Updated readme (instruction how to install sphinx extensions)

git-svn-id: svn+ssh://dyadis.cs.arizona.edu/NDN-spec/spec-sphinx@95 c5937c81-b952-4fd9-96ba-3036b240b622
1 file changed
tree: 097481a140344bbb1d0a2c7ab815a81e0946f3e2
  1. _static/
  2. named_data_theme/
  3. .gitignore
  4. ack.rst
  5. conf.py
  6. data.rst
  7. index.rst
  8. interest.rst
  9. intro.rst
  10. Makefile
  11. name.rst
  12. ndnspec-refs.bib
  13. README.md
  14. signature.rst
  15. tlv.rst


To "compile" documentation into html form you would need to install Sphinx documentation package, which should be relatively trivial.

If you're on OSX platform:

If you're on Ubuntu Linux:

sudo apt-get install python-sphinx

sudo easy_install sphinxcontrib-fulltoc
sudo easy_install sphinxcontrib-bibtex


Just type

make html

And a set of HTML pages will be build under _build/html

You can also type

make latexpdf

This way Sphinx will prepare .tex file and will try to build .pdf document.