Added Routing Table Structures
diff --git a/nlsr_rt.cpp b/nlsr_rt.cpp
index bcf5af0..b2cc8b9 100644
--- a/nlsr_rt.cpp
+++ b/nlsr_rt.cpp
@@ -1,10 +1,112 @@
#include "nlsr_rt.hpp"
#include "nlsr.hpp"
+#include "nlsr_map.hpp"
+#include "nlsr_rtc.hpp"
using namespace std;
+RoutingTable::calculate(nlsr& pnlsr)
+ if ( pnlsr.getIsRoutingTableCalculating() == 0 )
+ {
+ pnlsr.setIsRoutingTableCalculating(1); //setting routing table calculation
+ if ( pnlsr.getLsdb().doesLsaExist(
+ pnlsr.getConfParameter().getRouterPrefix()+"/"+"2",2) )
+ {
+ if(pnlsr.getIsBuildAdjLsaSheduled() != 1)
+ {
+ clearRoutingTable();
+ clearDryRoutingTable(); // for dry run options
+ // calculate Link State routing
+ if( (pnlsr.getConfParameter().getIsHyperbolicCalc() == 0 )
+ || (pnlsr.getConfParameter().getIsHyperbolicCalc() == 2 ) )
+ {
+ calculateLsRoutingTable(pnlsr);
+ }
+ //calculate hyperbolic routing
+ if ( pnlsr.getConfParameter().getIsHyperbolicCalc() == 1 )
+ {
+ calculateHypRoutingTable(pnlsr);
+ }
+ //calculate dry hyperbolic routing
+ if ( pnlsr.getConfParameter().getIsHyperbolicCalc() == 2 )
+ {
+ calculateHypDryRoutingTable(pnlsr);
+ }
+ //need to update NPT here
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cout<<"Adjacency building is scheduled, so ";
+ cout<<"routing table can not be calculated :("<<endl;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cout<<"No Adj LSA of router itself,";
+ cout<< " so Routint table can not be calculated :("<<endl;
+ clearRoutingTable();
+ clearDryRoutingTable(); // for dry run options
+ // need to update NPT here
+ }
+ pnlsr.setIsRouteCalculationScheduled(0); //clear scheduled flag
+ pnlsr.setIsRoutingTableCalculating(0); //unsetting routing table calculation
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pnlsr.getScheduler().scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(15),
+ ndn::bind(&RoutingTable::calculate,this,boost::ref(pnlsr)));
+ pnlsr.setIsRouteCalculationScheduled(1);
+ }
+RoutingTable::calculateLsRoutingTable(nlsr& pnlsr)
+ Map vMap;
+ vMap.createMapFromAdjLsdb(pnlsr);
+ int numOfRouter=vMap.getMapSize();
+ LinkStateRoutingTableCalculator lsrtc(numOfRouter);
+ lsrtc.allocateAdjMatrix();
+ lsrtc.makeAdjMatrix(pnlsr,vMap);
+ lsrtc.calculatePath(vMap,boost::ref(*this),pnlsr);
+ lsrtc.freeAdjMatrix();
+RoutingTable::calculateHypRoutingTable(nlsr& pnlsr)
+ rTable.clear();
+ dryTable.clear();