mgmt, main: add support for authorized commands

refs: #1227

Change-Id: I907d1fa6e78775470c5376fcdfe898be4c311001
diff --git a/tests/mgmt/command-validator.cpp b/tests/mgmt/command-validator.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a6d39d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/mgmt/command-validator.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+/* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Named Data Networking Project
+ * See COPYING for copyright and distribution information.
+ */
+#include "mgmt/command-validator.hpp"
+#include "mgmt/config-file.hpp"
+#include "tests/test-common.hpp"
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cpp-dev/util/command-interest-generator.hpp>
+#include <ndn-cpp-dev/util/io.hpp>
+#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
+namespace nfd {
+namespace tests {
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(MgmtCommandValidator, BaseFixture)
+// authorizations
+// {
+//   ; an authorize section grants privileges to a key
+//   authorize
+//   {
+//     keyfile "tests/mgmt/" ; public key file
+//     privileges ; set of privileges granted to this public key
+//     {
+//       fib
+//       stats
+//     }
+//   }
+//   authorize
+//   {
+//     keyfile "tests/mgmt/" ; public key file
+//     privileges ; set of privileges granted to this public key
+//     {
+//       faces
+//     }
+//   }
+// }
+const std::string CONFIG =
+"  authorize\n"
+"  {\n"
+"    keyfile \"tests/mgmt/\"\n"
+"    privileges\n"
+"    {\n"
+"      fib\n"
+"      stats\n"
+"    }\n"
+"  }\n"
+"  authorize\n"
+"  {\n"
+"    keyfile \"tests/mgmt/\"\n"
+"    privileges\n"
+"    {\n"
+"      faces\n"
+"    }\n"
+"  }\n"
+  "}\n";
+class CommandValidatorTester
+  CommandValidatorTester()
+    : m_validated(false),
+      m_validationFailed(false)
+  {
+  }
+  void
+  generateIdentity(const Name& prefix)
+  {
+    m_identityName = prefix;
+    m_identityName.append(boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(ndn::time::now()));
+    const Name certName = m_keys.createIdentity(m_identityName);
+    m_certificate = m_keys.getCertificate(certName);
+  }
+  void
+  saveIdentityToFile(const char* filename)
+  {
+    std::ofstream out;
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(out.is_open());
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(static_cast<bool>(m_certificate));
+    ndn::io::save<ndn::IdentityCertificate>(*m_certificate, out);
+    out.close();
+  }
+  const Name&
+  getIdentityName() const
+  {
+    BOOST_REQUIRE_NE(m_identityName, Name());
+    return m_identityName;
+  }
+  const Name&
+  getPublicKeyName() const
+  {
+    BOOST_REQUIRE(static_cast<bool>(m_certificate));
+    return m_certificate->getPublicKeyName();
+  }
+  void
+  onValidated(const shared_ptr<const Interest>& interest)
+  {
+    // NFD_LOG_DEBUG("validated command");
+    m_validated = true;
+  }
+  void
+  onValidationFailed(const shared_ptr<const Interest>& interest, const std::string& info)
+  {
+    NFD_LOG_DEBUG("validation failed: " << info);
+    m_validationFailed = true;
+  }
+  bool
+  commandValidated() const
+  {
+    return m_validated;
+  }
+  bool
+  commandValidationFailed() const
+  {
+    return m_validationFailed;
+  }
+  void
+  resetValidation()
+  {
+    m_validated = false;
+    m_validationFailed = false;
+  }
+  ~CommandValidatorTester()
+  {
+    m_keys.deleteIdentity(m_identityName);
+  }
+  bool m_validated;
+  bool m_validationFailed;
+  ndn::KeyChain m_keys;
+  Name m_identityName;
+  shared_ptr<ndn::IdentityCertificate> m_certificate;
+class TwoValidatorFixture : public BaseFixture
+  TwoValidatorFixture()
+  {
+    m_tester1.generateIdentity("/test/CommandValidator/TwoKeys/id1");
+    m_tester1.saveIdentityToFile("tests/mgmt/");
+    m_tester2.generateIdentity("/test/CommandValidator/TwoKeys/id2");
+    m_tester2.saveIdentityToFile("tests/mgmt/");
+  }
+  ~TwoValidatorFixture()
+  {
+    boost::system::error_code error;
+    boost::filesystem::remove("tests/mgmt/", error);
