+ int ret=0;
+ long int i;
+ for(i=start; i< element; i++)
+ {
+ if ( Q[i] == u )
+ {
+ ret=1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+sort_queue_by_distance(long int *Q,long int *dist,long int start,long int element)
+ long int i,j;
+ long int temp_u;
+ for ( i=start ; i < element ; i ++)
+ {
+ for( j=i+1; j<element; j ++)
+ {
+ if (dist[Q[j]] < dist[Q[i]])
+ {
+ temp_u=Q[j];
+ Q[j]=Q[i];
+ Q[i]=temp_u;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int i, map_element;
+ struct map_entry *me;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator ee;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator *e = ⅇ
+ hashtb_start(nlsr->map, e);
+ map_element=hashtb_n(nlsr->map);
+ for(i=0;i<map_element;i++)
+ {
+ me=e->data;
+ if ( nlsr->debugging )
+ printf("Router: %s Mapping Number: %d \n",me->router,me->mapping);
+ if ( nlsr->detailed_logging )
+ writeLogg(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,"Router: %s Mapping Number: %d \n",me->router,me->mapping);
+ hashtb_next(e);
+ }
+ hashtb_end(e);
+ int i, map_element;
+ struct map_entry *me;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator ee;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator *e = ⅇ
+ hashtb_start(nlsr->map, e);
+ map_element=hashtb_n(nlsr->map);
+ for(i=0;i<map_element;i++)
+ {
+ me=e->data;
+ me->mapping=i;
+ add_rev_map_entry(i,me->router);
+ hashtb_next(e);
+ }
+ hashtb_end(e);
+ int i, adj_lsdb_element;
+ struct alsa *adj_lsa;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator ee;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator *e = ⅇ
+ hashtb_start(nlsr->lsdb->adj_lsdb, e);
+ adj_lsdb_element=hashtb_n(nlsr->lsdb->adj_lsdb);
+ add_map_entry(nlsr->router_name);
+ for(i=0;i<adj_lsdb_element;i++)
+ {
+ adj_lsa=e->data;
+ add_adj_data_to_map(adj_lsa->header->orig_router->name,adj_lsa->body,adj_lsa->no_link);
+ hashtb_next(e);
+ }
+ hashtb_end(e);
+add_map_entry(char *router)
+ struct map_entry *me=(struct map_entry*)malloc(sizeof(struct map_entry ));
+ struct hashtb_enumerator ee;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator *e = ⅇ
+ int res;
+ hashtb_start(nlsr->map, e);
+ res = hashtb_seek(e, router, strlen(router), 0);
+ if(res == HT_NEW_ENTRY)
+ {
+ me=e->data;
+ me->router=(char *)malloc(strlen(router)+1);
+ memset(me->router,0,strlen(router)+1);
+ memcpy(me->router,router,strlen(router));
+ me->mapping=0;
+ }
+ hashtb_end(e);
+add_adj_data_to_map(char *orig_router, char *body, int no_link)
+ add_map_entry(orig_router);
+ int i=0;
+ char *lsa_data=(char *)malloc(strlen(body)+1);
+ memset( lsa_data,0,strlen(body)+1);
+ memcpy(lsa_data,body,strlen(body)+1);
+ char *sep="|";
+ char *rem;
+ char *rtr_id;
+ char *length;
+ char *face;
+ char *metric;
+ if(no_link >0 )
+ {
+ rtr_id=strtok_r(lsa_data,sep,&rem);
+ length=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+ face=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+ metric=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+ add_map_entry(rtr_id);
+ for(i=1;i<no_link;i++)
+ {
+ rtr_id=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+ length=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+ face=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+ metric=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+ add_map_entry(rtr_id);
+ }
+ }
+ free(lsa_data);
+get_mapping_no(char *router)
+ struct map_entry *me;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator ee;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator *e = ⅇ
