docs: write contributing guide and code of conduct

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+# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
+## Our Pledge
+In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
+contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our
+project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone,
+regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity
+and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance,
+race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
+## Our Standards
+Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive
+environment include:
+* Using welcoming and inclusive language
+* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
+* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
+* Focusing on what is best for the community
+* Showing empathy towards other community members
+Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
+* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual
+  attention or advances
+* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political
+  attacks
+* Public or private harassment
+* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or
+  electronic address, without explicit permission
+* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in
+  a professional setting
+## Our Responsibilities
+Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of
+acceptable behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair
+corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable
+Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit,
+or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other
+contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban
+temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that
+they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.
+## Scope
+This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public
+spaces when an individual is representing the project or its
+community. Examples of representing a project or community include
+using an official project e-mail address, posting via an official
+social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an
+online or offline event. Representation of a project may be further
+defined and clarified by project maintainers.
+## Enforcement
+Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior
+may be reported by contacting the project leaders Lixia Zhang,
+Beichuan Zhang, or Alex Afanasyev
+and []( All complaints will be
+reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed
+necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is
+obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of
+an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be
+posted separately.
+Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct
+in good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as
+determined by other members of the project's leadership.
+## Attribution
+This Code of Conduct is adapted from
+the [Contributor Covenant](, version 1.4, available
+at [](
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+# Contributing to the NDN Codebase
+## Getting Started
+The NDN team is very glad you are interested in contributing! The NDN
+(Named Data Networking) codebase is composed of many projects, with
+multiple universities across the world contributing. This
+documentation will help you understand how we work and what we expect
+from contributors.
+### Code of Conduct
+NDN codebase development adheres to the Contributor Covenant, located
+in ``. By contributing, you are expected to also
+adhere to this code. If you feel someone has breached this code of
+[email us](,,
+### What can I do?
+The NDN codebase continually needs help with, among other
+1.  Implementing new features
+2.  Writing fixes for bugs
+3.  Writing documentation for features that have recently changed or
+    that change quickly. Sometimes people forget to update
+    documentation!
+4.  Code review
+## Finding Documentation
+The NDN team maintains a community
+([Redmine site]( for
+issue tracking and documentation hosting. Redmine is the hub for
+design activity. In particular, all design discussion and decisions
+will either occur or be copied there.
+**Why did they do it *this* way?** When writing code, if you ever have
+questions about why some design decision was made, the best approach
+is to use `git blame` on a file to inspect the last commit for some
+line of code. In this view there will be a commit hash in hex
+(e.g. `0ab12e3a`) in the first column. Using our example, `git show
+0ab12e3a` would show the commit made for that line. In the commit view
+there should be a reference number (e.g. `refs: #1234`). Using this
+number, you can find a pertaining issue on the Redmine
+(e.g., ``).
+Additionally, in some cases there are published papers you can read in
+order to gain a better understanding of the project. Searching for
+these papers is not difficult; in many cases you can find a pertaining
+paper or technical report listed on
+[the main NDN website](
+Usually the title of a project will be a good keyword.
+If you cannot find an answer to your question, the best place to go is
+[mailing lists](
+There are multiple different lists for different interests, so be sure you
+are mailing the right list for a quick response.
+## Tracking work on Redmine ##
+As mentioned above, Redmine is the organizational hub of the NDN
+projects. As such, extensive use of it is made, and learning how it
+works will help you. In particular, there is a workflow associated
+with Redmine. Generally it is:
+1.  An issue is reported by someone. At this point they should
+    describe the issue, including relationships to other
+    issues. Unless they know what they're doing, they should leave
+    particulars blank. Such particulars are priority, target version,
+    assignees, and categories.
+2.  Design discussion about the issue occurs, and the issue is either
+    accepted or rejected.
+3.  Someone either is assigned to, or assigns themselves to work on the
+    issue, setting the status to "In progress."
+    **Note:** You must be a "Developer" of the project before you are
+    able to toggle the Status field. A user should contact a project
+    manager to be granted Developer privilege. Project managers can be
+    found on "Overview" page of the project.
+4.  After every useful chunk of progress, notes are made on the issue
+    and the progress percentage is updated to reflect this. Remember
+    that notes are actually Markdown, so it is advised to use the
+    'preview' button to ensure your note looks right.
+5.  The changes are uploaded to Gerrit for review. Once all changes
+    pertaining to an issue are on Gerrit, an issues status should
+    change to "Code review."
+6.  Once all changes are cleared for merging, they either can be
+    merged, or held for feedback, at which point the issue status
+    should become "Feedback."
+7.  After all changes have been merged, the issue should be set to
+    "Closed."
+Redmine provides other facilities for managing your work on NDN
+projects, too, such as time logging and time estimation.