+    boost::filesystem::remove("tests/mgmt/", error);
+  }
+  CommandValidatorTester m_tester1;
+  CommandValidatorTester m_tester2;
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(TwoKeys, TwoValidatorFixture)
+  shared_ptr<Interest> fibCommand = make_shared<Interest>("/localhost/nfd/fib/insert");
+  shared_ptr<Interest> statsCommand = make_shared<Interest>("/localhost/nfd/stats/dosomething");
+  shared_ptr<Interest> facesCommand = make_shared<Interest>("/localhost/nfd/faces/create");
+  ndn::CommandInterestGenerator generator;
+  generator.generateWithIdentity(*fibCommand, m_tester1.getIdentityName());
+  generator.generateWithIdentity(*statsCommand, m_tester1.getIdentityName());
+  generator.generateWithIdentity(*facesCommand, m_tester2.getIdentityName());
+  ConfigFile config;
+  CommandValidator validator;
+  validator.addSupportedPrivilege("faces");
+  validator.addSupportedPrivilege("fib");
+  validator.addSupportedPrivilege("stats");
+  config.addSectionHandler("authorizations",
+                           bind(&CommandValidator::onConfig, boost::ref(validator), _1, _2));
+  config.parse(CONFIG, false);
+  validator.validate(*fibCommand,
+                     bind(&CommandValidatorTester::onValidated, boost::ref(m_tester1), _1),
+                     bind(&CommandValidatorTester::onValidationFailed, boost::ref(m_tester1), _1, _2));
+  BOOST_REQUIRE(m_tester1.commandValidated());
+  m_tester1.resetValidation();
+  validator.validate(*statsCommand,
+                     bind(&CommandValidatorTester::onValidated, boost::ref(m_tester1), _1),
+                     bind(&CommandValidatorTester::onValidationFailed, boost::ref(m_tester1), _1, _2));
+  BOOST_REQUIRE(m_tester1.commandValidated());
+  validator.validate(*facesCommand,
+                     bind(&CommandValidatorTester::onValidated, boost::ref(m_tester2), _1),
+                     bind(&CommandValidatorTester::onValidationFailed, boost::ref(m_tester2), _1, _2));
+  BOOST_REQUIRE(m_tester2.commandValidated());
+  m_tester2.resetValidation();
+  // use key2 for fib command (authorized for key1 only)
+  shared_ptr<Interest> unauthorizedFibCommand = make_shared<Interest>("/localhost/nfd/fib/insert");
+  generator.generateWithIdentity(*unauthorizedFibCommand, m_tester2.getIdentityName());
+  validator.validate(*unauthorizedFibCommand,
+                     bind(&CommandValidatorTester::onValidated, boost::ref(m_tester2), _1),
+                     bind(&CommandValidatorTester::onValidationFailed, boost::ref(m_tester2), _1, _2));
+  BOOST_REQUIRE(m_tester2.commandValidationFailed());
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(TwoKeysDryRun, TwoValidatorFixture)
+  CommandValidatorTester tester1;
+  tester1.generateIdentity("/test/CommandValidator/TwoKeys/id1");
+  tester1.saveIdentityToFile("tests/mgmt/");
+  CommandValidatorTester tester2;
+  tester2.generateIdentity("/test/CommandValidator/TwoKeys/id2");
+  tester2.saveIdentityToFile("tests/mgmt/");
+  shared_ptr<Interest> fibCommand = make_shared<Interest>("/localhost/nfd/fib/insert");
+  shared_ptr<Interest> statsCommand = make_shared<Interest>("/localhost/nfd/stats/dosomething");
+  shared_ptr<Interest> facesCommand = make_shared<Interest>("/localhost/nfd/faces/create");
+  ndn::CommandInterestGenerator generator;
+  generator.generateWithIdentity(*fibCommand, m_tester1.getIdentityName());
+  generator.generateWithIdentity(*statsCommand, m_tester1.getIdentityName());
+  generator.generateWithIdentity(*facesCommand, m_tester2.getIdentityName());
+  ConfigFile config;
+  CommandValidator validator;
+  validator.addSupportedPrivilege("faces");
+  validator.addSupportedPrivilege("fib");
+  validator.addSupportedPrivilege("stats");
+  config.addSectionHandler("authorizations",
+                           bind(&CommandValidator::onConfig, boost::ref(validator), _1, _2));
+  config.parse(CONFIG, true);
+  validator.validate(*fibCommand,
+                     bind(&CommandValidatorTester::onValidated, boost::ref(m_tester1), _1),
+                     bind(&CommandValidatorTester::onValidationFailed, boost::ref(m_tester1), _1, _2));
