Adding boost logging support for NLSR
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c714b5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+# partially based on written by Gernot Vormayr
+# written by Ruediger Sonderfeld <>, 2008
+# modified by Bjoern Michaelsen, 2008
+# modified by Luca Fossati, 2008
+# rewritten for waf 1.5.1, Thomas Nagy, 2008
+# rewritten for waf 1.6.2, Sylvain Rouquette, 2011
+This is an extra tool, not bundled with the default waf binary.
+To add the boost tool to the waf file:
+$ ./waf-light --tools=compat15,boost
+	or, if you have waf >= 1.6.2
+$ ./waf update --files=boost
+When using this tool, the wscript will look like:
+	def options(opt):
+		opt.load('compiler_cxx boost')
+	def configure(conf):
+		conf.load('compiler_cxx boost')
+		conf.check_boost(lib='system filesystem')
+	def build(bld):
+		bld(source='main.cpp', target='app', use='BOOST')
+Options are generated, in order to specify the location of boost includes/libraries.
+The `check_boost` configuration function allows to specify the used boost libraries.
+It can also provide default arguments to the --boost-static and --boost-mt command-line arguments.
+Everything will be packaged together in a BOOST component that you can use.
+When using MSVC, a lot of compilation flags need to match your BOOST build configuration:
+ - you may have to add /EHsc to your CXXFLAGS or define boost::throw_exception if BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS is defined.
+   Errors: C4530
+ - boost libraries will try to be smart and use the (pretty but often not useful) auto-linking feature of MSVC
+   So before calling `conf.check_boost` you might want to disabling by adding:
+   	conf.env.DEFINES_BOOST += ['BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB']
+   Errors: 
+ - boost might also be compiled with /MT, which links the runtime statically.
+   If you have problems with redefined symbols, 
+		self.env['DEFINES_%s' % var] += ['BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB']
+		self.env['CXXFLAGS_%s' % var] += ['/MD', '/EHsc']
+Passing `--boost-linkage_autodetect` might help ensuring having a correct linkage in some basic cases.
+import sys
+import re
+from waflib import Utils, Logs, Errors
+from waflib.Configure import conf
+BOOST_LIBS = ['/usr/lib', '/usr/local/lib', '/opt/local/lib', '/sw/lib', '/lib', '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu', '/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu', '/usr/local/ndn/lib']
+BOOST_INCLUDES = ['/usr/include', '/usr/local/include', '/opt/local/include', '/sw/include', '/usr/local/ndn/include']
+BOOST_VERSION_FILE = 'boost/version.hpp'
+#include <iostream>
+#include <boost/version.hpp>
+int main() { std::cout << BOOST_LIB_VERSION << std::endl; }
+# toolsets from {boost_dir}/tools/build/v2/tools/common.jam
+PLATFORM = Utils.unversioned_sys_platform()
+detect_intel = lambda env: (PLATFORM == 'win32') and 'iw' or 'il'
+detect_clang = lambda env: (PLATFORM == 'darwin') and 'clang-darwin' or 'clang'
+detect_mingw = lambda env: ('MinGW', env.CXX[0])) and 'mgw' or 'gcc'
+	'borland':  'bcb',
+	'clang':	detect_clang,
+	'como':	 'como',
+	'cw':	   'cw',
+	'darwin':   'xgcc',
+	'edg':	  'edg',
+	'g++':	  detect_mingw,
+	'gcc':	  detect_mingw,
+	'icpc':	 detect_intel,
+	'intel':	detect_intel,
+	'kcc':	  'kcc',
+	'kylix':	'bck',
+	'mipspro':  'mp',
+	'mingw':	'mgw',
+	'msvc':	 'vc',
+	'qcc':	  'qcc',
+	'sun':	  'sw',
+	'sunc++':   'sw',
+	'tru64cxx': 'tru',
+	'vacpp':	'xlc'
+def options(opt):
+        opt = opt.add_option_group('Boost Options')
+	opt.add_option('--boost-includes', type='string',
+				   default='', dest='boost_includes',
+				   help='''path to the boost includes root (~boost root)
+				   e.g. /path/to/boost_1_47_0''')
+	opt.add_option('--boost-libs', type='string',
+				   default='', dest='boost_libs',
+				   help='''path to the directory where the boost libs are
+				   e.g. /path/to/boost_1_47_0/stage/lib''')
+	opt.add_option('--boost-static', action='store_true',
+				   default=False, dest='boost_static',
+				   help='link with static boost libraries (.lib/.a)')
+	opt.add_option('--boost-mt', action='store_true',
+				   default=False, dest='boost_mt',
+				   help='select multi-threaded libraries')
+	opt.add_option('--boost-abi', type='string', default='', dest='boost_abi',
+				   help='''select libraries with tags (dgsyp, d for debug),
+				   see doc Boost, Getting Started, chapter 6.1''')
+	opt.add_option('--boost-linkage_autodetect', action="store_true", dest='boost_linkage_autodetect',
+				   help="auto-detect boost linkage options (don't get used to it / might break other stuff)")
+	opt.add_option('--boost-toolset', type='string',
+				   default='', dest='boost_toolset',
