blob: bad1971f702071a476500c07ff88c6e2f9f0a962 [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- */
* Copyright (c) 2012-2014 University of California, Los Angeles
* This file is part of ChronoSync, synchronization library for distributed realtime
* applications for NDN.
* ChronoSync is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* ChronoSync is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* ChronoSync, e.g., in file. If not, see <>.
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <boost/test/output_test_stream.hpp>
using boost::test_tools::output_test_stream;
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include "sync-full-leaf.h"
#include "sync-diff-leaf.h"
#include "sync-std-name-info.h"
using namespace Sync;
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
NameInfoConstPtr name = StdNameInfo::FindOrCreate ("/test/name");
BOOST_CHECK (name != 0);
// find the same name
BOOST_CHECK (name.get () == StdNameInfo::FindOrCreate ("/test/name").get ());
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (name.use_count (), 1);
BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW (DiffLeaf x (name, SeqNo (12)));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (name.use_count (), 1);
BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW (DiffLeaf x (name));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (name.use_count (), 1);
DiffLeaf updateLeaf (name, SeqNo (12));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (name.use_count (), 2);
DiffLeaf removeLeaf (name);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (name.use_count (), 3);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (updateLeaf.getOperation (), UPDATE);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (updateLeaf.getSeq ().getSession (), 0);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (updateLeaf.getSeq ().getSeq (), 12);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (removeLeaf.getOperation (), REMOVE);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (removeLeaf.getSeq ().getSession (), 0);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (removeLeaf.getSeq ().getSeq (), 0);
BOOST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW (FullLeaf x (name, SeqNo (12)));
FullLeaf fullLeaf (name, SeqNo (12));
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (name.use_count (), 4);
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (StdNameInfo::FindOrCreate ("/test/name").use_count (), 1);
NameInfoConstPtr name = StdNameInfo::FindOrCreate ("/test/name");
FullLeaf fullLeaf (name, SeqNo (12));
// fullLeafDigest = hash ( hash(name), hash (session, seqNo) )
// Digest manualDigest;
// Digest manualNameDigest;
// manualNameDigest << "/test/name";
// manualNameDigest.finalize ();
// Digest manualSeqNoDigest;
// manualSeqNoDigest << 0 << 13;
// manualSeqNoDigest.finalize ();
// manualDigest << manualNameDigest << manualSeqNoDigest;
// manualDigest.finalize ();
// cout << manualDigest << "\n\n";
output_test_stream output;
output << fullLeaf.getDigest ();
// BOOST_CHECK (output.is_equal ("991f8cf6262dfe0f519c63f6e9b92fe69e741a9b", true)); // for sha1
BOOST_CHECK (output.is_equal ("526d63e6e1f05f97502fd500a1729c4907f3841483ae4561b7e6307c40188f35", true)); // for sha256
fullLeaf.setSeq (SeqNo (13));
output << fullLeaf.getDigest ();
BOOST_CHECK (!output.is_equal ("991f8cf6262dfe0f519c63f6e9b92fe69e741a9b", false));
// BOOST_CHECK (output.is_equal ("585a8687ab41d5c29f86e5906c8f188ddca816b3", true)); // for sha1
BOOST_CHECK (output.is_equal ("39fefe65b3e1021776c07d3a9a3023c6c7cdf12724ee7f3a98b813b22f46d5ec", true)); // for sha256