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Change-Id: I52ce8e0b9185c73646ecbc3afb14e5cb44f0fbc8
diff --git a/details/wire-format.rst b/details/wire-format.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a548d73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/details/wire-format.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+WireFormat Class
+    Namespace: `ndn`
+WireFormat Constructor
+Create a base class WireFormat where the methods throw an "unimplemented" error. You should use a derived class like BinaryXmlWireFormat.
+    - BinaryXmlWireFormat
+    .. code-block:: c++
+        WireFormat();
+    .. code-block:: javascript
+        var WireFormat = function WireFormat()
+WireFormat.setDefaultWireFormat Method
+Set the static default WireFormat used by default encoding and decoding methods.
+    .. code-block:: c++
+        static void setDefaultWireFormat(
+            WireFormat* wireFormat
+        )
+    .. code-block:: javascript
+        WireFormat.setDefaultWireFormat = function(
+            wireFormat // WireFormat
+        )
+    - `wireFormat`
+        An object of a subclass of WireFormat.
+WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat Method
+Return the default WireFormat used by default encoding and decoding methods. The initial value is a BinaryXmlWireFormat object. If can be changed with setDefaultWireFormat.
+    .. code-block:: c++
+        static WireFormat* getDefaultWireFormat();
+    .. code-block:: javascript
+        WireFormat.getDefaultWireFormat = function()
+    The default (subclass of) WireFormat object.