+## Contributing Guidelines
+### Repositories ###
+All NDN projects are hosted on GitHub, at various organizations, using git
+for version control:
+- [Main NDN codebase](
+- [NDN codebase for mobile platforms](
+- [NDN codebase for IoT](
+- [ndnSIM codebase](
+- [Other NDN codebase (REMAP)](
+If you are unfamiliar with git, some kind of tutorial on git
+should be your first step,
+[such as this one](
+There is also a [Git game](
+you can play. Finally, there is a
+[wiki page](
+on NFD's Redmine that has more useful links.
+There are a lot of different projects, so take some time to look
+through them for ones that pertain to your interests. NDN projects
+use [Gerrit]( for code review purposes.
+Occasionally there will be other repositories used privately to test
+changes, but this is uncommon. In general, you will not need to refer
+to these repositories.
+### Style ###
+Most NDN projects are written in C++, and there is a
+[style guide](
+In general the NDN style is similar to the GNU style, but there are
+some significant changes. This style guide is not exhaustive, and in
+all cases not covered by the guide you should emulate the current
+style of the project.
+There is a
+[partial styleguide](
+for Python. It applies many of the provisions from the C++ guide, in
+addition to some other Python-specific things.
+Some NDN projects are writtin in JavaScript, and there is a [style guide]( for that language, too.
+#### Commit Messages ####
+Commit messages are very important, as they are usually the first
+thing (besides the changelog file) a developer looks at when trying to
+understand the timeline of a project. Commit messages should:
+-   Have a short, descriptive first line, starting with the module
+    they change. A good rule of thumb is a maximum length of 65
+    characters.
+-   If including a body, leave a blank line between the first line and
+    the rest, and ensure that it's no longer than 72 characters.
+-   Include Redmine issue numbers. The exact syntax is given below.
+-   Be written in an imperative mood. E.g. `"Make foo a bar"` and not
+    `"Foo is now a bar"`
+-   Use the present tense. E.g. `"Make foo a bar"` and not `"Made foo a
+    bar"`
+To explain, the anatomy of a typical commit message is like this:
+    docs: write contributing guide and code of conduct
+    refs: #3898
+    Change-Id: Ife89360305027dba9020f0b298793c1121ae1fd6c
+Explaining this:
+-   `docs` is the module that the commit affects. We want this because
+    it lets someone know at a glance what part of the project it
+    changes. For some projects, there will be only one module or only
+    very small other modules. This practice should be observed in
+    those cases, too.
+-   `#3898` is the Redmine issue number. Gerrit transforms these into
+    clickable links, and it is useful to reviewers to gain background
+    understanding of the issue. You can have multiple by separating
+    them with commas.
+-   `Change-Id` should be filled in
+    [automatically][change-id-hook]. It is used by Gerrit to track
+    changes.
+### Unit Tests ###
+With a few exceptions, every patch needs to have unit tests that
+accompany them. For C++, we use
+the [Boost unit test framework]( to
+help us out. Note that this link points to the newest version of the
+Boost Test library documentation, and you may need to refer to older
+documentation if you are using an older version of Boost. More
+information on this is available in
+[NFD Dev Guide](
+When designing and writing tests, a few things need to be kept in mind:
+1.  Unit tests are **design** tools, *not* debug tools. Just because
+    your code passes some unit tests does not mean it is
+    bug-free. Unit tests are tools to convince you that your code does
+    what you think it does.
+2.  It can be difficult to know when you should test something. If
+    you find that you are having a hard time designing a test for
+    something, ask yourself whether it is because it doesn't make
+    sense to test what you've just written, or if it's because the way
+    you designed it makes it difficult to test. Consider a second look
+    at your design if you think it's the second one.
+3.  The method that gave the world unit tests says that unit tests
+    should be written *before* the code they test. This is
+    a contentious issue, so writing them either before or after is
+    acceptable. If writing them later, keep the tests in mind when
+    writing the code, and it will help design good interfaces.
+4.  At the very least, write the test for a completed module/unit of
+    code before moving on. Doing this will ensure that the test gets
+    written, and will help you think about the interface that you need
+    to examine. If you don't, you may forget exactly what each piece
+    is responsible for when you're looking at the whole system
+    afterward.
+5.  Separate your I/O, as it is very hard to test, so I/O should be
+    isolated if possible. Consider something like separating a
+    function that invokes I/O into two functions: one that does the
+    I/O and calls the other one, which takes that I/O result. This
+    will make it easier to test that second function than if they were
+    combined.
+Writing unit tests using the Boost framework is quite simple, and you
+can refer to existing unit tests for examples.
+([This is a good example.](
+#### Building and running unit tests ####
+This is mentioned in greater depth in
+the [developer's readme](, but the basic procedure is:
+1.  In the base directory of the project, run `./waf distclean`. This
+    removes all prior build files.
