Update README.md
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 232460c..9eea25b 100755
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
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-Named Data Link State Routing
\ No newline at end of file
+Named-data Link State Routing ( NLSR ):
+  NLSR is routing protocol caluclate routing table dynamically and manipulate 
+ccnd forwarding information base (FIB) based on routing table.
+1. Download:
+	Check out the code from the github by following
+2. Installation:
+	For installation of NLSR you must need to have ccnd installed. Go to NLSR0.0.
+Then make it and install by following
+$sudo make install
+3. Configuring NLSR:
+	For the explanation of configuring NLSR, we will consider following network topology.
+				---------
+				|	|
+				|	|  /ndn/memphis.edu/castor
+				---------
+			face9	/       \ face11
+			       /         \
+			      /           \
+			     /             \
+		       face7/               \ face10
+		   ---------		   ---------			---------
+		   |	   |face8   face11 |	   |face13	face7	|	|
+		   |	   |---------------|	   |--------------------|	|
+		   ---------		   ---------			---------
+	/ndn/memphis.edu/pollux		/ndn/memphis.edu/mira		/ndn/memphis.edu/sirius
+3.1 Creating faces for neighbors
+	For configuring of NLSR first system admin first need to create faces for the neighbors.
+For router having router-name /ndn/memphis.edu/castor, system admin need to create two faces for
+neighbors routers /ndn/memphis.edu/pollux and /ndn/memphis.edu/mira. By ccndc utility one can
+create face as below
+$ccndc add /ndn/memphis.edu/pollux udp pollux.cs.memphis.edu
+$ccndc add /ndn/memphis.edu/mira udp mira.cs.memphis.edu
+Let us assume that that face id for /ndn/memphis.edu/pollux is 9 and /ndn/memphis.edu/mira is 11.
+3.2 Configuration Commands
+3.2.1 router-name /name/prefix/of/router
+	router-name commands assigns name of the router. Router-name is unique in the network and
+maintained by name management. This is mandatory configuration command.
+3.2.2 ccnneighbor /name/prefix/of/neighbor/router faceX.
+	By this command router configures neighboring router. X is integer and must be precedeed 
+by "face". faceX is the connecting face for that neighbors.
+3.2.3 ccnname /name/prefix/to/be/advertised
+	With this configuration command router advertise name prefix
+3.2.4 lsdb-synch-interval secs
+	its the time interval after which neighbors will synchronize Link State Database. Default
+value is 300.
+3.2.5 interest-retry tries
+	its number of tries router will try if interest is timed out. Defualt value is 3.
+3.2.6 interest-resend-time secs
+	its the amount of time after which interest for a content will timed out. Defualt value
+is 15.
+3.2.7 lsa-refresh-time secs
+	its the amount of time after which router will regenerate its own LSDB and regenerate
+every LSA. Default value is 1800.
+3.2.8 router-dead-interval secs
+	its the amounnt of time after which a router will consider its neighbor dead if it does
+not hear anything from the neighbor. Default value 3600.
+3.2.9 multi-path-face-num n
+	with this command one activate to do multi-path routing. If n is greater than 1 then
+multi-path is triggered on and n faces will be added in ccnd fib after routing table calculation.
+Default value is 0 and then NLSR perform single path routing.
+3.2.10 logdir path/to/log/dir
+	By this command one can configure where NLSR will write logfiles. By default NLSR will
+write log file to /home/nlsrLog/ directory.
+3.3 Sample configuration file
+	Let assume that router /ndn/memphis.edu/castor wants to advertise two names 
+/ndn/memphis.edu/cslab/netlab and /ndn/memphis.edu/cslab/wisemanet. Configuration file for 
+/ndn/memphis.edu/castor will look like below 
+#-----Configuration file starts here
+router-name /ndn/memphis.edu/netlab/macbook/
+ccnneighbor /ndn/memphis.edu/dunhall/castor face9
+ccnneighbor /ndn/memphis.edu/netlab/pollux face11
+ccnname /ndn/memphis.edu/patterson
+ccnname /ndn/memphis.edu/houston/
+lsdb-synch-interval 350
+interest-retry 3 
+interest-resend-time 10
+lsa-refresh-time 1800
+router-dead-interval 3600
+multi-path-face-num 2 
+logdir /home/NLSR2.0 
+#-----Configuration file ends here