+				   help='force a toolset e.g. msvc, vc90, \
+						gcc, mingw, mgw45 (default: auto)')
+	py_version = '%d%d' % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1])
+	opt.add_option('--boost-python', type='string',
+				   default=py_version, dest='boost_python',
+				   help='select the lib python with this version \
+						(default: %s)' % py_version)
+def __boost_get_version_file(self, d):
+	dnode = self.root.find_dir(d)
+	if dnode:
+		return dnode.find_node(BOOST_VERSION_FILE)
+	return None
+def boost_get_version(self, d):
+	"""silently retrieve the boost version number"""
+	node = self.__boost_get_version_file(d)
+	if node:
+		try:
+			txt =
+		except (OSError, IOError):
+			Logs.error("Could not read the file %r" % node.abspath())
+		else:
+			re_but = re.compile('^#define\\s+BOOST_LIB_VERSION\\s+"(.*)"', re.M)
+			m =
+			if m:
+				return
+	return self.check_cxx(fragment=BOOST_VERSION_CODE, includes=[d], execute=True, define_ret=True)
+def boost_get_includes(self, *k, **kw):
+	includes = k and k[0] or kw.get('includes', None)
+	if includes and self.__boost_get_version_file(includes):
+		return includes
+	for d in Utils.to_list(self.environ.get('INCLUDE', '')) + BOOST_INCLUDES:
+		if self.__boost_get_version_file(d):
+			return d
+	if includes:
+		self.end_msg('headers not found in %s' % includes)
+		self.fatal('The configuration failed')
+	else:
+		self.end_msg('headers not found, please provide a --boost-includes argument (see help)')
+		self.fatal('The configuration failed')
+def boost_get_toolset(self, cc):
+	toolset = cc
+	if not cc:
+		build_platform = Utils.unversioned_sys_platform()
+		if build_platform in BOOST_TOOLSETS:
+			cc = build_platform
+		else:
+			cc = self.env.CXX_NAME
+	if cc in BOOST_TOOLSETS:
+		toolset = BOOST_TOOLSETS[cc]
+	return isinstance(toolset, str) and toolset or toolset(self.env)
+def __boost_get_libs_path(self, *k, **kw):
+	''' return the lib path and all the files in it '''
+	if 'files' in kw:
+		return self.root.find_dir('.'), Utils.to_list(kw['files'])
+	libs = k and k[0] or kw.get('libs', None)
+	if libs:
+		path = self.root.find_dir(libs)
+		files = path.ant_glob('*boost_*')
+	if not libs or not files:
+		for d in Utils.to_list(self.environ.get('LIB', [])) + BOOST_LIBS:
+			path = self.root.find_dir(d)
+			if path:
+				files = path.ant_glob('*boost_*')
+				if files:
+					break
+			path = self.root.find_dir(d + '64')
+			if path:
+				files = path.ant_glob('*boost_*')
+				if files:
+					break
+	if not path:
+		if libs:
+			self.end_msg('libs not found in %s' % libs)
+			self.fatal('The configuration failed')
+		else:
+			self.end_msg('libs not found, please provide a --boost-libs argument (see help)')
+			self.fatal('The configuration failed')
+	self.to_log('Found the boost path in %r with the libraries:' % path)
+	for x in files:
+		self.to_log('    %r' % x)
+	return path, files
+def boost_get_libs(self, *k, **kw):
+	'''
+	return the lib path and the required libs
+	according to the parameters
+	'''
+	path, files = self.__boost_get_libs_path(**kw)
+	t = []
+	if kw.get('mt', False):
+		t.append('mt')
+	if kw.get('abi', None):
+		t.append(kw['abi'])
+	tags = t and '(-%s)+' % '-'.join(t) or ''
+	toolset = self.boost_get_toolset(kw.get('toolset', ''))
+	toolset_pat = '(-%s[0-9]{0,3})+' % toolset
+	version = '(-%s)+' % self.env.BOOST_VERSION
+	def find_lib(re_lib, files):
+		for file in files:
+			if
+				self.to_log('Found boost lib %s' % file)
+				return file
+		return None
+	def format_lib_name(name):
+		if name.startswith('lib') and self.env.CC_NAME != 'msvc':
+			name = name[3:]
+		return name[:name.rfind('.')]
+	libs = []
+	for lib in Utils.to_list(k and k[0] or kw.get('lib', None)):
+		py = (lib == 'python') and '(-py%s)+' % kw['python'] or ''
+		# Trying libraries, from most strict match to least one
+		for pattern in ['boost_%s%s%s%s%s' % (lib, toolset_pat, tags, py, version),
+						'boost_%s%s%s%s' % (lib, tags, py, version),
+						'boost_%s%s%s' % (lib, tags, version),
+						# Give up trying to find the right version
+						'boost_%s%s%s%s' % (lib, toolset_pat, tags, py),
+						'boost_%s%s%s' % (lib, tags, py),
+						'boost_%s%s' % (lib, tags)]:
+			self.to_log('Trying pattern %s' % pattern)
+			file = find_lib(re.compile(pattern), files)
+			if file:
+				libs.append(format_lib_name(
+				break
+		else:
+			self.end_msg('lib %s not found in %s' % (lib, path.abspath()))
+			self.fatal('The configuration failed')
+	return path.abspath(), libs
+def check_boost(self, *k, **kw):
+	"""
+	Initialize boost libraries to be used.
+	Keywords: you can pass the same parameters as with the command line (without "--boost-").
+	Note that the command line has the priority, and should preferably be used.
