lsdb: emit signals when modified
RoutingTable and NamePrefixTable consume the signal
and behave accordingly.
refs: #4127
Change-Id: I6540f30f0222f804b01dc7d9640831c84e5264cc
diff --git a/src/route/routing-table.cpp b/src/route/routing-table.cpp
index b600882..c06b429 100644
--- a/src/route/routing-table.cpp
+++ b/src/route/routing-table.cpp
@@ -24,93 +24,85 @@
#include "conf-parameter.hpp"
#include "routing-table-calculator.hpp"
#include "routing-table-entry.hpp"
-#include "name-prefix-table.hpp"
#include "logger.hpp"
#include "tlv-nlsr.hpp"
-#include <list>
-#include <string>
namespace nlsr {
-RoutingTable::RoutingTable(ndn::Scheduler& scheduler, Fib& fib, Lsdb& lsdb,
- NamePrefixTable& namePrefixTable, ConfParameter& confParam)
- : afterRoutingChange{std::make_unique<AfterRoutingChange>()}
- , m_scheduler(scheduler)
- , m_fib(fib)
+RoutingTable::RoutingTable(ndn::Scheduler& scheduler, Lsdb& lsdb, ConfParameter& confParam)
+ : m_scheduler(scheduler)
, m_lsdb(lsdb)
- , m_namePrefixTable(namePrefixTable)
, m_routingCalcInterval{confParam.getRoutingCalcInterval()}
, m_isRoutingTableCalculating(false)
, m_isRouteCalculationScheduled(false)
, m_confParam(confParam)
+ , m_hyperbolicState(m_confParam.getHyperbolicState())
+ m_afterLsdbModified = lsdb.onLsdbModified.connect(
+ [this] (std::shared_ptr<Lsa> lsa, LsdbUpdate updateType,
+ const auto& namesToAdd, const auto& namesToRemove) {
+ auto type = lsa->getType();
+ bool updateForOwnAdjacencyLsa = lsa->getOriginRouter() == m_confParam.getRouterPrefix() &&
+ type == Lsa::Type::ADJACENCY;
+ bool scheduleCalculation = false;
+ if (updateType == LsdbUpdate::REMOVED && updateForOwnAdjacencyLsa) {
+ // If own Adjacency LSA is removed then we have no ACTIVE neighbors.
+ // (Own Coordinate LSA is never removed. But routing table calculation is scheduled
+ // in HelloProtocol. The routing table calculator for HR takes into account
+ // the INACTIVE status of the link).
+ NLSR_LOG_DEBUG("No Adj LSA of router itself, routing table can not be calculated :(");
+ clearRoutingTable();
+ clearDryRoutingTable();
+ NLSR_LOG_DEBUG("Calling Update NPT With new Route");
+ afterRoutingChange(m_rTable);
+ NLSR_LOG_DEBUG(*this);
+ m_ownAdjLsaExist = false;
+ }
+ if (updateType == LsdbUpdate::INSTALLED && updateForOwnAdjacencyLsa) {
+ m_ownAdjLsaExist = true;
+ }
+ // Don;t do anything on removal, wait for HelloProtocol to confirm and then react
+ if (updateType == LsdbUpdate::INSTALLED || updateType == LsdbUpdate::UPDATED) {
+ if ((type == Lsa::Type::ADJACENCY && m_hyperbolicState != HYPERBOLIC_STATE_ON) ||
+ (type == Lsa::Type::COORDINATE && m_hyperbolicState != HYPERBOLIC_STATE_OFF)) {
+ scheduleCalculation = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (scheduleCalculation) {
+ scheduleRoutingTableCalculation();
+ }
+ }
+ );
- m_namePrefixTable.writeLog();
+ NLSR_LOG_TRACE("Calculating routing table");
if (m_isRoutingTableCalculating == false) {
- // setting routing table calculation
m_isRoutingTableCalculating = true;
- bool isHrEnabled = m_confParam.getHyperbolicState() != HYPERBOLIC_STATE_OFF;
- if ((!isHrEnabled &&
- m_lsdb.doesLsaExist(m_confParam.getRouterPrefix(), Lsa::Type::ADJACENCY))
- ||
- (isHrEnabled &&
- m_lsdb.doesLsaExist(m_confParam.getRouterPrefix(), Lsa::Type::COORDINATE))) {
- if (m_lsdb.getIsBuildAdjLsaSheduled() != 1) {
- NLSR_LOG_TRACE("Clearing old routing table");
- clearRoutingTable();
- // for dry run options
- clearDryRoutingTable();
