tlv+interest: Fix minor typos

Change-Id: I0c217647e9d116f281bd2fd6fd64d7046ee33baf
diff --git a/tlv.rst b/tlv.rst
index 1564d8f..daf83ee 100644
--- a/tlv.rst
+++ b/tlv.rst
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
 - if the length is 8 (= value length is 8 octets), the nonNegativeInteger is encoded in 8 octets, in net byte-order.
-The following shows a few examples of TLVs that has nonNegativeInteger as their value component in hexadecimal format (where ``TT`` represents ``TLV-TYPE``, followed by the ``TLV-LENGTH``, then ``TLV-VALUE``)::
+The following shows a few examples of TLVs that have nonNegativeInteger as their value component in hexadecimal format (where ``TT`` represents ``TLV-TYPE``, followed by the ``TLV-LENGTH``, then ``TLV-VALUE``)::
     0     => TT0100
     1     => TT0101