+	"""
+	if not self.env['CXX']:
+		self.fatal('load a c++ compiler first, conf.load("compiler_cxx")')
+	params = {'lib': k and k[0] or kw.get('lib', None)}
+	for key, value in self.options.__dict__.items():
+		if not key.startswith('boost_'):
+			continue
+		key = key[len('boost_'):]
+		params[key] = value and value or kw.get(key, '')
+	var = kw.get('uselib_store', 'BOOST')
+	self.start_msg('Checking boost includes')
+	self.env['INCLUDES_%s' % var] = inc = self.boost_get_includes(**params)
+	self.env.BOOST_VERSION = self.boost_get_version(inc)
+	self.end_msg(self.env.BOOST_VERSION)
+	if Logs.verbose:
+		Logs.pprint('CYAN', '	path : %s' % self.env['INCLUDES_%s' % var])
+	if not params['lib']:
+		return
+	self.start_msg('Checking boost libs')
+	suffix = params.get('static', None) and 'ST' or ''
+	path, libs = self.boost_get_libs(**params)
+	self.env['%sLIBPATH_%s' % (suffix, var)] = [path]
+	self.env['%sLIB_%s' % (suffix, var)] = libs
+	self.end_msg('ok')
+	if Logs.verbose:
+		Logs.pprint('CYAN', '	path : %s' % path)
+		Logs.pprint('CYAN', '	libs : %s' % libs)
+	def try_link():
+		if 'system' in params['lib']:
+			self.check_cxx(
+			 fragment="\n".join([
+			  '#include <boost/system/error_code.hpp>',
+			  'int main() { boost::system::error_code c; }',
+			 ]),
+			 use=var,
+			 execute=False,
+			)
+		if 'thread' in params['lib']:
+			self.check_cxx(
+			 fragment="\n".join([
+			  '#include <boost/thread.hpp>',
+			  'int main() { boost::thread t; }',
+			 ]),
+			 use=var,
+			 execute=False,
+			)
+	if params.get('linkage_autodetect', False):
+		self.start_msg("Attempting to detect boost linkage flags")
+		toolset = self.boost_get_toolset(kw.get('toolset', ''))
+		if toolset in ['vc']:
+			# disable auto-linking feature, causing error LNK1181
+			# because the code wants to be linked against
+			self.env['DEFINES_%s' % var] += ['BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB']
+			# if no dlls are present, we guess the .lib files are not stubs
+			has_dlls = False
+			for x in Utils.listdir(path):
+				if x.endswith(self.env.cxxshlib_PATTERN % ''):
+					has_dlls = True
+					break
+			if not has_dlls:
+				self.env['STLIBPATH_%s' % var] = [path]
+				self.env['STLIB_%s' % var] = libs
+				del self.env['LIB_%s' % var]
+				del self.env['LIBPATH_%s' % var]
+			# we attempt to play with some known-to-work CXXFLAGS combinations
+			for cxxflags in (['/MD', '/EHsc'], []):
+				self.env.stash()
+				self.env["CXXFLAGS_%s" % var] += cxxflags
+				try:
+					try_link()
+					self.end_msg("ok: winning cxxflags combination: %s" % (self.env["CXXFLAGS_%s" % var]))
+					e = None
+					break
+				except Errors.ConfigurationError as exc:
+					self.env.revert()
+					e = exc
+			if e is not None:
+				self.end_msg("Could not auto-detect boost linking flags combination, you may report it to author", ex=e)
+				self.fatal('The configuration failed')
+		else:
+			self.end_msg("Boost linkage flags auto-detection not implemented (needed ?) for this toolchain")
+			self.fatal('The configuration failed')
+	else:
+		self.start_msg('Checking for boost linkage')
+		try:
+			try_link()
+		except Errors.ConfigurationError as e:
+			self.end_msg("Could not link against boost libraries using supplied options")
+			self.fatal('The configuration failed')
+		self.end_msg('ok')
diff --git a/boost.pyc b/boost.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1ee3d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boost.pyc
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fccad90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+When using this tool, the wscript will look like:
+	def options(opt):
+	        opt.tool_options('ndnx')
+	def configure(conf):
+		conf.load('compiler_c ndnx')
+	def build(bld):
+		bld(source='main.cpp', target='app', use='NDNX')
+Options are generated, in order to specify the location of ndnx includes/libraries.
+import sys, re
+from waflib import Utils, Logs, Errors, Options, ConfigSet
+from waflib.Configure import conf
+#include <ndn/ndn.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+int main() { printf ("%d.%d.%d", ((NDN_API_VERSION/100000) % 100), ((NDN_API_VERSION/1000) % 100), (NDN_API_VERSION % 1000)); return 0; }
+def __ndnx_get_version_file(self,dir):
+	# Logs.pprint ('CYAN', '  + %s/%s/%s' % (dir, 'include', NDNX_VERSION_FILE))
+	try:
+		return self.root.find_dir(dir).find_node('%s/%s' % ('include', NDNX_VERSION_FILE))
+	except:
+		return None
+def ndnx_get_version(self,dir):
+	val=self.check_cc(fragment=NDNX_VERSION_CODE,includes=['%s/%s' % (dir, 'include')],execute=True,define_ret = True, mandatory=True)
+	return val
+def ndnx_get_root(self,*k,**kw):
+	root=Options.options.ndnx_dir or (k and k[0]) or kw.get('path',None)
+	if root:
+                if self.__ndnx_get_version_file(root):
+                        return root
+		self.fatal('NDNx not found in %s'%root)
+	for dir in NDNX_DIR:
+		if self.__ndnx_get_version_file(dir):
+			return dir
