docs: Update sample nfd.conf to allow use of v0.3 Signed Interests

Change-Id: I72769d6caf52718b0e9ce4f6d3d8b0a29cf04925
diff --git a/ b/
index 09aa5c0..e929dc9 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -374,13 +374,11 @@
   ;   {
   ;     id "RIB Command Interest"
   ;     for interest
-  ;     ; match Commmand Interest name
-  ;     ; last three components are ControlParameters, timestamp, and random-value
-  ;     ; SignatureInfo and SignatureValue are stripped before passing to the filter
+  ;     ; match Commmand Interest name (either in v0.3 or v0.2 format)
   ;     filter
   ;     {
   ;       type name
-  ;       regex ^<localhop><nfd><rib>[<register><unregister>]<>{3}$
+  ;       regex ^<localhop><nfd><rib>[<register><unregister>]<>{1,3}$
   ;     }
   ;     checker
   ;     {