types: Update TLV code reservations for well-known name components

Change-Id: I45da811e547ea209791f32da206e1b9bd424569a
2 files changed
tree: 6c8168d1f128387d50b297932316b4e540607e04
  1. _static/
  2. named_data_theme/
  3. .gitignore
  4. changelog.rst
  5. conf.py
  6. data.rst
  7. index.rst
  8. interest.rst
  9. intro.rst
  10. link.rst
  11. Makefile
  12. name.rst
  13. ndnspec-refs.bib
  14. README.md
  15. signature.rst
  16. signed-interest.rst
  17. tlv.rst
  18. types.rst

NDN Packet Format Specification


To "compile" the specification in HTML format, you must first install the Sphinx documentation generator.

If you're running Ubuntu Linux:

sudo apt install make python3-pip
pip3 install -U pip setuptools
pip3 install -U sphinx sphinxcontrib-bibtex sphinxcontrib-fulltoc

If you're running macOS or another operating system, see the instructions at https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/installation.html


Just type:

make html

And a set of HTML pages will be generated under _build/html.

You can also type:

make latexpdf

Sphinx will generate a .tex file and will try to create a .pdf document from it using pdflatex (which must be installed).

For further options, type make help.