+ int res;
+ int ret;
+ int n = hashtb_n(nlsr->map);
+ if ( n < 1)
+ {
+ return NO_MAPPING_NUM;
+ }
+ hashtb_start(nlsr->map, e);
+ res = hashtb_seek(e, router, strlen(router), 0);
+ if( res == HT_OLD_ENTRY )
+ {
+ me=e->data;
+ ret=me->mapping;
+ }
+ else if(res == HT_NEW_ENTRY)
+ {
+ hashtb_delete(e);
+ }
+ hashtb_end(e);
+ return ret;
+add_rev_map_entry(long int mapping_number, char *router)
+ struct map_entry *me=(struct map_entry*)malloc(sizeof(struct map_entry ));
+ struct hashtb_enumerator ee;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator *e = ⅇ
+ int res;
+ hashtb_start(nlsr->rev_map, e);
+ res = hashtb_seek(e, &mapping_number, sizeof(mapping_number), 0);
+ if(res == HT_NEW_ENTRY)
+ {
+ me=e->data;
+ me->router=(char *)malloc(strlen(router)+1);
+ memset(me->router,0,strlen(router)+1);
+ memcpy(me->router,router,strlen(router));
+ me->mapping=mapping_number;
+ }
+ hashtb_end(e);
+char *
+get_router_from_rev_map(long int mapping_number)
+ struct map_entry *me;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator ee;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator *e = ⅇ
+ int res;
+ hashtb_start(nlsr->rev_map, e);
+ res = hashtb_seek(e, &mapping_number, sizeof(mapping_number), 0);
+ if(res == HT_OLD_ENTRY)
+ {
+ me=e->data;
+ hashtb_end(e);
+ return me->router;
+ }
+ else if(res == HT_NEW_ENTRY)
+ {
+ hashtb_delete(e);
+ hashtb_end(e);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ int i, map_element;
+ struct map_entry *me;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator ee;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator *e = ⅇ
+ hashtb_start(nlsr->map, e);
+ map_element=hashtb_n(nlsr->map);
+ for(i=0;i<map_element;i++)
+ {
+ me=e->data;
+ if ( nlsr->debugging )
+ printf("Mapping Number: %d Router: %s \n",me->mapping,me->router);
+ if ( nlsr->detailed_logging )
+ writeLogg(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,"Mapping Number: %d Router: %s \n",me->mapping,me->router);
+ hashtb_next(e);
+ }
+ hashtb_end(e);
+assign_adj_matrix_for_lsa(struct alsa *adj_lsa, int **adj_matrix)
+ int mapping_orig_router=get_mapping_no(adj_lsa->header->orig_router->name);
+ int mapping_nbr_router;
+ int i;
+ char *lsa_data=(char *)malloc(strlen(adj_lsa->body)+1);
+ memset( lsa_data,0,strlen(adj_lsa->body)+1);
+ memcpy(lsa_data,adj_lsa->body,strlen(adj_lsa->body)+1);
+ char *sep="|";
+ char *rem;
+ char *rtr_id;
+ char *length;
+ char *face;
+ char *metric;
+ if(adj_lsa->no_link >0 )
+ {
+ rtr_id=strtok_r(lsa_data,sep,&rem);
+ length=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+ face=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+ metric=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+ mapping_nbr_router=get_mapping_no(rtr_id);
+ adj_matrix[mapping_orig_router][mapping_nbr_router]=atoi(metric);
+ for(i=1;i<adj_lsa->no_link;i++)
+ {
+ rtr_id=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+ length=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+ face=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+ metric=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+ mapping_nbr_router=get_mapping_no(rtr_id);
+ adj_matrix[mapping_orig_router][mapping_nbr_router]=atoi(metric);
+ }
+ }
+ free(lsa_data);
+make_adj_matrix(int **adj_matrix,int map_element)
+ init_adj_matrix(adj_matrix,map_element);
+ int i, adj_lsdb_element;
+ struct alsa *adj_lsa;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator ee;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator *e = ⅇ
