ci: expand Travis-CI build matrix

Change-Id: I6ef5a461eaed9d66bed12189cde28cab30e55df8
diff --git a/.jenkins.d/ b/.jenkins.d/
index fcf207c..2ecdfdc 100755
--- a/.jenkins.d/
+++ b/.jenkins.d/
@@ -10,6 +10,12 @@
 git submodule sync
 git submodule update
+if [[ $JOB_NAME == *"code-coverage" ]]; then
+    COVERAGE="--with-coverage"
+elif [[ -z $DISABLE_ASAN ]]; then
+    ASAN="--with-sanitizer=address"
 # Cleanup
 sudo env "PATH=$PATH" ./waf --color=yes distclean
@@ -30,12 +36,7 @@
 # Configure/build in debug mode with tests
-if [[ $JOB_NAME == *"code-coverage" ]]; then
-    COVERAGE="--with-coverage"
-elif [[ -n $BUILD_WITH_ASAN || -z $TRAVIS ]]; then
-    ASAN="--with-sanitizer=address"
-./waf --color=yes configure --debug --with-tests $COVERAGE $ASAN
+./waf --color=yes configure --debug --with-tests $ASAN $COVERAGE
 ./waf --color=yes build -j${WAF_JOBS:-1}
 # (tests will be run against debug version)
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 560b094..0db4659 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+language: cpp
+dist: trusty
 sudo: required
-language: generic
     - JOB_NAME=limited-build
@@ -8,30 +9,93 @@
     # Linux/gcc
+    #
     - os: linux
-      dist: trusty
-      env:
-        - CXX=g++-4.8
-        - NODE_LABELS="Linux Ubuntu Ubuntu-14.04"
-        - BUILD_WITH_ASAN=yes
+      env: COMPILER=g++-4.8
+    - os: linux
+      env: COMPILER=g++-4.9
+      addons:
+        apt:
+          sources: ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
+          packages: g++-4.9
+    - os: linux
+      env: COMPILER=g++-5
+      addons:
+        apt:
+          sources: ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
+          packages: g++-5
+    - os: linux
+      env: COMPILER=g++-6
+      addons:
+        apt:
+          sources: ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
+          packages: g++-6
+    - os: linux
+      env: COMPILER=g++-7
+      addons:
+        apt:
+          sources: ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
+          packages: g++-7
     # Linux/clang
+    #
     - os: linux
-      dist: trusty
-      env:
-        - CXX=clang++
-        - NODE_LABELS="Linux Ubuntu Ubuntu-14.04"
-        - BUILD_WITH_ASAN=yes
+      env: COMPILER=clang++-3.5
+      addons:
+        apt:
+          packages: clang-3.5
+    - os: linux
+      env: COMPILER=clang++-3.6
+      addons:
+        apt:
+          packages: clang-3.6
+    - os: linux
+      env: COMPILER=clang++-3.7 DISABLE_ASAN=yes
+      addons:
+        apt:
+          sources: ["llvm-toolchain-precise-3.7", "ubuntu-toolchain-r-test"]
+          packages: clang-3.7
+    - os: linux
+      env: COMPILER=clang++-3.8
+      addons:
+        apt:
+          sources: ["llvm-toolchain-precise-3.8", "ubuntu-toolchain-r-test"]
+          packages: clang-3.8
+    - os: linux
+      env: COMPILER=clang++-3.9 DISABLE_ASAN=yes
+      addons:
+        apt:
+          sources: ["llvm-toolchain-trusty-3.9", "ubuntu-toolchain-r-test"]
+          packages: clang-3.9
+    - os: linux
+      env: COMPILER=clang++-4.0
+      addons:
+        apt:
+          sources: ["llvm-toolchain-trusty-4.0", "ubuntu-toolchain-r-test"]
+          packages: clang-4.0
+    - os: linux
+      env: COMPILER=clang++-5.0
+      addons:
+        apt:
+          sources: ["llvm-toolchain-trusty-5.0", "ubuntu-toolchain-r-test"]
+          packages: clang-5.0
     # macOS/clang
     - os: osx
+      osx_image: xcode7.3
+      env: OSX_VERSION=10.11
+    - os: osx
       osx_image: xcode8.3
-      env:
-        - NODE_LABELS="OSX OSX-10.12"
-        - BUILD_WITH_ASAN=yes
+      env: OSX_VERSION=10.12
+    - os: osx
+      osx_image: xcode9.2
+      env: OSX_VERSION=10.12
+  - if [[ ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} == linux ]]; then export NODE_LABELS="Linux Ubuntu Ubuntu-14.04"; fi
+  - if [[ ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME} == osx ]]; then export NODE_LABELS="OSX OSX-${OSX_VERSION}"; fi
+  - if [[ -n ${COMPILER} ]]; then export CXX=${COMPILER}; fi
   - ${CXX:-c++} --version
   - python --version