config+lsdb: Retry retrieve each LSA for `lsa-refresh-time`

This commit also includes extension of the config file
(`lsa-interest-lifetime` parameter in general section)

Change-Id: Ifd01af8cc98d41f7bdc953799a280e4b4269a358
Refs: #1873, #1874
diff --git a/tests/test-conf-file-processor.cpp b/tests/test-conf-file-processor.cpp
index a786ec9..7025914 100644
--- a/tests/test-conf-file-processor.cpp
+++ b/tests/test-conf-file-processor.cpp
@@ -38,27 +38,30 @@
   const std::string CONFIG =
-    "  network /ndn/\n"      
+    "  network /ndn/\n"
     "  site /\n"
     "  router /cs/pollux/\n"
     "  lsa-refresh-time 1800\n"
+    "  lsa-interest-lifetime 3\n"
     "  log-level  INFO\n"
+    "  log-dir /tmp\n"
+    "  seq-dir /tmp\n"
     "  hello-retries 3\n"
-    "  hello-time-out 1\n"
+    "  hello-timeout 1\n"
     "  hello-interval  60\n\n"
     "  neighbor\n"
     "  {\n"
     "    name /ndn/\n"
-    "    face-id  15\n"
+    "    face-uri  udp4://localhost\n"
     "    link-cost 20\n"
     "  }\n\n"
     "  neighbor\n"
     "  {\n"
     "    name /ndn/\n"
-    "    face-id  17\n"
+    "    face-uri  udp4://localhost\n"
     "    link-cost 30\n"
     "  }\n"
@@ -99,6 +102,9 @@
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nlsr1.getNamePrefixList().getSize(), 2);
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nlsr1.getConfParameter().getLsaInterestLifetime(),
+                    ndn::time::seconds(3));