src: change initialization order

Send Hello Interest after route to neighbor is successfully registered
--> First Hello interval is eliminated
--> After Hello Nack, wait exponentially before processing it as a timeout
Register sync route for each neighbor after its Hello Data is validated

refs: #5009

Change-Id: Ice39a591f1e58e474b494d93c913fa45e10f24f2
diff --git a/src/nlsr.hpp b/src/nlsr.hpp
index 2124ceb..bc82d01 100644
--- a/src/nlsr.hpp
+++ b/src/nlsr.hpp
@@ -272,21 +272,24 @@
   bool m_isDaemonProcess;
   ndn::security::ValidatorConfig& m_validator;
   std::vector<ndn::Name> m_strategySetOnRouters;
+  uint16_t m_numSyncPrefixRegistered = 0;
   Fib m_fib;
   RoutingTable m_routingTable;
   NamePrefixTable m_namePrefixTable;
   Lsdb m_lsdb;
+  HelloProtocol m_helloProtocol;
   ndn::util::signal::ScopedConnection m_afterSegmentValidatedConnection;
   ndn::util::signal::ScopedConnection m_onNewLsaConnection;
+  ndn::util::signal::ScopedConnection m_onPrefixRegistrationSuccess;
+  ndn::util::signal::ScopedConnection m_onHelloDataValidated;
   ndn::mgmt::Dispatcher m_dispatcher;
   DatasetInterestHandler m_datasetHandler;
-  HelloProtocol m_helloProtocol;
   /*! \brief Where NLSR stores certificates it claims to be