Test Mobility with Link
Environment Set-up
- Configure network region names on A, B, C, and D:
- C: /arizona/cs
- B: /arizona/cs/telecom
- A: /ucsd/caida
- D: /ucla/cs/irl, /ucla/cs/software
- Start NFD on A, B, C, and D.
- On C, register a default route toward B.
- On B, register a route /ucla toward A.
- On A, register a route /ucla/cs toward D.
- On C, start ndn-traffic-server on /net/ndnsim/www, serving payload "CCCCCCCC".
- On B, start ndn-traffic-server on /net/ndnsim/www, serving payload "BBBBBBBB".
- On A, start ndn-traffic-server on /net/ndnsim/www, serving payload "AAAAAAAA".
- On D, start ndn-traffic-server on /net/ndnsim/www, serving payload "DDDDDDDD".
- On C, execute a consumer to express an Interest for /net/ndnsim/www/index.html, with a Link object {Name=/net/ndnsim, Delegations={{10, /telia/terabits}, {20, /ucla/cs}}}. Expect Data with payload "DDDDDDDD".
- On C, execute a consumer to express an Interest for /net/ndnsim/www/news.html, with a Link object {Name=/net/ndnsim, Delegations={{10, /telia/terabits}, {20, /waseda/cs}}}. Expect Nack with reason NoRoute.
- On C, execute a consumer to express an Interest for /net/ndnsim/www/contact.html, with a Link object {Name=/net/ndnsim, Delegations={{10, /arizona/cs/telecom}}}. Expect Data with payload "BBBBBBBB".
- On C, execute a consumer to express an Interest for /net/ndnsim/www/about.html, with a Link object {Name=/net/ndnsim, Delegations={{10, /arizona/cs}}}. Expect Data with payload "CCCCCCCC".
- On C, execute a consumer to express an Interest for /net/ndnsim/www/info.html, with a Link object {Name=/net/ndnsim, Delegations={{10, /arizona}}}. Expect Data with payload "CCCCCCCC".
- On C, execute a consumer to express an Interest for /net/ndnsim/www/logo.jpg, with a Link object {Name=/net/ndnsim, Delegations{{10, /arizona/cs/telecom/east}}}. Expect Nack with reason NoRoute.