- NLSR_LOG_DEBUG("Calculating routing table");
- // calculate Link State routing
- if ((m_confParam.getHyperbolicState() == HYPERBOLIC_STATE_OFF) ||
- (m_confParam.getHyperbolicState() == HYPERBOLIC_STATE_DRY_RUN)) {
- calculateLsRoutingTable();
- }
- // calculate hyperbolic routing
- if (m_confParam.getHyperbolicState() == HYPERBOLIC_STATE_ON) {
- calculateHypRoutingTable(false);
- }
- // calculate dry hyperbolic routing
- if (m_confParam.getHyperbolicState() == HYPERBOLIC_STATE_DRY_RUN) {
- calculateHypRoutingTable(true);
- }
- // Inform the NPT that updates have been made
- NLSR_LOG_DEBUG("Calling Update NPT With new Route");
- (*afterRoutingChange)(m_rTable);
- NLSR_LOG_DEBUG(*this);
- m_namePrefixTable.writeLog();
- m_fib.writeLog();
- }
- else {
- NLSR_LOG_DEBUG("Adjacency building is scheduled, so routing table can not be calculated :(");
- }
+ if (m_hyperbolicState == HYPERBOLIC_STATE_OFF) {
+ calculateLsRoutingTable();
- else {
- NLSR_LOG_DEBUG("No Adj LSA of router itself, so Routing table can not be calculated :(");
- clearRoutingTable();
- clearDryRoutingTable(); // for dry run options
- // need to update NPT here
- NLSR_LOG_DEBUG("Calling Update NPT With new Route");
- (*afterRoutingChange)(m_rTable);
- NLSR_LOG_DEBUG(*this);
- m_namePrefixTable.writeLog();
- m_fib.writeLog();
- // debugging purpose end
+ else if (m_hyperbolicState == HYPERBOLIC_STATE_DRY_RUN) {
+ calculateLsRoutingTable();
+ calculateHypRoutingTable(true);
- m_isRouteCalculationScheduled = false; // clear scheduled flag
- m_isRoutingTableCalculating = false; // unsetting routing table calculation
+ else if (m_hyperbolicState == HYPERBOLIC_STATE_ON) {
+ calculateHypRoutingTable(false);
+ }
+ m_isRouteCalculationScheduled = false;
+ m_isRoutingTableCalculating = false;
else {
@@ -122,6 +114,19 @@
NLSR_LOG_TRACE("CalculateLsRoutingTable Called");
+ if (m_lsdb.getIsBuildAdjLsaScheduled()) {
+ NLSR_LOG_DEBUG("Adjacency build is scheduled, routing table can not be calculated :(");
+ return;
+ }
+ // We only check this in LS since we never remove our own Coordinate LSA,
+ // whereas we remove our own Adjacency LSA if we don't have any neighbors
+ if (!m_ownAdjLsaExist) {
+ return;
+ }
+ clearRoutingTable();
Map map;
auto lsaRange = m_lsdb.getLsdbIterator<AdjLsa>();
map.createFromAdjLsdb(lsaRange.first, lsaRange.second);
@@ -132,11 +137,22 @@
LinkStateRoutingTableCalculator calculator(nRouters);
calculator.calculatePath(map, *this, m_confParam, m_lsdb);
+ NLSR_LOG_DEBUG("Calling Update NPT With new Route");
+ afterRoutingChange(m_rTable);
+ NLSR_LOG_DEBUG(*this);
RoutingTable::calculateHypRoutingTable(bool isDryRun)
+ if (isDryRun) {
+ clearDryRoutingTable();
+ }
+ else {
+ clearRoutingTable();
+ }
Map map;
auto lsaRange = m_lsdb.getLsdbIterator<CoordinateLsa>();
map.createFromCoordinateLsdb(lsaRange.first, lsaRange.second);
@@ -147,6 +163,12 @@
HyperbolicRoutingCalculator calculator(nRouters, isDryRun, m_confParam.getRouterPrefix());
calculator.calculatePath(map, *this, m_lsdb, m_confParam.getAdjacencyList());
+ if (!isDryRun) {
+ NLSR_LOG_DEBUG("Calling Update NPT With new Route");
+ afterRoutingChange(m_rTable);
+ NLSR_LOG_DEBUG(*this);
+ }
@@ -179,6 +201,7 @@
else {
+ m_wire.reset();
@@ -207,22 +230,21 @@
else {
+ m_wire.reset();
- if (m_rTable.size() > 0) {
- m_rTable.clear();
- }
+ m_rTable.clear();
+ m_wire.reset();
- if (m_dryTable.size() > 0) {
- m_dryTable.clear();
- }
+ m_dryTable.clear();
+ m_wire.reset();
template<ndn::encoding::Tag TAG>