+        self.fatal('NDNx not found, please provide a --ndnx argument (see help)')
+def check_openssl(self,*k,**kw):
+        root = k and k[0] or kw.get('path',None) or Options.options.openssl
+        mandatory = kw.get('mandatory', True)
+        var = kw.get('var', 'SSL')
+        CODE = """
+#include <openssl/crypto.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+	(void)argc;
+        printf ("%s", argv[0]);
+	return 0;
+        if root:
+                testApp = self.check_cc (lib=['ssl', 'crypto'],
+                                         header_name='openssl/crypto.h',
+                                         define_name='HAVE_%s' % var,
+                                         uselib_store=var,
+                                         mandatory = mandatory,
+                                         cflags="-I%s/include" % root,
+                                         linkflags="-L%s/lib" % root,
+                                         execute = True, fragment = CODE, define_ret = True)
+        else:
+                testApp = libcrypto = self.check_cc (lib=['ssl', 'crypto'],
+                                                     header_name='openssl/crypto.h',
+                                                     define_name='HAVE_%s' % var,
+                                                     uselib_store=var,
+                                                     mandatory = mandatory,
+                                                     execute = True, fragment = CODE, define_ret = True)
+        if not testApp:
+                return
+        self.start_msg ('Checking if selected openssl matches NDNx')
+        ndn_var = kw.get('ndn_var', "NDNX")
+        if Utils.unversioned_sys_platform () == "darwin":
+                def otool (binary):
+                        p = Utils.subprocess.Popen (['/usr/bin/otool', '-L', binary], 
+                                                    stdout = Utils.subprocess.PIPE, )
+                        for line in p.communicate()[0].split ('\n'):
+                                if re.match ('.*/libcrypto\..*', line):
+                                        return line
+                selected_crypto = otool (testApp)
+                ndnd_crypto = otool ('%s/bin/ndnd' % self.env['%s_ROOT' % ndn_var])
+                if ndnd_crypto != selected_crypto:
+                        self.fatal ("Selected openssl does not match used to compile NDNx (%s != %s)" % 
+                                    (selected_crypto.strip (), ndnd_crypto.strip ()))
+                self.end_msg (True)
+        elif Utils.unversioned_sys_platform () == "linux" or  Utils.unversioned_sys_platform () == "freebsd":
+                def ldd (binary):
+                        p = Utils.subprocess.Popen (['/usr/bin/ldd', binary], 
+                                                        stdout = Utils.subprocess.PIPE, )
+                        for line in p.communicate()[0].split ('\n'):
+                                if re.match ('libcrypto\..*', line):
+                                        return line
+                selected_crypto = ldd (testApp)
+                ndnd_crypto = ldd ('%s/bin/ndnd' % self.env['%s_ROOT' % ndn_var])
+                if ndnd_crypto != selected_crypto:
+                        self.fatal ("Selected openssl does not match used to compile NDNx (%s != %s)" % 
+                                    (selected_crypto.strip (), ndnd_crypto.strip ()))
+                self.end_msg (True)
+        else:
+                self.end_msg ("Don't know how to check", 'YELLOW')
+def check_ndnx(self,*k,**kw):
+	if not self.env['CC']:
+		self.fatal('load a c compiler first, conf.load("compiler_c")')
+	var=kw.get('uselib_store', 'NDNX')
+	self.start_msg('Checking for NDNx')
+	root = self.ndnx_get_root(*k,**kw);
+	self.env.NDNX_VERSION=self.ndnx_get_version(root)
+	self.env['INCLUDES_%s' % var]= '%s/%s' % (root, "include");
+	self.env['LIB_%s' % var] = "ndn"
+	self.env['LIBPATH_%s' % var] = '%s/%s' % (root, "lib")
+        self.env['%s_ROOT' % var] = root
+	self.end_msg("%s in %s " % (self.env.NDNX_VERSION, root))
+	if Logs.verbose:
+		Logs.pprint('CYAN','	NDNx include : %s'%self.env['INCLUDES_%s' % var])
+		Logs.pprint('CYAN','	NDNx lib     : %s'%self.env['LIB_%s' % var])
+		Logs.pprint('CYAN','	NDNx libpath : %s'%self.env['LIBPATH_%s' % var])
+def options(opt):
+        """
+        NDNx options
+        """
+        ndnopt = opt.add_option_group("NDNx Options")
+	ndnopt.add_option('--ndnx',type='string',default=None,dest='ndnx_dir',help='''path to where NDNx is installed, e.g. /usr/local''')
+        ndnopt.add_option('--openssl',type='string',default='',dest='openssl',help='''path to openssl, should be the same NDNx is compiled against''')
diff --git a/ndnx.pyc b/ndnx.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80fa8fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ndnx.pyc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/nlsr.cpp b/src/nlsr.cpp
