1. 2a00194 tools: Add NDN-FCH stage (service to get "closest" NDN hub) to ndn-autoconfig by Alexander Afanasyev · 8 years ago
  2. 5c47597 tools: Automatically start ndn-autoconfig in nfd-start, if enabled in autoconfig.conf by Alexander Afanasyev · 9 years ago
  3. 62b19a6 docs: add spec of prefixes that are automaticly registered upon discovery of hub by Stumble · 10 years ago
  4. 6ee6e07 docs: Adding manpages for the command-line tools by hilata · 11 years ago
  5. 49272f7 docs: Enabling sphinx-based documentation and styling docs closer to named-data.net by Alexander Afanasyev · 11 years ago