+ hashtb_start(nlsr->lsdb->adj_lsdb, e);
+ adj_lsdb_element=hashtb_n(nlsr->lsdb->adj_lsdb);
+ for(i=0;i<adj_lsdb_element;i++)
+ {
+ adj_lsa=e->data;
+ assign_adj_matrix_for_lsa(adj_lsa,adj_matrix);
+ hashtb_next(e);
+ }
+ hashtb_end(e);
+init_adj_matrix(int **adj_matrix,int map_element)
+ int i, j;
+ for(i=0;i<map_element;i++)
+ for(j=0;j<map_element;j++)
+ adj_matrix[i][j]=0;
+void print_adj_matrix(int **adj_matrix, int map_element)
+ int i, j;
+ for(i=0;i<map_element;i++)
+ {
+ for(j=0;j<map_element;j++)
+ printf("%d ",adj_matrix[i][j]);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+get_no_link_from_adj_matrix(int **adj_matrix,long int V, long int S)
+ int no_link=0;
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<V;i++)
+ {
+ if ( adj_matrix[S][i] > 0 )
+ {
+ no_link++;
+ }
+ }
+ return no_link;
+get_links_from_adj_matrix(int **adj_matrix, long int V ,long int *links, long int *link_costs,long int S)
+ int i,j;
+ j=0;
+ for (i=0; i <V; i++)
+ {
+ if ( adj_matrix[S][i] > 0 )
+ {
+ links[j]=i;
+ link_costs[j]=adj_matrix[S][i];
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+void adjust_adj_matrix(int **adj_matrix, long int V, long int S, long int link,long int link_cost)
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < V; i++ )
+ {
+ if ( i == link )
+ {
+ adj_matrix[S][i]=link_cost;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ adj_matrix[S][i]=0;
+ }
+ }
+get_number_of_next_hop(char *dest_router)
+ struct routing_table_entry *rte;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator ee;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator *e = ⅇ
+ int res,ret;
+ hashtb_start(nlsr->routing_table, e);
+ res = hashtb_seek(e, dest_router, strlen(dest_router), 0);
+ if( res == HT_OLD_ENTRY )
+ {
+ rte=e->data;
+ ret=hashtb_n(rte->face_list);
+ //nhl=rte->face_list;
+ }
+ else if(res == HT_NEW_ENTRY)
+ {
+ hashtb_delete(e);
+ ret=NO_NEXT_HOP;
+ }
+ hashtb_end(e);
+ return ret;
+get_next_hop(char *dest_router,int *faces, int *route_costs)
+ struct routing_table_entry *rte;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator ee;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator *e = ⅇ
+ int res,ret;
+ hashtb_start(nlsr->routing_table, e);
+ res = hashtb_seek(e, dest_router, strlen(dest_router), 0);
+ if( res == HT_OLD_ENTRY )
+ {
+ rte=e->data;
+ ret=hashtb_n(rte->face_list);
+ //nhl=rte->face_list;
+ int j,face_list_element;
+ struct face_list_entry *fle;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator eef;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator *ef = &eef;
+ hashtb_start(rte->face_list, ef);
+ face_list_element=hashtb_n(rte->face_list);
+ for(j=0;j<face_list_element;j++)
+ {
+ fle=ef->data;
+ //printf(" Face: %d Route_Cost: %d \n",fle->next_hop_face,fle->route_cost);
+ faces[j]=fle->next_hop_face;
+ route_costs[j]=fle->route_cost;
+ hashtb_next(ef);
+ }
+ hashtb_end(ef);
+ }
+ else if(res == HT_NEW_ENTRY)
+ {
+ hashtb_delete(e);
+ ret=NO_NEXT_HOP;
+ }
+ hashtb_end(e);
+ return ret;
+add_next_hop_router(char *dest_router)
+ if ( strcmp(dest_router,nlsr->router_name)== 0)
+ {
+ return ;
+ }
+ struct routing_table_entry *rte=(struct routing_table_entry *)malloc(sizeof(struct routing_table_entry));
+ struct hashtb_enumerator ee;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator *e = ⅇ
+ int res;
+ hashtb_start(nlsr->routing_table, e);
+ res = hashtb_seek(e, dest_router, strlen(dest_router), 0);
+ if( res == HT_NEW_ENTRY )
+ {
+ rte=e->data;
+ rte->dest_router=(char *)malloc(strlen(dest_router)+1);
