Tmp debuging state
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 293d90c..f9bbdca 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -21,11 +21,6 @@
* Yingdi Yu <>
-#ifdef NS3_MODULE
-#include <ns3/ccnx-pit.h>
-#include <ns3/ccnx.h>
#include "sync-logic.h"
#include "sync-diff-leaf.h"
#include "sync-full-leaf.h"
@@ -42,12 +37,15 @@
INIT_LOGGER ("SyncLogic");
-#ifdef NS3_MODULE
-#define GET_RANDOM(var) var.GetValue ()
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#define _LOG_DEBUG_ID(v) _LOG_DEBUG(m_instanceId + v)
-#define GET_RANDOM(var) var ()
+#define _LOG_DEBUG_ID(v) _LOG_DEBUG(v)
+#define GET_RANDOM(var) var ()
(TIME_SECONDS (sec) + TIME_MILLISECONDS (GET_RANDOM (m_reexpressionJitter)))
@@ -58,34 +56,28 @@
namespace Sync
- SyncLogic::SyncLogic (const Name& syncPrefix,
- shared_ptr<Validator> validator,
- shared_ptr<Face> face,
- LogicUpdateCallback onUpdate,
- LogicRemoveCallback onRemove)
- : m_state (new FullState)
- , m_syncInterestTable (TIME_SECONDS (m_syncInterestReexpress))
- , m_syncPrefix (syncPrefix)
- , m_onUpdate (onUpdate)
- , m_onRemove (onRemove)
- , m_perBranch (false)
- , m_validator(validator)
- , m_keyChain(new KeyChain())
- , m_face(face)
- , m_scheduler(*face->ioService())
-#ifndef NS3_MODULE
- , m_randomGenerator (static_cast<unsigned int> (std::time (0)))
- , m_rangeUniformRandom (m_randomGenerator, boost::uniform_int<> (200,1000))
- , m_reexpressionJitter (m_randomGenerator, boost::uniform_int<> (100,500))
- , m_rangeUniformRandom (200,1000)
- , m_reexpressionJitter (10,500)
- , m_recoveryRetransmissionInterval (m_defaultRecoveryRetransmitInterval)
-#ifndef NS3_MODULE
- // In NS3 module these functions are moved to StartApplication method
+int SyncLogic::m_instanceCounter = 0;
+SyncLogic::SyncLogic (const Name& syncPrefix,
+ shared_ptr<Validator> validator,
+ shared_ptr<Face> face,
+ LogicUpdateCallback onUpdate,
+ LogicRemoveCallback onRemove)
+ : m_state (new FullState)
+ , m_syncInterestTable (TIME_SECONDS (m_syncInterestReexpress))
+ , m_syncPrefix (syncPrefix)
+ , m_onUpdate (onUpdate)
+ , m_onRemove (onRemove)
+ , m_perBranch (false)
+ , m_validator(validator)
+ , m_keyChain(new KeyChain())
+ , m_face(face)
+ , m_scheduler(*face->ioService())
+ , m_randomGenerator (static_cast<unsigned int> (std::time (0)))
+ , m_rangeUniformRandom (m_randomGenerator, boost::uniform_int<> (200,1000))
+ , m_reexpressionJitter (m_randomGenerator, boost::uniform_int<> (100,500))
+ , m_recoveryRetransmissionInterval (m_defaultRecoveryRetransmitInterval)
m_syncRegisteredPrefixId = m_face->setInterestFilter (m_syncPrefix,
bind(&SyncLogic::onSyncInterest, this, _1, _2),
bind(&SyncLogic::onSyncRegisterFailed, this, _1));
@@ -93,7 +85,8 @@
m_reexpressingInterestId = m_scheduler.scheduleEvent (time::seconds (0), // no need to add jitter
bind (&SyncLogic::sendSyncInterest, this));
+ m_instanceId = string("Instance " + boost::lexical_cast<string>(m_instanceCounter++) + " ");
SyncLogic::SyncLogic (const Name& syncPrefix,
@@ -109,58 +102,24 @@
, m_keyChain(new KeyChain())
, m_face(face)
, m_scheduler(*face->ioService())
-#ifndef NS3_MODULE
, m_randomGenerator (static_cast<unsigned int> (std::time (0)))
, m_rangeUniformRandom (m_randomGenerator, boost::uniform_int<> (200,1000))
, m_reexpressionJitter (m_randomGenerator, boost::uniform_int<> (100,500))
- , m_rangeUniformRandom (200,1000)
- , m_reexpressionJitter (10,500)
, m_recoveryRetransmissionInterval (m_defaultRecoveryRetransmitInterval)
-#ifndef NS3_MODULE
- // In NS3 module these functions are moved to StartApplication method
m_syncRegisteredPrefixId = m_face->setInterestFilter (m_syncPrefix,
bind(&SyncLogic::onSyncInterest, this, _1, _2),
bind(&SyncLogic::onSyncRegisterFailed, this, _1));
m_reexpressingInterestId = m_scheduler.scheduleEvent (time::seconds (0), // no need to add jitter
bind (&SyncLogic::sendSyncInterest, this));
SyncLogic::~SyncLogic ()
- // m_face->unsetInterestFilter(m_syncRegisteredPrefixId);
+ m_face->unsetInterestFilter(m_syncRegisteredPrefixId);
-#ifdef NS3_MODULE
-SyncLogic::StartApplication ()
- m_ccnxHandle->SetNode (GetNode ());
- m_ccnxHandle->StartApplication ();
- m_ccnxHandle->setInterestFilter (m_syncPrefix,
- func_lib::bind (&SyncLogic::respondSyncInterest, this, _1));
- m_scheduler.schedule (TIME_SECONDS (0), // need to send first interests at exactly the same time
- func_lib::bind (&SyncLogic::sendSyncInterest, this),
-SyncLogic::StopApplication ()
- m_ccnxHandle->clearInterestFilter (m_syncPrefix);
- m_ccnxHandle->StopApplication ();
- m_scheduler.cancel (REEXPRESSING_INTEREST);
- m_scheduler.cancel (DELAYED_INTEREST_PROCESSING);
@@ -192,7 +151,7 @@
interestType = name.get(-2).toEscapedString();
- _LOG_TRACE (hash << ", " << interestType);
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID (hash << ", " << interestType);