index f1b5d93..569a40a 100644
--- a/src/nlsr.cpp
+++ b/src/nlsr.cpp
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
-	nlsr.getFib().scheduleFibRefreshing(nlsr, 60);
+	//nlsr.getFib().scheduleFibRefreshing(nlsr, 60);
 	/* debugging purpose start */
diff --git a/src/nlsr.hpp b/src/nlsr.hpp
index 5ff2ef7..31655f4 100644
--- a/src/nlsr.hpp
+++ b/src/nlsr.hpp
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 #include "nlsr_rt.hpp"
 #include "nlsr_npt.hpp"
 #include "nlsr_fib.hpp"
+#include "nlsr_logger.hpp"
 #include "nlsr_test.hpp"
@@ -45,6 +46,7 @@
     , routingTable()
     , npt()
     , fib()
+    , nlsrLogger()
     , nlsrTesting()
@@ -196,6 +198,11 @@
+	NlsrLogger& getNlsrLogger()
+	{
+		return nlsrLogger;
+	}
 	ConfParameter confParam;
@@ -216,7 +223,7 @@
 	RoutingTable routingTable;
 	Npt npt;
 	Fib fib;
+	NlsrLogger nlsrLogger;
 	long int adjBuildCount;
 	int isBuildAdjLsaSheduled;
diff --git a/src/nlsr_fe.hpp b/src/nlsr_fe.hpp
index 8392dfb..2297315 100644
--- a/src/nlsr_fe.hpp
+++ b/src/nlsr_fe.hpp
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 #include <iostream>
+#include <ndn-cpp-dev/util/scheduler.hpp>
 #include "nlsr_nexthop.hpp"
 #include "nlsr_nhl.hpp"
@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@
 		: name()
 		, timeToRefresh(0)
+		, feSeqNo(0)
@@ -43,11 +45,33 @@
+	void setFeExpiringEventId(ndn::EventId feid)
+	{
+		feExpiringEventId=feid;
+	}
+	ndn::EventId getFeExpiringEventId()
+	{
+		return feExpiringEventId;
+	}
+	void setFeSeqNo(int fsn)
+	{
+		feSeqNo=fsn;
+	}
+	int getFeSeqNo()
+	{
+		return feSeqNo;
+	}	
 	bool isEqualNextHops(Nhl &nhlOther);
 	string name;
 	int timeToRefresh;
+	ndn::EventId feExpiringEventId;
+	int feSeqNo;
 	Nhl nhl;
diff --git a/src/nlsr_fib.cpp b/src/nlsr_fib.cpp
index 399584f..fd4b209 100644
--- a/src/nlsr_fib.cpp
+++ b/src/nlsr_fib.cpp
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 #include "nlsr.hpp"
 using namespace std;
+using namespace ndn;
 static bool
 fibEntryNameCompare(FibEntry& fe, string name)
@@ -12,10 +13,28 @@
 	return fe.getName() == name ;
+Fib::cancelScheduledFeExpiringEvent(nlsr& pnlsr, EventId eid)
+	pnlsr.getScheduler().cancelEvent(eid);
+Fib::scheduleFibEntryRefreshing(nlsr& pnlsr, string name, int feSeqNum, int refreshTime)
+		return pnlsr.getScheduler().scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(refreshTime),
+				 ndn::bind(&Fib::refreshFibEntry,this,name,feSeqNum));
+Fib::refreshFibEntry(string name, int feSeqNum)
-Fib::removeFromFib(string name)
+Fib::removeFromFib(nlsr& pnlsr, string name)
 	std::list<FibEntry >::iterator it = std::find_if( fibTable.begin(), 
 									       fibTable.end(), bind(&fibEntryNameCompare, _1, name));
@@ -26,13 +45,14 @@
   			//remove entry from NDN-FIB
+  		cancelScheduledFeExpiringEvent(pnlsr, (*it).getFeExpiringEventId());
-Fib::updateFib(string name, Nhl& nextHopList, int maxFacesPerPrefix)
+Fib::updateFib(nlsr& pnlsr,string name, Nhl& nextHopList, int maxFacesPerPrefix)
 	int startFace=0;
 	int endFace=getNumberOfFacesForName(nextHopList,maxFacesPerPrefix);
@@ -56,6 +76,11 @@
+  		cancelScheduledFeExpiringEvent(pnlsr, (*it).getFeExpiringEventId());
+  		(*it).setFeSeqNo((*it).getFeSeqNo()+1);
+  		(*it).setFeExpiringEventId(scheduleFibEntryRefreshing(pnlsr, 
+  		                            (*it).getName() ,
+  		                            (*it).getFeSeqNo(),fibEntryRefreshTime));
   		//update NDN-FIB
@@ -70,39 +95,18 @@
+  		newEntry.setFeSeqNo(1);
+  		//cancelScheduledFeExpiringEvent(pnlsr, newEntry().getFeExpiringEventId());
   		//Update NDN-FIB
-Fib::refreshFib(nlsr& pnlsr)
-	for ( std::list<FibEntry >::iterator it = fibTable.begin() ;
-																		               it != fibTable.end() ; ++it)
-	{
-		(*it).setTimeToRefresh((*it).getTimeToRefresh()-60);
-		if( (*it).getTimeToRefresh() < 0 )
-		{
-			cout<<"Refreshing FIB entry : "<<endl;
-			cout<<(*it)<<endl;
-			(*it).setTimeToRefresh(fibEntryRefreshTime);
-			//update NDN-FIB
-		}
-	}
-	printFib();
-	scheduleFibRefreshing(pnlsr,60);
-Fib::scheduleFibRefreshing(nlsr& pnlsr, int refreshTime)
-		pnlsr.getScheduler().scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(refreshTime),
-								         ndn::bind(&Fib::refreshFib,this,boost::ref(pnlsr)));
-void Fib::cleanFib()
+void Fib::cleanFib(nlsr& pnlsr)
 	for( std::list<FibEntry >::iterator it=fibTable.begin(); it != fibTable.end();
@@ -110,6 +114,7 @@
 		for(std::list<NextHop>::iterator nhit=(*it).getNhl().getNextHopList().begin(); 
   		                    nhit != (*it).getNhl().getNextHopList().begin(); nhit++)
+  			cancelScheduledFeExpiringEvent(pnlsr,(*it).getFeExpiringEventId());
   			//remove entry from NDN-FIB
diff --git a/src/nlsr_fib.hpp b/src/nlsr_fib.hpp
index 453b7db..d02d040 100644
--- a/src/nlsr_fib.hpp
+++ b/src/nlsr_fib.hpp
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 class nlsr;
 using namespace std;
+using namespace ndn;
 class Fib
@@ -15,10 +16,9 @@
