Eliminate separate `nfdc create` step

refs #2906

Change-Id: I68b3a1af7d011006c473878c5946b8e68a754940
diff --git a/test_tcp_udp_tunnel/tcp-udp-tunnel-test.sh b/test_tcp_udp_tunnel/tcp-udp-tunnel-test.sh
index f565335..6b38177 100755
--- a/test_tcp_udp_tunnel/tcp-udp-tunnel-test.sh
+++ b/test_tcp_udp_tunnel/tcp-udp-tunnel-test.sh
@@ -38,14 +38,7 @@
 # open a tunnel from host A to host D and set nexthop of ndn:/tunnel-test to D
 echo "preparing tunnel..."
-faceid=$(nfdc create $1://$ipaddr | grep -Po 'FaceId: .*?,' | sed 's/FaceId: //' | sed 's/,//')
-if [[ -z $faceid ]]
-    echo "Fail to create face"
-    clean_up
-    exit 1
-nfdc add-nexthop ndn:/tunnel-test $faceid
+nfdc add-nexthop ndn:/tunnel-test $1://$ipaddr
 # run ndn-traffic client
 echo "running ndn-traffic client..."