+2.  Run `./waf configure --with-tests`. This configures the next build
+    to also build the tests.
+3.  Run `./waf`. This will build the tests.
+4.  Then, the unit tests will be in the `build` directory, and will be
+    named `unit-tests-<module name`, e.g. `unit-tests-nlsr` or
+    `unit-tests-rib`. To run just one test suite, run
+    `./unit-tests-exampleModule -t ExampleTestSuite`. To run a
+    specific test in a suite, use `./unit-tests-exampleModule -t
+    ExampleTestSuite/ExampleTestCase`.
+## Gerrit: Uploading Patches and Code Review ##
+As mentioned above, NDN projects
+use [Gerrit]( for code review. This is
+a web-hosted, open code review platform that allows for interactive
+code review, rebasing, and cross-linking with the Redmine, and a
+developer interacts with it using the familiar git. For issues that
+require a tracker reference, a particularly useful feature is that
+the `refs: #...` becomes a clickable link to the issue for design
+### First-time Setup ###
+The first-time Gerrit setup goes like this:
+1.  Log in to Gerrit. You can authenticate using many different
+    methods, including GitHub OAuth. You need to ensure that you have a Gerrit username:
+    1. Log in.
+    2. Click on your name in the top right corner and click "Settings" in the pop-up box.
+    3. In the `Username` box, check for a name. If there's already one there, great.
+    4. If not, type one in, and this will be used in later steps.
+2.  [Add Gerrit as a remote location to your local git repo.]( **Note:**
+    when the documentation specifies `HEAD:refs/for/branch`, this
+    means e.g. `HEAD:refs/for/master` or
+    `HEAD:refs/for/some-other-branch`. In most cases, you will be
+    uploading a Change for master.
+3.  Set up your Gerrit credentials. This will depend on how you
+    configured your Gerrit remote in step 1. Among other things, you
+    need to set up identities so that the email on your Gerrit profile
+    matches whatever email you will be committing with on your git
+    repo.
+    This shows what the identities panel looks like. If you do
+    not see the email here that you have configured git to use, you
+    cannot upload to Gerrit.
+    ![Web page showing what the "identities" panel looks like](./docs/images/gerrit-credentials-blurred.png)
+    In that case, add it under contact information panel.
+    ![Web page showing what the "contact information" panel looks like](./docs/images/gerrit-email.png).
+    Gerrit itself has
+    [extensive documentation](
+    regarding error messages, and this identity-based one is by far the most
+    common. Its specific documentation can be found
+    [here.](
+4.  <span id=#change-id-hook></span>Set up commit hooks. You will
+    encounter an error if you attempt to push to Gerrit and haven't
+    done this. We recommend that you set up commit hooks by copy and
+    pasting this into your terminal: `` curl -kLo `git rev-parse
+    --git-dir`/hooks/commit-msg
+; chmod +x
+    `git rev-parse --git-dir`/hooks/commit-msg) ``.  Whenever you
+    write a commit message from this repo (i.e. the base directory of
+    the project), the git commit-hook should automatically assign the
+    commit a `Change-Id`.
+    The prompt to set up the commit hooks should look something like this:
+        remote: ERROR: [4311462] missing Change-Id in commit message footer
+        remote:
+        remote: Hint: To automatically insert Change-Id, install the hook:
+        remote:   gitdir=$(git rev-parse --git-dir); scp -p -P 29418 ${gitdir}/hooks/
+        remote: And then amend the commit:
+        remote:   git commit --amend
+### Uploading patches ###
+Most patches should have a corresponding Redmine issue that they can
+reference. If you search the Redmine and notice there is no relevant
+issue for a patch you are writing, please create an issue first. You
+will need a Redmine account, which can be created there.
+After writing some changes, commit them locally as normal. After
+saving and exiting your editor, the commit hook will insert a unique
+`Change-Id` to the message.
+Once you have a commit message you are happy with, simply run `git
+push gerrit HEAD:refs/for/master` to upload your patch.
+**Note:** Gerrit separates commits into patch sets by the unique
+`Change-Id`s. As a result, it is important that you either:
+1.  Amend your commit with any new changes using `git commit --amend`,
+    or, more complicatedly
+2.  Collapse your various commits into one with `git rebase -i
+    <initial commit>`, ensuring that the ultimate `Change-Id` in the
+    commit is the one on the patch set on Gerrit.
+If you do not do this, what will happen is that each commit will be
+interpreted by Gerrit as a separate patch set. This is probably not
+what you want.