-	void removeFromFib(string name);
-	void updateFib(string name, Nhl& nextHopList, int maxFacesPerPrefix);
-	void scheduleFibRefreshing(nlsr& pnlsr, int refreshTime);
-	void cleanFib();
+	void removeFromFib(nlsr& pnlsr, string name);
+	void updateFib(nlsr& pnlsr, string name, Nhl& nextHopList, int maxFacesPerPrefix);
+	void cleanFib(nlsr& pnlsr);
 	void setFibEntryRefreshTime(int fert)
@@ -29,7 +29,10 @@
 	void removeFibEntryHop(Nhl& nl, int doNotRemoveHopFaceId);
 	int getNumberOfFacesForName(Nhl& nextHopList, int maxFacesPerPrefix);
-	void refreshFib(nlsr& pnlsr);
+	ndn::EventId 
+	scheduleFibEntryRefreshing(nlsr& pnlsr, string name, int feSeqNum, int refreshTime);
+	void cancelScheduledFeExpiringEvent(nlsr& pnlsr, EventId eid);
+	void refreshFibEntry(string name, int feSeqNum);
 	std::list<FibEntry> fibTable;	
diff --git a/src/nlsr_im.cpp b/src/nlsr_im.cpp
index 6ae0131..886aca8 100644
--- a/src/nlsr_im.cpp
+++ b/src/nlsr_im.cpp
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
 interestManager::scheduleInfoInterest(nlsr& pnlsr, int seconds)
-	pnlsr.getScheduler().scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(seconds),
+	EventId eid=pnlsr.getScheduler().scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(seconds),
 							ndn::bind(&interestManager::sendScheduledInfoInterest, this, 
diff --git a/src/nlsr_logger.cpp b/src/nlsr_logger.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af263cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/nlsr_logger.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+#include "nlsr_logger.hpp"
+	std::stringstream ss;
+	boost::posix_time::ptime time_t_epoch(boost::gregorian::date(1970,1,1)); 
+	boost::posix_time::ptime now = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
+	boost::posix_time::time_duration diff = now - time_t_epoch;
+	ss<<diff.total_seconds()<<"."<<boost::format("%06i")%(diff.total_microseconds()%1000000);
+	return ss.str();
+	string homeDirPath(getpwuid(getuid())->pw_dir);
+	if( homeDirPath.empty() )
+	{
+		homeDirPath = getenv("HOME");
+	}
+	return homeDirPath;
+NlsrLogger::initNlsrLogger(std::string dirPath)
+	string logDirPath(dirPath);
+	if( dirPath.empty() )
+	{
+		logDirPath=getUserHomeDirectory();
+	}
+	typedef sinks::synchronous_sink< sinks::text_file_backend > file_sink;
+	shared_ptr< file_sink > sink(new file_sink(
+		keywords::file_name = "NLSR%Y%m%d%H%M%S_%3N.log",  // file name pattern
+		keywords::rotation_size = 128 * 1024 * 1024 ,// rotation size, in characters
+		keywords::time_based_rotation = sinks::file::rotation_at_time_point(12, 0, 0)
+		));
+	sink->locked_backend()->set_file_collector(sinks::file::make_collector(
+		keywords::target = logDirPath,                // where to store rotated files
+		keywords::max_size = 64 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024, // maximum total size of the stored files, in bytes
+		keywords::min_free_space = 128 * 1024 * 1024  // minimum free space on the drive, in bytes
+ 		));
+	sink->set_formatter
+  (
+		expr::format("%1%: %2%")
+				% getEpochTime()
+				% expr::smessage
+	);
+  // Add it to the core
+	logging::core::get()->add_sink(sink);
diff --git a/src/nlsr_logger.hpp b/src/nlsr_logger.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..119f172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/nlsr_logger.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <pwd.h>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <string>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <boost/format.hpp>
+#include <boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp>
+#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
+#include <boost/date_time/local_time/local_time.hpp>
+#include <boost/log/common.hpp>
+#include <boost/log/expressions.hpp>
+#include <boost/log/attributes.hpp>
+#include <boost/log/sources/logger.hpp>
+#include <boost/log/sinks/sync_frontend.hpp>
+#include <boost/log/sinks/text_file_backend.hpp>
+namespace logging = boost::log;
+namespace attrs = boost::log::attributes;
+namespace src = boost::log::sources;
+namespace sinks = boost::log::sinks;
+namespace expr = boost::log::expressions;
+namespace keywords = boost::log::keywords;
+using boost::shared_ptr;
+using namespace std;
+class NlsrLogger
+	NlsrLogger()
+	{
+	}
+	void initNlsrLogger(std::string dirPath);
+	boost::log::sources::logger& getLogger()
+	{
+		return mLogger;
+	}		
+	string getEpochTime();
+	string getUserHomeDirectory();
+	boost::log::sources::logger mLogger;
diff --git a/src/nlsr_lsa.hpp b/src/nlsr_lsa.hpp
index 0f3e528..b80d5a9 100644
--- a/src/nlsr_lsa.hpp
+++ b/src/nlsr_lsa.hpp
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
 #ifndef NLSR_LSA_HPP
 #define NLSR_LSA_HPP
+#include <ndn-cpp-dev/util/scheduler.hpp>
 #include "nlsr_adjacent.hpp"
 #include "nlsr_npl.hpp"
 #include "nlsr_adl.hpp"
 using namespace std;
+using namespace ndn;
 class Lsa{
@@ -13,6 +15,7 @@
 		: origRouter()
 		, lsSeqNo()
 		, lifeTime()
+		, lsaExpiringEventId()
