Initial port of the Name::Component, Name, Interest, Data, Signature, and Face classes
diff --git a/interest.rst b/interest.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..614b354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interest.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+.. _Interest:
+Interest Class
+    Namespace: ``ndn``
+    Module: ``pyndn``
+Interest Constructor
+Create a new Interest with the optional values.
+.. code-block:: c++
+    Interest(
+        [const Name& name]
+        [, int minSuffixComponents]
+        [, int maxSuffixComponents]
+        [, const PublisherPublicKeyDigest& publisherPublicKeyDigest]
+        [, const Exclude& exclude]
+        [, int childSelector]
+        [, int answerOriginKind]
+        [, int scope]
+        [, Milliseconds interestLifetimeMilliseconds]
+        [, const std::vector<uint8_t>& nonce]
+    );
+.. code-block:: javascript
+    var Interest = function Interest (
+        [name                           // Name]
+        [, minSuffixComponents          // number]
+        [, maxSuffixComponents          // number]
+        [, publisherPublicKeyDigest     // PublisherPublicKeyDigest]
+        [, exclude                      // Exclude]
+        [, childSelector                // number]
+        [, answerOriginKind             // number]
+        [, scope                        // number]
+        [, interestLifetimeMilliseconds // number]
+        [, nonce                        // Uint8Array]
+    )
+.. code-block:: python
+    def __init__(self
+        [, name                     // Name]
+        [, minSuffixComponents      // int]
+        [, maxSuffixComponents      // int]
+        [, publisherPublicKeyDigest // string]
+        [, exclude                  // Exclude]
+        [, childSelector            // int]
+        [, answerOriginKind         // int]
+        [, scope                    // int]
+        [, interestLifetime         // float]
+        [, nonce                    // string]
+    )
+    - ``name``
+	(optional) The name of the content.
+.. TODO: define other parameters
+Interest.wireDecode Method
+Decode the input using a particular wire format and update this Interest.
+.. code-block:: c++
+    void decode(
+        const std::vector<uint8_t>& input
+        [,WireFormat& wireFormat]
+    );
+.. code-block:: javascript
+    Interest.prototype.decode = function(
+        input         // Uint8Array
+        [, wireFormat // WireFormat]
+    )
+    - ``input``
+	The input byte array to be decoded.
+    - ``wireFormat``
+	(optional) A WireFormat object used to decode the input. If omitted, use WireFormat getDefaultWireFormat ().
+Interest.wireEncode Method
+Encode this Interest for a particular wire format.
+.. code-block:: c++
+    Blob encode(
+        [WireFormat& wireFormat]
+    ) const;
+.. code-block:: javascript
+    // Returns Uint8Array
+    Interest.prototype.encode = function(
+        [wireFormat // WireFormat]
+    )
+    - ``wireFormat``
+	(optional) A WireFormat object used to encode the input. If omitted, use use WireFormat getDefaultWireFormat ().
+    The encoded byte array.
+Interest.matchesName Method
+Return true if the components of this Interest’s name are the same as the leading components of the given name, and the name conforms to the interest selectors.
+.. code-block:: c++
+    bool matchesName(
+        const Name& name
+    ) const;
+.. code-block:: javascript
+    // Returns boolean
+    Interest.prototype.matchesName = function(
+	name // Name
+    )
+.. code-block:: python
+    # Returns True or False
+    def matches_name(self,
+        name # Name
+    )
+    - ``name``
+	The Name to check against this Interest.
+    True if this interest’s name and interest selectors match the name.