tools: nfdc strategy set/unset commands

nfdc set-strategy and nfdc unset-strategy are deprecated.

refs #3865

Change-Id: I934cbfcd567ac7ee33381ae4baf00b668977a0aa
diff --git a/tools/nfdc/available-commands.cpp b/tools/nfdc/available-commands.cpp
index a1d22cb..0d4847f 100644
--- a/tools/nfdc/available-commands.cpp
+++ b/tools/nfdc/available-commands.cpp
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@
     {"unregister", "unregister a prefix", "route remove"},
     {"create", "create a face", "face create"},
     {"destroy", "destroy a face", "face destroy"},
-    {"set-strategy", "set strategy choice on namespace", ""},
-    {"unset-strategy", "unset strategy choice on namespace", ""},
+    {"set-strategy", "set strategy choice on namespace", "strategy set"},
+    {"unset-strategy", "unset strategy choice on namespace", "strategy unset"},
     {"add-nexthop", "add FIB nexthop", "route add"},
     {"remove-nexthop", "remove FIB nexthop", "route remove"}
diff --git a/tools/nfdc/strategy-choice-module.cpp b/tools/nfdc/strategy-choice-module.cpp
index e5fe584..9e0031f 100644
--- a/tools/nfdc/strategy-choice-module.cpp
+++ b/tools/nfdc/strategy-choice-module.cpp
@@ -43,6 +43,19 @@
     .setTitle("show strategy choice of an entry")
     .addArg("prefix", ArgValueType::NAME, Required::YES, Positional::YES);
   parser.addCommand(defStrategyShow, &StrategyChoiceModule::show);
+  CommandDefinition defStrategySet("strategy", "set");
+  defStrategySet
+    .setTitle("set strategy choice for a name prefix")
+    .addArg("prefix", ArgValueType::NAME, Required::YES, Positional::YES)
+    .addArg("strategy", ArgValueType::NAME, Required::YES, Positional::YES);
+  parser.addCommand(defStrategySet, &StrategyChoiceModule::set);
+  CommandDefinition defStrategyUnset("strategy", "unset");
+  defStrategyUnset
+    .setTitle("clear strategy choice at a name prefix")
+    .addArg("prefix", ArgValueType::NAME, Required::YES, Positional::YES);
+  parser.addCommand(defStrategyUnset, &StrategyChoiceModule::unset);
@@ -84,6 +97,58 @@
+StrategyChoiceModule::set(ExecuteContext& ctx)
+  auto prefix = ctx.args.get<Name>("prefix");
+  auto strategy = ctx.args.get<Name>("strategy");
+  ctx.controller.start<ndn::nfd::StrategyChoiceSetCommand>(
+    ControlParameters().setName(prefix).setStrategy(strategy),
+    [&] (const ControlParameters& resp) {
+      ctx.out << "strategy-set ";
+      text::ItemAttributes ia;
+      ctx.out << ia("prefix") << resp.getName()
+              << ia("strategy") << resp.getStrategy() << '\n';
+    },
+    [&] (const ControlResponse& resp) {
+      if (resp.getCode() == 404) {
+        ctx.exitCode = 7;
+        ctx.err << "Unknown strategy: " << strategy << '\n';
+        ///\todo #3887 list available strategies
+        return;
+      }
+      ctx.makeCommandFailureHandler("setting strategy")(resp); // invoke general error handler
+    },
+    ctx.makeCommandOptions());
+  ctx.face.processEvents();
+StrategyChoiceModule::unset(ExecuteContext& ctx)
+  auto prefix = ctx.args.get<Name>("prefix");
+  if (prefix.empty()) {
+    ctx.exitCode = 2;
+    ctx.err << "Unsetting default strategy is prohibited\n";
+    return;
+  }
+  ctx.controller.start<ndn::nfd::StrategyChoiceUnsetCommand>(
+    ControlParameters().setName(prefix),
+    [&] (const ControlParameters& resp) {
+      ctx.out << "strategy-unset ";
+      text::ItemAttributes ia;
+      ctx.out << ia("prefix") << resp.getName() << '\n';
+    },
+    ctx.makeCommandFailureHandler("unsetting strategy"),
+    ctx.makeCommandOptions());
+  ctx.face.processEvents();
 StrategyChoiceModule::fetchStatus(Controller& controller,
                                   const function<void()>& onSuccess,
                                   const Controller::DatasetFailCallback& onFailure,
diff --git a/tools/nfdc/strategy-choice-module.hpp b/tools/nfdc/strategy-choice-module.hpp
index aabc3db..71fa9a2 100644
--- a/tools/nfdc/strategy-choice-module.hpp
+++ b/tools/nfdc/strategy-choice-module.hpp
@@ -56,6 +56,16 @@
   static void
   show(ExecuteContext& ctx);
+  /** \brief the 'strategy set' command
+   */
+  static void
+  set(ExecuteContext& ctx);
+  /** \brief the 'strategy unset' command
+   */
+  static void
+  unset(ExecuteContext& ctx);
   fetchStatus(Controller& controller,
               const function<void()>& onSuccess,