@@ -56,12 +59,24 @@
-	//string getLsaKey();
+	void setLsaExpiringEventId(ndn::EventId leei)
+	{
+		lsaExpiringEventId=leei;
+	}
+	ndn::EventId getLsaExpiringEventId()
+	{
+		return lsaExpiringEventId;
+	}
 	string origRouter;
 	uint8_t lsType;
 	uint32_t lsSeqNo;
 	uint32_t lifeTime;
+	ndn::EventId lsaExpiringEventId;
 class NameLsa:public Lsa{
diff --git a/src/nlsr_lsdb.cpp b/src/nlsr_lsdb.cpp
index 9e3ffe7..de1343a 100644
--- a/src/nlsr_lsdb.cpp
+++ b/src/nlsr_lsdb.cpp
@@ -5,6 +5,12 @@
 using namespace std;
+Lsdb::cancelScheduleLsaExpiringEvent(nlsr& pnlsr, EventId eid)
+	pnlsr.getScheduler().cancelEvent(eid);
 static bool
 nameLsaCompareByKey(NameLsa& nlsa1, string& key){
 	return nlsa1.getNameLsaKey()==key;
@@ -42,10 +48,10 @@
 Lsdb::scheduleNameLsaExpiration(nlsr& pnlsr, string key, int seqNo, int expTime)
-	pnlsr.getScheduler().scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(expTime),
+	return pnlsr.getScheduler().scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(expTime),
 								                      this,boost::ref(pnlsr), key, seqNo));
@@ -76,8 +82,8 @@
-		scheduleNameLsaExpiration( pnlsr, nlsa.getNameLsaKey(),
-			                                         nlsa.getLsSeqNo(), timeToExpire);
+		nlsa.setLsaExpiringEventId(scheduleNameLsaExpiration( pnlsr, 
+		                     nlsa.getNameLsaKey(), nlsa.getLsSeqNo(), timeToExpire));
@@ -131,8 +137,10 @@
-			scheduleNameLsaExpiration( pnlsr, nlsa.getNameLsaKey(),
-			                                         nlsa.getLsSeqNo(), timeToExpire);
+			cancelScheduleLsaExpiringEvent(pnlsr,
+			                                chkNameLsa.first.getLsaExpiringEventId());
+			chkNameLsa.first.setLsaExpiringEventId(scheduleNameLsaExpiration( pnlsr, 
+											 nlsa.getNameLsaKey(), nlsa.getLsSeqNo(), timeToExpire));
@@ -242,10 +250,10 @@
 	return std::make_pair(boost::ref(clsa),false);
 Lsdb::scheduleCorLsaExpiration(nlsr& pnlsr, string key, int seqNo, int expTime)
-	pnlsr.getScheduler().scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(expTime),
+	return pnlsr.getScheduler().scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(expTime),
@@ -298,8 +306,11 @@
-			scheduleCorLsaExpiration(pnlsr,clsa.getCorLsaKey(),
-	                                         clsa.getLsSeqNo(), timeToExpire);
+			cancelScheduleLsaExpiringEvent(pnlsr,
+			                                chkCorLsa.first.getLsaExpiringEventId());
+			chkCorLsa.first.setLsaExpiringEventId(scheduleCorLsaExpiration(pnlsr,
+			                clsa.getCorLsaKey(),
+	                                         clsa.getLsSeqNo(), timeToExpire));
@@ -444,10 +455,10 @@
 Lsdb::scheduleAdjLsaExpiration(nlsr& pnlsr, string key, int seqNo, int expTime)
-	pnlsr.getScheduler().scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(expTime),
+	return pnlsr.getScheduler().scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(expTime),
@@ -489,8 +500,10 @@
-			scheduleAdjLsaExpiration(pnlsr,alsa.getAdjLsaKey(),
-		                                            alsa.getLsSeqNo(),timeToExpire);
+			cancelScheduleLsaExpiringEvent(pnlsr,
+			                                chkAdjLsa.first.getLsaExpiringEventId());
+			chkAdjLsa.first.setLsaExpiringEventId(scheduleAdjLsaExpiration(pnlsr,
+			                    alsa.getAdjLsaKey(), alsa.getLsSeqNo(),timeToExpire));
diff --git a/src/nlsr_lsdb.hpp b/src/nlsr_lsdb.hpp
index 62c91ee..a9c8fb3 100644
--- a/src/nlsr_lsdb.hpp
+++ b/src/nlsr_lsdb.hpp
@@ -54,16 +54,21 @@
 	bool addAdjLsa(AdjLsa &alsa);
 	bool doesAdjLsaExist(string key);
-	void scheduleNameLsaExpiration(nlsr& pnlsr, string key, int seqNo, int expTime);
+  ndn::EventId
+  scheduleNameLsaExpiration(nlsr& pnlsr, string key, int seqNo, int expTime);
 	void exprireOrRefreshNameLsa(nlsr& pnlsr, string lsaKey, int seqNo);
-	void scheduleAdjLsaExpiration(nlsr& pnlsr, string key, int seqNo, int expTime);
+	ndn::EventId
+	scheduleAdjLsaExpiration(nlsr& pnlsr, string key, int seqNo, int expTime);
 	void exprireOrRefreshAdjLsa(nlsr& pnlsr, string lsaKey, int seqNo);
-	void scheduleCorLsaExpiration(nlsr& pnlsr, string key, int seqNo, int expTime);
+	ndn::EventId
+	scheduleCorLsaExpiration(nlsr& pnlsr, string key, int seqNo, int expTime);
 	void exprireOrRefreshCorLsa(nlsr& pnlsr, string lsaKey, int seqNo);
+	void cancelScheduleLsaExpiringEvent(nlsr& pnlsr, EventId eid);
 	std::list<NameLsa> nameLsdb;
 	std::list<AdjLsa> adjLsdb;
 	std::list<CorLsa> corLsdb;
diff --git a/src/nlsr_npt.cpp b/src/nlsr_npt.cpp
index ba516e5..697d11c 100644
--- a/src/nlsr_npt.cpp
+++ b/src/nlsr_npt.cpp
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
   		// update FIB here with nhl list newEntry.getNhl()
-  		pnlsr.getFib().updateFib(name,newEntry.getNhl(),
+  		pnlsr.getFib().updateFib(pnlsr, name,newEntry.getNhl(),
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
   		// update FIB here with nhl list from (*it).getNhl()
-  		pnlsr.getFib().updateFib(name,(*it).getNhl() ,
