docs: fix capitalization in doxygen comments

Change-Id: Ibf5ee5119d12d60d382b0acef8dfd08277c18fcb
diff --git a/daemon/face/generic-link-service.hpp b/daemon/face/generic-link-service.hpp
index be216a7..7b5a427 100644
--- a/daemon/face/generic-link-service.hpp
+++ b/daemon/face/generic-link-service.hpp
@@ -33,70 +33,71 @@
 namespace nfd::face {
-/** \brief counters provided by GenericLinkService
- *  \note The type name 'GenericLinkServiceCounters' is implementation detail.
- *        Use 'GenericLinkService::Counters' in public API.
+/** \brief Counters provided by GenericLinkService.
+ *  \note The type name GenericLinkServiceCounters is an implementation detail.
+ *        Use GenericLinkService::Counters in public API.
 class GenericLinkServiceCounters : public virtual LinkService::Counters
-  /** \brief count of failed fragmentations
+  /** \brief Count of failed fragmentations.
   PacketCounter nFragmentationErrors;
-  /** \brief count of outgoing LpPackets dropped due to exceeding MTU limit
+  /** \brief Count of outgoing LpPackets dropped due to exceeding MTU limit.
    *  If this counter is non-zero, the operator should enable fragmentation.
   PacketCounter nOutOverMtu;
-  /** \brief count of invalid LpPackets dropped before reassembly
+  /** \brief Count of invalid LpPackets dropped before reassembly.
   PacketCounter nInLpInvalid;
-  /** \brief count of network-layer packets currently being reassembled
+  /** \brief Count of network-layer packets currently being reassembled.
   SizeCounter<LpReassembler> nReassembling;
-  /** \brief count of dropped partial network-layer packets due to reassembly timeout
+  /** \brief Count of dropped partial network-layer packets due to reassembly timeout.
   PacketCounter nReassemblyTimeouts;
-  /** \brief count of invalid reassembled network-layer packets dropped
+  /** \brief Count of invalid reassembled network-layer packets dropped.
   PacketCounter nInNetInvalid;
-  /** \brief count of network-layer packets that did not require retransmission of a fragment
+  /** \brief Count of network-layer packets that did not require retransmission of a fragment.
   PacketCounter nAcknowledged;
-  /** \brief count of network-layer packets that had at least one fragment retransmitted, but were
-   *         eventually received in full
+  /** \brief Count of network-layer packets that had at least one fragment retransmitted, but were
+   *         eventually received in full.
   PacketCounter nRetransmitted;
-  /** \brief count of network-layer packets dropped because a fragment reached the maximum number
-   *         of retransmissions
+  /** \brief Count of network-layer packets dropped because a fragment reached the maximum number
+   *         of retransmissions.
   PacketCounter nRetxExhausted;
-  /** \brief count of LpPackets dropped due to duplicate Sequence numbers
+  /** \brief Count of LpPackets dropped due to duplicate Sequence numbers.
   PacketCounter nDuplicateSequence;
-  /** \brief count of outgoing LpPackets that were marked with congestion marks
+  /** \brief Count of outgoing LpPackets that were marked with congestion marks.
   PacketCounter nCongestionMarked;
-/** \brief GenericLinkService is a LinkService that implements the NDNLPv2 protocol
- *  \sa
+ * \brief GenericLinkService is a LinkService that implements the NDNLPv2 protocol.
+ * \sa
 class GenericLinkService NFD_FINAL_UNLESS_WITH_TESTS : public LinkService
                                                      , protected virtual GenericLinkServiceCounters
-  /** \brief Options that control the behavior of GenericLinkService
+  /** \brief %Options that control the behavior of GenericLinkService.
   class Options
@@ -106,35 +107,35 @@
-    /** \brief enables encoding of IncomingFaceId, and decoding of NextHopFaceId and CachePolicy
+    /** \brief Enables encoding of IncomingFaceId, and decoding of NextHopFaceId and CachePolicy.
     bool allowLocalFields = false;
-    /** \brief enables fragmentation
+    /** \brief Enables fragmentation.
     bool allowFragmentation = false;
-    /** \brief options for fragmentation
+    /** \brief Options for fragmentation.
     LpFragmenter::Options fragmenterOptions;
-    /** \brief enables reassembly
+    /** \brief Enables reassembly.
     bool allowReassembly = false;
-    /** \brief options for reassembly
+    /** \brief Options for reassembly.
     LpReassembler::Options reassemblerOptions;
-    /** \brief options for reliability
+    /** \brief Options for reliability.
     LpReliability::Options reliabilityOptions;
-    /** \brief enables send queue congestion detection and marking
+    /** \brief Enables send queue congestion detection and marking.
     bool allowCongestionMarking = false;
-    /** \brief starting value for congestion marking interval
+    /** \brief Starting value for congestion marking interval.
      *  Packets are marked if the queue size stays above THRESHOLD for at least one INTERVAL.
@@ -142,7 +143,7 @@
     time::nanoseconds baseCongestionMarkingInterval = 100_ms;
-    /** \brief default congestion threshold in bytes
+    /** \brief Default congestion threshold in bytes.
      *  Packets are marked if the queue size stays above THRESHOLD for at least one INTERVAL.
@@ -150,45 +151,51 @@
     size_t defaultCongestionThreshold = 65536;
-    /** \brief enables self-learning forwarding support
+    /** \brief Enables self-learning forwarding support.
     bool allowSelfLearning = true;
-    /** \brief overrides MTU provided by Transport
+    /** \brief Overrides the MTU provided by Transport.