+ memset(rte->dest_router,0,strlen(dest_router)+1);
+ memcpy(rte->dest_router,dest_router,strlen(dest_router));
+ //rte->next_hop_face=NO_NEXT_HOP;
+ struct hashtb_param param_fle = {0};
+ rte->face_list=hashtb_create(sizeof(struct face_list_entry), ¶m_fle);
+ add_npt_entry(dest_router, dest_router, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ hashtb_end(e);
+add_next_hop_from_lsa_adj_body(char *body, int no_link)
+ int i=0;
+ char *lsa_data=(char *)malloc(strlen(body)+1);
+ memset( lsa_data,0,strlen(body)+1);
+ memcpy(lsa_data,body,strlen(body)+1);
+ char *sep="|";
+ char *rem;
+ char *rtr_id;
+ char *length;
+ char *face;
+ char *metric;
+ if(no_link >0 )
+ {
+ rtr_id=strtok_r(lsa_data,sep,&rem);
+ length=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+ face=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+ metric=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+ add_next_hop_router(rtr_id);
+ for(i=1;i<no_link;i++)
+ {
+ rtr_id=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+ length=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+ face=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+ metric=strtok_r(NULL,sep,&rem);
+ add_next_hop_router(rtr_id);
+ }
+ }
+ free(lsa_data);
+update_routing_table(char * dest_router,int next_hop_face, int route_cost)
+ int res,res1;
+ struct routing_table_entry *rte;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator ee;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator *e = ⅇ
+ hashtb_start(nlsr->routing_table, e);
+ res = hashtb_seek(e, dest_router, strlen(dest_router), 0);
+ if( res == HT_OLD_ENTRY )
+ {
+ rte=e->data;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator eef;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator *ef = &eef;
+ hashtb_start(rte->face_list, ef);
+ res1 = hashtb_seek(ef, &next_hop_face, sizeof(next_hop_face), 0);
+ if( res1 == HT_NEW_ENTRY)
+ {
+ struct face_list_entry *fle=(struct face_list_entry *)malloc(sizeof(struct face_list_entry));
+ fle=ef->data;
+ fle->next_hop_face=next_hop_face;
+ fle->route_cost=route_cost;
+ }
+ else if ( res1 == HT_OLD_ENTRY )
+ {
+ struct face_list_entry *fle;
+ fle=ef->data;
+ fle->route_cost=route_cost;
+ }
+ hashtb_end(ef);
+ /*
+ //updating the face for the router prefix itself
+ if ( (rte->next_hop_face != NO_FACE || rte->next_hop_face != NO_NEXT_HOP ) && is_neighbor(dest_router)==0 )
+ {
+ add_delete_ccn_face_by_face_id(nlsr->ccn, (const char *)dest_router, OP_UNREG, rte->next_hop_face);
+ }
+ if ( (next_hop_face != NO_FACE || next_hop_face != NO_NEXT_HOP ) && is_neighbor(dest_router)==0 )
+ {
+ add_delete_ccn_face_by_face_id(nlsr->ccn, (const char *)dest_router, OP_REG, next_hop_face);
+ }
+ rte->next_hop_face=next_hop_face;
+ */
+ }
+ else if ( res == HT_OLD_ENTRY )
+ {
+ hashtb_delete(e);
+ }
+ hashtb_end(e);
+ if ( nlsr->debugging )
+ printf("print_routing_table called\n");
+ if ( nlsr->detailed_logging )
+ writeLogg(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,"print_routing_table called\n");
+ int i,j, rt_element,face_list_element;
+ struct routing_table_entry *rte;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator ee;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator *e = ⅇ
+ hashtb_start(nlsr->routing_table, e);
+ rt_element=hashtb_n(nlsr->routing_table);
+ for(i=0;i<rt_element;i++)
+ {
+ if ( nlsr->debugging )
+ printf("----------Routing Table Entry %d------------------\n",i+1);
+ if ( nlsr->detailed_logging )
