src: Replace Tokenizer with the methods of ndn::Name

Purpose of this commit is to replace Tokenizer in all
places except conf-file-processor.*pp with the methods
of ndn::Name. One static method in class NameHelper
is added. Tokenizer will be removed finally when
configuration file parsing commit is complete.

Refs: 1533

Change-Id: I14a67655eb963c5cc5b045c3c9f7d516e405ff19
diff --git a/src/hello-protocol.cpp b/src/hello-protocol.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccc2f5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hello-protocol.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+#include "nlsr.hpp"
+#include "lsdb.hpp"
+#include "hello-protocol.hpp"
+#include "utility/name-helper.hpp"
+namespace nlsr {
+HelloProtocol::expressInterest(const ndn::Name& interestName, uint32_t seconds)
+  std::cout << "Expressing Interest :" << interestName << std::endl;
+  ndn::Interest i(interestName);
+  i.setInterestLifetime(ndn::time::seconds(seconds));
+  i.setMustBeFresh(true);
+  m_nlsr.getNlsrFace().expressInterest(i,
+                                       ndn::bind(&HelloProtocol::processContent,
+                                                 this,
+                                                 _1, _2),
+                                       ndn::bind(&HelloProtocol::processInterestTimedOut,
+                                                 this, _1));
+HelloProtocol::sendScheduledInterest(uint32_t seconds)
+  std::list<Adjacent> adjList = m_nlsr.getAdjacencyList().getAdjList();
+  for (std::list<Adjacent>::iterator it = adjList.begin(); it != adjList.end();
+       ++it)
+  {
+    ndn::Name interestName = (*it).getName() ;
+    interestName.append("info");
+    interestName.append(ndn::Name(m_nlsr.getConfParameter().getRouterPrefix()));
+    expressInterest(interestName,
+                    m_nlsr.getConfParameter().getInterestResendTime());
+  }
+  scheduleInterest(m_nlsr.getConfParameter().getInfoInterestInterval());
+HelloProtocol::scheduleInterest(uint32_t seconds)
+  m_nlsr.getScheduler().scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(seconds),
+                                      ndn::bind(&HelloProtocol::sendScheduledInterest,
+                                                this, seconds));
+HelloProtocol::processInterest(const ndn::Name& name,
+                               const ndn::Interest& interest)
+  const ndn::Name interestName = interest.getName();
+  std::cout << "Interest Received for Name: " << interestName << std::endl;
+  std::string chkString("info");
+  int32_t infoPosition = util::getNameComponentPosition(interestName, chkString);
+  if (infoPosition < 0)
+  {
+    return;
+  }
+  ndn::Name neighbor = interestName.getSubName(infoPosition + 1);
+  std::cout << "Neighbor: " << neighbor << std::endl;
+  if (m_nlsr.getAdjacencyList().isNeighbor(neighbor))
+  {
+    ndn::Data data(ndn::Name(interest.getName()).appendVersion());
+    data.setFreshnessPeriod(ndn::time::seconds(10)); // 10 sec
+    data.setContent((const uint8_t*)"info", sizeof("info"));
+    m_keyChain.sign(data);
+    std::cout << ">> D: " << data << std::endl;
+    m_nlsr.getNlsrFace().put(data);
+    int status = m_nlsr.getAdjacencyList().getStatusOfNeighbor(neighbor);
+    if (status == 0)
+    {
+      ndn::Name interestName(neighbor);
+      interestName.append("info");
+      interestName.append(m_nlsr.getConfParameter().getRouterPrefix());
+      expressInterest(interestName,
+                      m_nlsr.getConfParameter().getInterestResendTime());
+    }
+  }
+HelloProtocol::processInterestTimedOut(const ndn::Interest& interest)
+  const ndn::Name interestName(interest.getName());
+  std::cout << "Interest timed out for Name: " << interestName << std::endl;
+  std::string chkString("info");
+  int32_t infoPosition = util::getNameComponentPosition(interestName, chkString);
+  if (infoPosition < 0)
+  {
+    return;