      *  This MTU value will be used instead of the MTU provided by the transport if it is less than
      *  the transport MTU. However, it will not be utilized when the transport MTU is unlimited.
-     *  Acceptable values for the override MTU are values >= MIN_MTU, which can be validated before
+     *  Acceptable values for this option are values >= #MIN_MTU, which can be validated before
      *  being set with canOverrideMtuTo().
     ssize_t overrideMtu = std::numeric_limits<ssize_t>::max();
-  /** \brief counters provided by GenericLinkService
+  /** \brief %Counters provided by GenericLinkService.
   using Counters = GenericLinkServiceCounters;
   GenericLinkService(const Options& options = {});
-  /** \brief get Options used by GenericLinkService
+  /** \brief Get the options used by GenericLinkService.
   const Options&
-  getOptions() const;
+  getOptions() const
+  {
+    return m_options;
+  }
-  /** \brief sets Options used by GenericLinkService
+  /** \brief Sets the options used by GenericLinkService.
   setOptions(const Options& options);
   const Counters&
+  {
+    return *this;
+  }
   getEffectiveMtu() const NFD_OVERRIDE_WITH_TESTS_ELSE_FINAL;
-  /** \brief Whether MTU can be overridden to the specified value
+  /** \brief Whether MTU can be overridden to the specified value.
    *  If the transport MTU is unlimited, then this will always return false.
@@ -196,12 +203,12 @@
   canOverrideMtuTo(ssize_t mtu) const;
-  /** \brief request an IDLE packet to transmit pending service fields
+  /** \brief Request an IDLE packet to transmit pending service fields.
-  /** \brief send an LpPacket
+  /** \brief Send an LpPacket.
   sendLpPacket(lp::Packet&& pkt);
@@ -215,28 +222,28 @@
   doSendNack(const ndn::lp::Nack& nack) NFD_OVERRIDE_WITH_TESTS_ELSE_FINAL;
-  /** \brief assign consecutive sequence numbers to LpPackets
+  /** \brief Assign consecutive sequence numbers to LpPackets.
   assignSequences(std::vector<lp::Packet>& pkts);
 private: // send path
-  /** \brief encode link protocol fields from tags onto an outgoing LpPacket
+  /** \brief Encode link protocol fields from tags onto an outgoing LpPacket.
    *  \param netPkt network-layer packet to extract tags from
    *  \param lpPacket LpPacket to add link protocol fields to
   encodeLpFields(const ndn::PacketBase& netPkt, lp::Packet& lpPacket);
-  /** \brief send a complete network layer packet
+  /** \brief Send a complete network layer packet.
    *  \param pkt LpPacket containing a complete network layer packet
    *  \param isInterest whether the network layer packet is an Interest
   sendNetPacket(lp::Packet&& pkt, bool isInterest);
-  /** \brief if the send queue is found to be congested, add a congestion mark to the packet
-   *         according to CoDel
+  /** \brief If the send queue is found to be congested, add a congestion mark to the packet
+   *         according to CoDel.
    *  \sa
@@ -246,7 +253,7 @@
   doReceivePacket(const Block& packet, const EndpointId& endpoint) NFD_OVERRIDE_WITH_TESTS_ELSE_FINAL;
-  /** \brief decode incoming network-layer packet
+  /** \brief Decode incoming network-layer packet.
    *  \param netPkt reassembled network-layer packet
    *  \param firstPkt LpPacket of first fragment
    *  \param endpointId endpoint of peer who sent the packet
@@ -257,7 +264,7 @@
   decodeNetPacket(const Block& netPkt, const lp::Packet& firstPkt, const EndpointId& endpointId);
-  /** \brief decode incoming Interest
+  /** \brief Decode incoming Interest.
    *  \param netPkt reassembled network-layer packet; TLV-TYPE must be Interest
    *  \param firstPkt LpPacket of first fragment; must not have Nack field
    *  \param endpointId endpoint of peer who sent the Interest
@@ -270,7 +277,7 @@
   decodeInterest(const Block& netPkt, const lp::Packet& firstPkt, const EndpointId& endpointId);
-  /** \brief decode incoming Interest
+  /** \brief Decode incoming Interest.
    *  \param netPkt reassembled network-layer packet; TLV-TYPE must be Data
    *  \param firstPkt LpPacket of first fragment
    *  \param endpointId endpoint of peer who sent the Data
@@ -283,7 +290,7 @@
   decodeData(const Block& netPkt, const lp::Packet& firstPkt, const EndpointId& endpointId);
-  /** \brief decode incoming Interest
+  /** \brief Decode incoming Interest.
    *  \param netPkt reassembled network-layer packet; TLV-TYPE must be Interest
    *  \param firstPkt LpPacket of first fragment; must have Nack field
    *  \param endpointId endpoint of peer who sent the Nack
@@ -305,25 +312,13 @@
   /// Time to mark next packet due to send queue congestion
-  time::steady_clock::TimePoint m_nextMarkTime;
+  time::steady_clock::time_point m_nextMarkTime;
   /// number of marked packets in the current incident of congestion
   size_t m_nMarkedSinceInMarkingState;
   friend LpReliability;
-inline const GenericLinkService::Options&
-GenericLinkService::getOptions() const
-  return m_options;
-inline const GenericLinkService::Counters&
-GenericLinkService::getCounters() const
-  return *this;
 } // namespace nfd::face