+### Code Review ###
+#### Dealing with Code Review ####
+It is important to remember that code review is about improving
+the quality of code contributed, and nothing else. Further, code
+review is highly important, as every line of code that's
+committed comes with a burden of maintenance. Code review helps
+minimize the burden of that maintenance. Consider that when you
+are receiving comments, those comments are influenced by two
+-  How the reviewer personally feels about the change ("Would I
+   be happy to see this code in a year?" or "Would I be happy if
+   I wrote this?") and
+-  How the reviewer feels the change abides by style and usage
+   requirements ("I may not personally mind, but we have to do it
+   this way.")
+Remembering these things when reading comments helps to separate
+what can feel like needless negativity.
+#### Doing Code Review and Writing Comments ####
+**Code review is *extremely* important!** We need every bit of code
+ review you can give. In many cases this is the bottleneck for
+ new contributors who do not fully understand how certain
+ language constructs should be used, what best practices are,
+ etc. In these cases it is important to give constructive
+ feedback.
+Writing comments is somewhat counter-intuitive on Gerrit. If you are
+signed in through a modern browser, you can leave a comment in a file
+either by clicking on the line number, by selecting some text you want
+to comment and pressing 'c', or by clicking on someone else's
+comment. After typing, click the `Save` button there. After navigating
+through the patch set with the arrows at the top-right of the Gerrit
+UI, you then must click the up-arrow to get back to the Change
+screen. **At this point your comments have *not* been made yet!** You
+must then click the `Reply...` button, and assign a score. If you
+correctly saved your comments, they will be shown at the bottom of
+that box. Once you click post, the comments will be made public to
+Minimally, a review *must* include:
+-   A score (usually -1, 0, or +1)
+-   An "itemized" commentary on each objection you have, or a
+    justification for a whole-change objection.
+Optimally, a review should include:
+-   A useful explanation of *why* you object to some item. This is
+    more important than it first appears. Consider that although
+    you may have been writing code since before you could count,
+    not everyone has. Some things may not be obvious to others,
+    and sharing your knowledge is key to making an open-source
+    project work.
+-   Comments about good design decisions. These help motivate
+    developers when otherwise a review is entirely negative
+    comments.
+#### Expediting the Code Review Process ####
+If you observe that code review takes a long time, there are a
+few things that you can do to to expedite the process:
+1.  **Think about language best practices.**
+2.  **Ask yourself how you would feel about this code, if you saw it "in the wild."**
+3.  **When making code decisions, ask yourself "why *shouldn't* I do it this way?"**
+#### Responding to Code Review ####
+There are a few things to remember when responding to code review, including:
+-  **Don't** click "Done" on a comment if you agree with a comment and
+   are updating the code accordingly. These comments are essentially
+   useless and only clutter the discussion. Gerrit has a convenient
+   mechanism to check the differences between two patch sets, so
+   reviewers are expected to check that their comments have been
+   addressed.
+-  **Don't** blindly follow what is suggested. Review is just that: a
+   review. Sometimes what is suggested is functionally equivalent to
+   what you have implemented. Other times, the reviewer has not
+   considered something when writing their review, and their
+   suggestion will not work. Lastly, if you disagree with a suggestion
+   for some other reason, feel free to object, but you may be asked to
+   provide an explanation.
+-  **How** to reply. To reply to a comment, click on the comment in
+   the Gerrit interface, type your reply, and then press save. After
+   replying, you **must remember** to go to the main patch set change
+   screen, and press `Reply...`. Your comments will be shown as
+   drafts, and you must click `Post` to make them visible to others.
+### Jenkins ###
+As a supplement to the code review process, every patch set is automatically
+compiled and tested on multiple platforms
+using [our instance of Jenkins](, the
+continuous integration system. Interacting with Jenkins is not usually
+necessary, as Jenkins automatically picks up new patch sets and posts
+the results. Typically the only interaction needed with Jenkins is
+when some kind of glitch occurs and a build needs to be retriggered.
+It is expected that code is checked locally. Reviewers may wait until
+Jenkins checks the code before doing a more functional review of the
+code. Since Jenkins checks can take a while, you can save some time by
+checking yourself first.
+### Gerrit Change-Id Commit Hook ###
+<span id=#change-id-hook-explanation></span> If you have done work in
+your local repo before you upload to Gerrit, your commits may not have
+Change-Ids in them. So, you have to add them after you've set up your
+commit hooks.
+### Code Style Robot ###
+As part of CI, there is a script that checks every patch uploaded to
+Gerrit for code style consistency. Checking these kinds of things is
+notoriously difficult, and while the robot is very good in general, it
+will occasionally report false positives and miss things. So all
+issues it raises should be inspected manually to ensure they really
+are style problems. Further, since this automated check is not
+perfect, you should take steps (e.g., configure your editor or run a
+linter before you commit) to ensure you adhere to code style rules.
+[change-id-hook]: #change-id-hook
+[change-id-hook-explanation]: #change-id-hook-explanation
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