+  }
+  ndn::Name neighbor = interestName.getSubName(0, infoPosition);
+  std::cout << "Neighbor: " << neighbor << std::endl;
+  m_nlsr.getAdjacencyList().incrementTimedOutInterestCount(neighbor);
+  int status = m_nlsr.getAdjacencyList().getStatusOfNeighbor(neighbor);
+  uint32_t infoIntTimedOutCount =
+    m_nlsr.getAdjacencyList().getTimedOutInterestCount(neighbor);
+  std::cout << "Neighbor: " << neighbor << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "Status: " << status << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "Info Interest Timed out: " << infoIntTimedOutCount << std::endl;
+  if ((infoIntTimedOutCount < m_nlsr.getConfParameter().getInterestRetryNumber()))
+  {
+    ndn::Name interestName(neighbor);
+    interestName.append("info");
+    interestName.append(m_nlsr.getConfParameter().getRouterPrefix());
+    expressInterest(interestName,
+                    m_nlsr.getConfParameter().getInterestResendTime());
+  }
+  else if ((status == 1) &&
+           (infoIntTimedOutCount == m_nlsr.getConfParameter().getInterestRetryNumber()))
+  {
+    m_nlsr.getAdjacencyList().setStatusOfNeighbor(neighbor, 0);
+    m_nlsr.incrementAdjBuildCount();
+    if (m_nlsr.getIsBuildAdjLsaSheduled() == 0)
+    {
+      m_nlsr.setIsBuildAdjLsaSheduled(1);
+      // event here
+      m_nlsr.getScheduler().scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(5),
+                                          ndn::bind(&Lsdb::scheduledAdjLsaBuild,
+                                                    &m_nlsr.getLsdb()));
+    }
+  }
+HelloProtocol::processContent(const ndn::Interest& interest,
+                              const ndn::Data& data)
+  ndn::Name dataName = data.getName();
+  std::cout << "Data received for name: " << dataName << std::endl;
+  std::string chkString("info");
+  int32_t infoPosition = util::getNameComponentPosition(dataName, chkString);
+  if (infoPosition >= 0)
+  {
+    ndn::Name neighbor = dataName.getSubName(0, infoPosition);
+    int oldStatus = m_nlsr.getAdjacencyList().getStatusOfNeighbor(neighbor);
+    int infoIntTimedOutCount = m_nlsr.getAdjacencyList().getTimedOutInterestCount(
+                                 neighbor);
+    //debugging purpose start
+    std::cout << "Before Updates: " << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "Neighbor : " << neighbor << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "Status: " << oldStatus << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "Info Interest Timed out: " << infoIntTimedOutCount << std::endl;
+    //debugging purpose end
+    m_nlsr.getAdjacencyList().setStatusOfNeighbor(neighbor, 1);
+    m_nlsr.getAdjacencyList().setTimedOutInterestCount(neighbor, 0);
+    int newStatus = m_nlsr.getAdjacencyList().getStatusOfNeighbor(neighbor);
+    infoIntTimedOutCount = m_nlsr.getAdjacencyList().getTimedOutInterestCount(
+                             neighbor);
+    //debugging purpose
+    std::cout << "After Updates: " << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "Neighbor : " << neighbor << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "Status: " << newStatus << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "Info Interest Timed out: " << infoIntTimedOutCount << std::endl;
+    //debugging purpose end
+    if ((oldStatus - newStatus) != 0)  // change in Adjacency list
+    {
+      m_nlsr.incrementAdjBuildCount();
+      /* Need to schedule event for Adjacency LSA building */
+      if (m_nlsr.getIsBuildAdjLsaSheduled() == 0)
+      {
+        m_nlsr.setIsBuildAdjLsaSheduled(1);
+        // event here
+        m_nlsr.getScheduler().scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(5),
+                                            ndn::bind(&Lsdb::scheduledAdjLsaBuild,
+                                                      boost::ref(m_nlsr.getLsdb())));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+} //namespace nlsr