+  BOOST_REQUIRE(m_tester1.commandValidationFailed());
+  m_tester1.resetValidation();
+  validator.validate(*statsCommand,
+                     bind(&CommandValidatorTester::onValidated, boost::ref(m_tester1), _1),
+                     bind(&CommandValidatorTester::onValidationFailed, boost::ref(m_tester1), _1, _2));
+  BOOST_REQUIRE(m_tester1.commandValidationFailed());
+  validator.validate(*facesCommand,
+                     bind(&CommandValidatorTester::onValidated, boost::ref(m_tester2), _1),
+                     bind(&CommandValidatorTester::onValidationFailed, boost::ref(m_tester2), _1, _2));
+  BOOST_REQUIRE(m_tester2.commandValidationFailed());
+  m_tester2.resetValidation();
+  // use key2 for fib command (authorized for key1 only)
+  shared_ptr<Interest> unauthorizedFibCommand = make_shared<Interest>("/localhost/nfd/fib/insert");
+  generator.generateWithIdentity(*unauthorizedFibCommand, m_tester2.getIdentityName());
+  validator.validate(*unauthorizedFibCommand,
+                     bind(&CommandValidatorTester::onValidated, boost::ref(m_tester2), _1),
+                     bind(&CommandValidatorTester::onValidationFailed, boost::ref(m_tester2), _1, _2));
+  BOOST_REQUIRE(m_tester2.commandValidationFailed());
+  const std::string NO_AUTHORIZE_CONFIG =
+    "authorizations\n"
+    "{\n"
+    "}\n";
+  ConfigFile config;
+  CommandValidator validator;
+  config.addSectionHandler("authorizations",
+                           bind(&CommandValidator::onConfig, boost::ref(validator), _1, _2));
+  BOOST_CHECK_THROW(config.parse(NO_AUTHORIZE_CONFIG, false), ConfigFile::Error);
+  const std::string NO_PRIVILEGES_CONFIG =
+    "authorizations\n"
+    "{\n"
+    "  authorize\n"
+    "  {\n"
+    "    keyfile \"tests/mgmt/\"\n"
+    "  }\n"
+    "}\n";
+  ConfigFile config;
+  CommandValidator validator;
+  config.addSectionHandler("authorizations",
+                           bind(&CommandValidator::onConfig, boost::ref(validator), _1, _2));
+  BOOST_CHECK_THROW(config.parse(NO_PRIVILEGES_CONFIG, false), ConfigFile::Error);
+  const std::string INVALID_KEY_CONFIG =
+    "authorizations\n"
+    "{\n"
+    "  authorize\n"
+    "  {\n"
+    "    keyfile \"tests/mgmt/\"\n"
+    "    privileges\n"
+    "    {\n"
+    "      fib\n"
+    "      stats\n"
+    "    }\n"
+    "  }\n"
+    "}\n";
+  ConfigFile config;
+  CommandValidator validator;
+  config.addSectionHandler("authorizations",
+                           bind(&CommandValidator::onConfig, boost::ref(validator), _1, _2));
+  BOOST_CHECK_THROW(config.parse(INVALID_KEY_CONFIG, false), ConfigFile::Error);
+  const std::string NO_KEY_CONFIG =
+    "authorizations\n"
+    "{\n"
+    "  authorize\n"
+    "  {\n"
+    "    privileges\n"
+    "    {\n"
+    "      fib\n"
+    "      stats\n"
+    "    }\n"
+    "  }\n"
+    "}\n";
+  ConfigFile config;
+  CommandValidator validator;
+  config.addSectionHandler("authorizations",
+                           bind(&CommandValidator::onConfig, boost::ref(validator), _1, _2));
+  BOOST_CHECK_THROW(config.parse(NO_KEY_CONFIG, false), ConfigFile::Error);
+    const std::string MALFORMED_KEY_CONFIG =
+    "authorizations\n"
+    "{\n"
+    "  authorize\n"
+    "  {\n"
+    "    keyfile \"tests/mgmt/\"\n"
+    "    privileges\n"
+    "    {\n"
+    "      fib\n"
+    "      stats\n"
+    "    }\n"
+    "  }\n"
+    "}\n";
+  ConfigFile config;
+  CommandValidator validator;
+  config.addSectionHandler("authorizations",
+                           bind(&CommandValidator::onConfig, boost::ref(validator), _1, _2));
+  BOOST_CHECK_THROW(config.parse(MALFORMED_KEY_CONFIG, false), ConfigFile::Error);
+validateErrorMessage(const std::string& expectedMessage, const ConfigFile::Error& error)
+  bool gotExpected = error.what() == expectedMessage;
+  if (!gotExpected)
+    {
+      NFD_LOG_WARN("\ncaught exception: " << error.what()
+                    << "\n\nexpected exception: " << expectedMessage);
+    }
+  return gotExpected;
+  const std::string NO_AUTHORIZE_CONFIG =