+ writeLogg(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,"----------Routing Table Entry %d------------------\n",i+1);
+ rte=e->data;
+ if ( nlsr->debugging )
+ printf(" Destination Router: %s \n",rte->dest_router);
+ if ( nlsr->detailed_logging )
+ writeLogg(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__," Destination Router: %s \n",rte->dest_router);
+ //rte->next_hop_face == NO_NEXT_HOP ? printf(" Next Hop Face: NO_NEXT_HOP \n") : printf(" Next Hop Face: %d \n", rte->next_hop_face);
+ struct face_list_entry *fle;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator eef;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator *ef = &eef;
+ hashtb_start(rte->face_list, ef);
+ face_list_element=hashtb_n(rte->face_list);
+ if ( face_list_element <= 0 )
+ {
+ if ( nlsr->debugging )
+ printf(" Face: No Face \n");
+ if ( nlsr->detailed_logging )
+ writeLogg(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__," Face: No Face \n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(j=0;j<face_list_element;j++)
+ {
+ fle=ef->data;
+ if ( nlsr->debugging )
+ printf(" Face: %d Route_Cost: %d \n",fle->next_hop_face,fle->route_cost);
+ if ( nlsr->detailed_logging )
+ writeLogg(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__," Face: %d Route_Cost: %d \n",fle->next_hop_face,fle->route_cost);
+ hashtb_next(ef);
+ }
+ }
+ hashtb_end(ef);
+ hashtb_next(e);
+ }
+ hashtb_end(e);
+ if ( nlsr->debugging )
+ printf("\n");
+ if ( nlsr->detailed_logging )
+ writeLogg(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,"\n");
+delete_empty_rte(struct ccn_schedule *sched, void *clienth, struct ccn_scheduled_event *ev, int flags)
+ if ( nlsr->debugging )
+ {
+ printf("delete_empty_rte called\n");
+ printf("Router: %s \n",(char *)ev->evdata);
+ }
+ if ( nlsr->detailed_logging )
+ {
+ writeLogg(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,"delete_empty_rte called\n");
+ writeLogg(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,"Router: %s \n",(char *)ev->evdata);
+ //writeLogg(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,"print_routing_table called\n");
+ }
+ if(flags == CCN_SCHEDULE_CANCEL)
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ int res;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator ee;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator *e = ⅇ
+ hashtb_start(nlsr->routing_table, e);
+ res = hashtb_seek(e, (char *)ev->evdata, strlen((char *)ev->evdata), 0);
+ if ( res == HT_OLD_ENTRY )
+ {
+ hashtb_delete(e);
+ }
+ else if ( res == HT_NEW_ENTRY )
+ {
+ hashtb_delete(e);
+ }
+ print_routing_table();
+ return 0;
+ if ( nlsr->debugging )
+ printf("clear_old_routing_table called\n");
+ if ( nlsr->detailed_logging )
+ writeLogg(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,"clear_old_routing_table called\n");
+ int i,rt_element;
+ struct routing_table_entry *rte;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator ee;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator *e = ⅇ
+ hashtb_start(nlsr->routing_table, e);
+ rt_element=hashtb_n(nlsr->routing_table);
+ for(i=0;i<rt_element;i++)
+ {
+ rte=e->data;
+ hashtb_destroy(&rte->face_list);
+ struct hashtb_param param_fle = {0};
+ rte->face_list=hashtb_create(sizeof(struct face_list_entry), ¶m_fle);
+ hashtb_next(e);
+ }
+ hashtb_end(e);
+ if ( nlsr->debugging )
+ printf("do_old_routing_table_updates called\n");
+ if ( nlsr->detailed_logging )
+ writeLogg(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,"do_old_routing_table_updates called\n");
+ int i, rt_element;
