Don't build Adjacency LSA when destroyed face belongs to INACTIVE node

refs: #2733

Change-Id: I2a53bce876486980b380e9d8226b410bc754b034
diff --git a/tests/test-nlsr.cpp b/tests/test-nlsr.cpp
index 74a3f47..ed41d9b 100644
--- a/tests/test-nlsr.cpp
+++ b/tests/test-nlsr.cpp
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 #include "test-common.hpp"
+#include "control-commands.hpp"
 #include "dummy-face.hpp"
 #include "nlsr.hpp"
@@ -183,6 +184,101 @@
   BOOST_CHECK(rtEntry == nullptr);
+// Bug #2733
+// This test checks that when a face for an inactive node is destroyed, an
+// Adjacency LSA build does not postpone the LSA refresh and cause RIB
+// entries for other nodes' name prefixes to not be refreshed.
+// This test is invalid when Issue #2732 is implemented since an Adjacency LSA
+// refresh will not cause RIB entries for other nodes' name prefixes to be refreshed.
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(FaceDestroyEventInactive, UnitTestTimeFixture)
+  shared_ptr<ndn::util::DummyClientFace> face = ndn::util::makeDummyClientFace(g_ioService);
+  Nlsr nlsr(g_ioService, g_scheduler, ndn::ref(*face));
+  Lsdb& lsdb = nlsr.getLsdb();
+  // Simulate loading configuration file
+  ConfParameter& conf = nlsr.getConfParameter();
+  conf.setNetwork("/ndn");
+  conf.setSiteName("/site");
+  conf.setRouterName("/%C1.router/this-router");
+  conf.setFirstHelloInterval(0);
+  conf.setAdjLsaBuildInterval(0);
+  conf.setRoutingCalcInterval(0);
+  // Add neighbors
+  AdjacencyList& neighbors = nlsr.getAdjacencyList();
+  uint64_t destroyFaceId = 128;
+  // Create an inactive neighbor whose Face will be destroyed
+  Adjacent failNeighbor("/ndn/neighborA", "uri://faceA", 10, Adjacent::STATUS_INACTIVE, 3,
+                        destroyFaceId);
+  neighbors.insert(failNeighbor);
+  // Create an additional active neighbor so an adjacency LSA can be built
+  Adjacent otherNeighbor("/ndn/neighborB", "uri://faceB", 25, Adjacent::STATUS_ACTIVE, 0, 256);
+  neighbors.insert(otherNeighbor);
+  // Add a name for the neighbor to advertise
+  NamePrefixList nameList;
+  ndn::Name nameToAdvertise("/ndn/neighborB/name");
+  nameList.insert(nameToAdvertise);
+  NameLsa nameLsa("/ndn/neighborB", "name", 25, ndn::time::system_clock::now(), nameList);
+  lsdb.installNameLsa(nameLsa);
+  nlsr.initialize();
+  // Simulate successful HELLO responses from neighbor B
+  lsdb.scheduleAdjLsaBuild();
+  // Run the scheduler to build an adjacency LSA
+  this->advanceClocks(ndn::time::milliseconds(1));
+  ndn::Name key = ndn::Name(nlsr.getConfParameter().getRouterPrefix()).append(AdjLsa::TYPE_STRING);
+  AdjLsa* lsa = lsdb.findAdjLsa(key);
+  BOOST_REQUIRE(lsa != nullptr);
+  // Cancel previous LSA expiration event
+  g_scheduler.cancelEvent(lsa->getExpiringEventId());
+  // Set expiration time for own Adjacency LSA to earlier value for unit-test
+  //
+  // Expiration time is negative to offset the GRACE_PERIOD (10 seconds) automatically applied
+  // to expiration times
+  ndn::EventId id = lsdb.scheduleAdjLsaExpiration(key, lsa->getLsSeqNo(), -ndn::time::seconds(9));
+  lsa->setExpiringEventId(id);
+  // Generate a FaceEventDestroyed notification
+  ndn::nfd::FaceEventNotification event;
+  event.setKind(ndn::nfd::FACE_EVENT_DESTROYED)
+       .setFaceId(destroyFaceId);
+  shared_ptr<ndn::Data> data = make_shared<ndn::Data>("/localhost/nfd/faces/events/%FE%00");
+  data->setContent(event.wireEncode());
+  nlsr.getKeyChain().sign(*data);
+  // Receive the FaceEventDestroyed notification
+  face->receive(*data);
+  // Run the scheduler to expire the Adjacency LSA. The expiration should refresh the RIB
+  // entries associated with Neighbor B's advertised prefix.
+  face->sentInterests.clear();
+  this->advanceClocks(ndn::time::seconds(1));
+  // The Face should have two sent Interests: the face event and a RIB registration
+  BOOST_REQUIRE(face->sentInterests.size() > 0);
+  const ndn::Interest& interest = face->sentInterests.back();
+  ndn::nfd::ControlParameters parameters;
+  ndn::Name::Component verb;
+  BOOST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(extractRibCommandParameters(interest, verb, parameters));
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(verb, ndn::Name::Component("register"));
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(parameters.getName(), nameToAdvertise);
 } //namespace test