This file describes how self-learning forwarding strategy is tested.


  • Install two NFDs (A and B) with the self-learning forwarding strategy

  • Configure two NFDs to be connected: either both NFDs have to be connected to the same multicast-capable network (they effectively will communicate over it) or faces between two nodes have to be configured and maintained for communication

  • Enable localhop_security by editing nfd.conf file for both NFDs


  • Run NFD, and choose self-learning forwarding strategy for name prefix /sl on both NFDs with this command: nfdc strategy set /sl /localhost/nfd/strategy/self-learning

  • Run ndnpingserver on node A to serve /sl: ndnpingserver /sl (Install ndn-tools first)

  • Run ndnping on node B for /sl: ndnping /sl


  • ndnping works

  • run command nfdc route to show the newly added route that follows the following format: prefix=/sl/ping nexthop=<faceID> origin=prefixann cost=2048 flags=child-inherit expires=<duration>

  • in NFD logs (with DEBUG level enabled), the first Interest is sent to all faces, while the subsequent Interests are sent to only one face