+    "authorizations\n"
+    "{\n"
+    "}\n";
+  ConfigFile config;
+  CommandValidator validator;
+  config.addSectionHandler("authorizations",
+                           bind(&CommandValidator::onConfig, boost::ref(validator), _1, _2));
+                        ConfigFile::Error,
+                        bind(&validateErrorMessage,
+                             "No authorize sections found", _1));
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(NoPrivilegesSectionsDryRun, TwoValidatorFixture)
+  const std::string NO_PRIVILEGES_CONFIG =
+    "authorizations\n"
+    "{\n"
+    "  authorize\n"
+    "  {\n"
+    "    keyfile \"tests/mgmt/\"\n"
+    "  }\n"
+    "  authorize\n"
+    "  {\n"
+    "    keyfile \"tests/mgmt/\"\n"
+    "  }\n"
+    "}\n";
+  // CommandValidatorTester tester1;
+  // tester1.generateIdentity("/tests/CommandValidator/TwoKeys/id1");
+  // tester1.saveIdentityToFile("tests/mgmt/");
+  // CommandValidatorTester tester2;
+  // tester2.generateIdentity("/tests/CommandValidator/TwoKeys/id2");
+  // tester2.saveIdentityToFile("tests/mgmt/");
+  ConfigFile config;
+  CommandValidator validator;
+  config.addSectionHandler("authorizations",
+                           bind(&CommandValidator::onConfig, boost::ref(validator), _1, _2));
+  std::stringstream expectedError;
+  expectedError << "No privileges section found for key file tests/mgmt/ "
+                << "(" << m_tester1.getPublicKeyName().toUri() << ")\n"
+                << "No privileges section found for key file tests/mgmt/ "
+                << "(" << m_tester2.getPublicKeyName().toUri() << ")";
+                        ConfigFile::Error,
+                        bind(&validateErrorMessage, expectedError.str(), _1));
+  const std::string INVALID_KEY_CONFIG =
+    "authorizations\n"
+    "{\n"
+    "  authorize\n"
+    "  {\n"
+    "    keyfile \"tests/mgmt/\"\n"
+    "    privileges\n"
+    "    {\n"
+    "      fib\n"
+    "      stats\n"
+    "    }\n"
+    "  }\n"
+    "  authorize\n"
+    "  {\n"
+    "    keyfile \"tests/mgmt/\"\n"
+    "    privileges\n"
+    "    {\n"
+    "    }\n"
+    "  }\n"
+    "}\n";
+  ConfigFile config;
+  CommandValidator validator;
+  config.addSectionHandler("authorizations",
+                           bind(&CommandValidator::onConfig, boost::ref(validator), _1, _2));
+                        ConfigFile::Error,
+                        bind(&validateErrorMessage,
+                             "Unable to open key file tests/mgmt/\n"
+                             "Unable to open key file tests/mgmt/", _1));
+  const std::string NO_KEY_CONFIG =
+    "authorizations\n"
+    "{\n"
+    "  authorize\n"
+    "  {\n"
+    "    privileges\n"
+    "    {\n"
+    "      fib\n"
+    "      stats\n"
+    "    }\n"
+    "  }\n"
+    "  authorize\n"
+    "  {\n"
+    "  }\n"
+    "}\n";
+  ConfigFile config;
+  CommandValidator validator;
+  config.addSectionHandler("authorizations",
+                           bind(&CommandValidator::onConfig, boost::ref(validator), _1, _2));
+                        ConfigFile::Error,
+                        bind(&validateErrorMessage,
+                             "No keyfile specified\n"
+                             "No keyfile specified", _1));
+    const std::string MALFORMED_KEY_CONFIG =
+    "authorizations\n"
+    "{\n"
+    "  authorize\n"
+    "  {\n"
+    "    keyfile \"tests/mgmt/\"\n"
+    "    privileges\n"
+    "    {\n"
+    "      fib\n"
+    "      stats\n"
+    "    }\n"
+    "  }\n"
+    "  authorize\n"
+    "  {\n"
+    "    keyfile \"tests/mgmt/\"\n"
+    "  }\n"
+    "}\n";
+  ConfigFile config;
+  CommandValidator validator;
+  config.addSectionHandler("authorizations",
+                           bind(&CommandValidator::onConfig, boost::ref(validator), _1, _2));
+                        ConfigFile::Error,
+                        bind(&validateErrorMessage,
+                             "Malformed key file tests/mgmt/\n"
+                             "Malformed key file tests/mgmt/", _1));
+} // namespace tests
+} // namespace nfd