+ int mapping_no;
+ struct routing_table_entry *rte;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator ee;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator *e = ⅇ
+ hashtb_start(nlsr->routing_table, e);
+ rt_element=hashtb_n(nlsr->routing_table);
+ for(i=0;i<rt_element;i++)
+ {
+ rte=e->data;
+ mapping_no=get_mapping_no(rte->dest_router);
+ if ( mapping_no == NO_MAPPING_NUM)
+ {
+ delete_orig_router_from_npt(rte->dest_router);
+ char *router=(char *)malloc(strlen(rte->dest_router)+1);
+ memset(router,0,strlen(rte->dest_router)+1);
+ memcpy(router,rte->dest_router,strlen(rte->dest_router)+1);
+ nlsr->event = ccn_schedule_event(nlsr->sched, 1, &delete_empty_rte, (void *)router , 0);
+ }
+ hashtb_next(e);
+ }
+ hashtb_end(e);
+update_routing_table_with_new_route(long int *parent, long int *dist,long int source)
+ if ( nlsr->debugging )
+ printf("update_routing_table_with_new_route called\n");
+ if ( nlsr->detailed_logging )
+ writeLogg(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,"update_routing_table_with_new_route called\n");
+ int i, map_element;
+ struct map_entry *me;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator ee;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator *e = ⅇ
+ hashtb_start(nlsr->rev_map, e);
+ map_element=hashtb_n(nlsr->rev_map);
+ for(i=0;i<map_element;i++)
+ {
+ me=e->data;
+ if(me->mapping != source)
+ {
+ char *orig_router=get_router_from_rev_map(me->mapping);
+ if (orig_router != NULL )
+ {
+ int next_hop_router_num=get_next_hop_from_calculation(parent,me->mapping,source);
+ //printf(" Next hop router Num: %d ",next_hop_router_num);
+ if ( next_hop_router_num == NO_NEXT_HOP )
+ {
+ //update_npt_with_new_route(orig_router,NO_FACE);
+ if ( nlsr->debugging )
+ printf ("Orig_router: %s Next Hop Face: %d \n",orig_router,NO_FACE);
+ if ( nlsr->detailed_logging )
+ writeLogg(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,"Orig_router: %s Next Hop Face: %d \n",orig_router,NO_FACE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ char *next_hop_router=get_router_from_rev_map(next_hop_router_num);
+ //printf("Next hop router name: %s \n",next_hop_router);
+ int next_hop_face=get_next_hop_face_from_adl(next_hop_router);
+ //update_npt_with_new_route(orig_router,next_hop_face);
+ update_routing_table(orig_router,next_hop_face,dist[me->mapping]);
+ if ( nlsr->debugging )
+ printf ("Orig_router: %s Next Hop Face: %d \n",orig_router,next_hop_face);
+ if ( nlsr->detailed_logging )
+ writeLogg(__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,"Orig_router: %s Next Hop Face: %d \n",orig_router,next_hop_face);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ hashtb_next(e);
+ }
+ hashtb_end(e);
+does_face_exist_for_router(char *dest_router, int face_id)
+ int ret=0;
+ int res,res1;
+ struct routing_table_entry *rte;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator ee;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator *e = ⅇ
+ hashtb_start(nlsr->routing_table, e);
+ res = hashtb_seek(e, dest_router, strlen(dest_router), 0);
+ if( res == HT_OLD_ENTRY )
+ {
+ rte=e->data;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator eef;
+ struct hashtb_enumerator *ef = &eef;
+ hashtb_start(rte->face_list, ef);
+ res1 = hashtb_seek(ef, &face_id, sizeof(face_id), 0);
+ if( res1 == HT_OLD_ENTRY)
+ {
+ ret=1;
+ }
+ else if ( res1 == HT_OLD_ENTRY )
+ {
+ hashtb_delete(ef);
+ }
+ hashtb_end(ef);
+ }
+ else if( res == HT_NEW_ENTRY )
+ {
+ hashtb_delete(e);
+ }
+ hashtb_end(e);
+ return ret;