+  		pnlsr.getFib().updateFib(pnlsr, name,(*it).getNhl() ,
@@ -58,14 +58,14 @@
   			npteList.erase(it); // remove entry from NPT
   			// remove FIB entry with this name
-  			pnlsr.getFib().removeFromFib(name);
+  			pnlsr.getFib().removeFromFib(pnlsr,name);
   			// update FIB entry with new NHL
-  			pnlsr.getFib().updateFib(name,(*it).getNhl(),
+  			pnlsr.getFib().updateFib(pnlsr, name,(*it).getNhl(),
diff --git a/src/nlsr_params.hpp b/src/nlsr_params.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index a5f11c5..0000000
--- a/src/nlsr_params.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-class nlsrParams{
diff --git a/wscript b/wscript
index 79420c0..b82e73a 100644
--- a/wscript
+++ b/wscript
@@ -1,67 +1,50 @@
 # -*- Mode: python; py-indent-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; coding: utf-8; -*-
-from waflib import Configure, Build, Logs
+from waflib import Build, Logs, Utils, Task, TaskGen, Configure
 def options(opt):
-    opt.load('compiler_cxx boost')
+    opt.load('compiler_c compiler_cxx gnu_dirs c_osx')
+    opt.load('boost', tooldir=['.waf-tools'])
-    syncopt = opt.add_option_group ("nlsr Options")
-    syncopt.add_option('--debug',action='store_true',default=False,dest='debug',help='''debugging mode''')
+    opt = opt.add_option_group('Options')
+    opt.add_option('--debug',action='store_true',default=False,dest='debug',help='''debugging mode''')
 def configure(conf):
-    conf.load('compiler_cxx boost')
+    conf.load("compiler_cxx boost gnu_dirs")
     if conf.options.debug:
         conf.define ('_DEBUG', 1)
-        conf.add_supported_cxxflags (cxxflags = ['-O0',
-                                                 '-Wall',
-                                                 '-Wno-unused-variable',
-                                                 '-g3',
-                                                 '-Wno-unused-private-field', # only clang supports
-                                                 '-fcolor-diagnostics',       # only clang supports
-                                                 '-Qunused-arguments',         # only clang supports
-                                                 '-Wno-tautological-compare', # suppress warnings from CryptoPP
-                                                 '-Wno-deprecated-declarations'
-                                                 ])
+        flags = ['-O0',
+                 '-Wall',
+                 # '-Werror',
+                 '-Wno-unused-variable',
+                 '-g3',
+                 '-Wno-unused-private-field', # only clang supports
+                 '-fcolor-diagnostics',       # only clang supports
+                 '-Qunused-arguments',        # only clang supports
+                 '-Wno-tautological-compare', # suppress warnings from CryptoPP
+                 '-Wno-unused-function',      # another annoying warning from CryptoPP
+                 '-Wno-deprecated-declarations',
+                 ]
+        conf.add_supported_cxxflags (cxxflags = flags)
-        conf.add_supported_cxxflags (cxxflags = ['-O3',
-                                                 '-g',
-                                                 '-Wno-unused-variable',
-                                                 '-Wno-tautological-compare', 
-                                                 '-Wno-unused-function', 
-                                                 '-Wno-deprecated-declarations'
-                                                 ])
+        flags = ['-O3', '-g', '-Wno-tautological-compare','-Wno-unused-variable',
+                         '-Wno-unused-function', '-Wno-deprecated-declarations']
+        conf.add_supported_cxxflags (cxxflags = flags)
-    conf.check_cfg(package='libndn-cpp-dev', args=['--cflags', '--libs'], uselib_store='NDNCPP', mandatory=True)
-    conf.check_boost(lib='system iostreams thread unit_test_framework', mandatory=True)
-    conf.check_cfg(package='ChronoSync', args=['--cflags', '--libs'], uselib_store='ChronoSync', mandatory=True)
+    conf.check_cfg(package='libndn-cpp-dev', args=['--cflags', '--libs'], uselib_store='NDN_CPP', mandatory=True)
+    conf.check_boost(lib='system iostreams thread unit_test_framework log', uselib_store='BOOST', version='1_55', mandatory=True)
 def build (bld):
     bld (
-        # vnum = "1.0.0",
         features=['cxx', 'cxxprogram'],
-        source = bld.path.ant_glob('src/*.cpp'),
-        use = 'BOOST NDNCPP ChronoSync',
-        #cwd = bld.path.find_dir ("src"),
-        includes = ['src'],
+        source = bld.path.ant_glob('*.cpp'),
+        use = 'NDN_CPP BOOST',
-    #bld.install_files (
-     #   dest = "%s/nlsr" % bld.env['INCLUDEDIR'], 
-     #   files = bld.path.ant_glob(['*.hpp']), 
-     #   cwd = bld.path.find_dir ("src"),
-     #   relative_trick = True,
-     #  )
 def add_supported_cxxflags(self, cxxflags):
@@ -76,3 +59,4 @@
     self.end_msg (' '.join (supportedFlags))
     self.env.CXXFLAGS += supportedFlags