DigestPtr digest = boost::make_shared<Digest> ();
istringstream is (hash);
@@ -207,11 +166,11 @@
Name name = interest->getName();
- _LOG_DEBUG("respondSyncInterest: " << name);
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID("respondSyncInterest: " << name);
- _LOG_TRACE ("<< I " << name);
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID ("<< I " << name);
DigestConstPtr digest;
string type;
@@ -228,7 +187,7 @@
catch (Error::DigestCalculationError &e)
- _LOG_TRACE ("Something fishy happened...");
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID ("Something fishy happened...");
// log error. ignoring it for now, later we should log it
return ;
@@ -237,7 +196,7 @@
SyncLogic::onSyncRegisterFailed(const shared_ptr<const Name>& prefix)
- _LOG_DEBUG("Sync prefix registration failed!");
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID("Sync prefix registration failed!");
@@ -256,7 +215,7 @@
SyncLogic::onSyncDataValidationFailed(const shared_ptr<const Data>& data)
- _LOG_DEBUG("Sync data cannot be verified!");
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID("Sync data cannot be verified!");
@@ -268,7 +227,7 @@
- _LOG_TRACE ("<< D " << name);
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID ("<< D " << name);
DigestConstPtr digest;
string type;
@@ -287,7 +246,7 @@
catch (Error::DigestCalculationError &e)
- _LOG_TRACE ("Something fishy happened...");
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID ("Something fishy happened...");
// log error. ignoring it for now, later we should log it
@@ -296,7 +255,7 @@
SyncLogic::processSyncInterest (const Name &name, DigestConstPtr digest, bool timedProcessing/*=false*/)
- _LOG_DEBUG("processSyncInterest");
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID("processSyncInterest");
DigestConstPtr rootDigest;
boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock (m_stateMutex);
@@ -318,7 +277,7 @@
if (*rootDigest == *digest)
- _LOG_TRACE ("processSyncInterest (): Same state. Adding to PIT");
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID ("processSyncInterest (): Same state. Adding to PIT");
m_syncInterestTable.insert (digest, name.toUri(), false);
@@ -338,19 +297,19 @@
bool exists = m_syncInterestTable.insert (digest, name.toUri(), true);
if (exists) // somebody else replied, so restart random-game timer
- _LOG_DEBUG ("Unknown digest, but somebody may have already replied, so restart our timer");
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID ("Unknown digest, but somebody may have already replied, so restart our timer");
m_scheduler.cancelEvent (m_delayedInterestProcessingId);
uint32_t waitDelay = GET_RANDOM (m_rangeUniformRandom);
- _LOG_DEBUG ("Digest is not in the log. Schedule processing after small delay: " << waitDelay << "ms");
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID ("Digest is not in the log. Schedule processing after small delay: " << waitDelay << "ms");
m_delayedInterestProcessingId = m_scheduler.scheduleEvent (time::milliseconds (waitDelay),
bind (&SyncLogic::processSyncInterest, this, name, digest, true));
- _LOG_TRACE (" (timed processing)");
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID (" (timed processing)");
m_recoveryRetransmissionInterval = m_defaultRecoveryRetransmitInterval;
sendSyncRecoveryInterests (digest);
@@ -413,6 +372,11 @@
if (info->toString() != forwarderPrefix)
MissingDataInfo mdi = {info->toString(), oldSeq, seq};
+ {
+ ostringstream interestName;
+ interestName << mdi.prefix << "/" << mdi.high.getSession() << "/" << mdi.high.getSeq();
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID("+++++++++++++++ " + interestName.str());
+ }
if (m_perBranch)
ostringstream interestName;
@@ -455,7 +419,7 @@
catch (Error::SyncStateMsgDecodingFailure &e)
- _LOG_TRACE ("Something really fishy happened during state decoding " <<
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID ("Something really fishy happened during state decoding " <<
diagnostic_information (e));
diffLog.reset ();
// don't do anything
@@ -464,27 +428,32 @@
if ((diffLog != 0 && diffLog->getLeaves ().size () > 0) ||
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID(" +++++++++++++++ state changed!!!");
// Do it only if everything went fine and state changed
// this is kind of wrong
// satisfyPendingSyncInterests (diffLog); // if there are interests in PIT, there is a point to satisfy them using new state
// if state has changed, then it is safe to express a new interest
+ time::Duration after = time::milliseconds(GET_RANDOM (m_reexpressionJitter));
+ cout << "------------ reexpress interest after: " << after << " ms " << endl;
+ EventId eventId = m_scheduler.scheduleEvent (after,
+ bind (&SyncLogic::sendSyncInterest, this));
m_scheduler.cancelEvent (m_reexpressingInterestId);
- m_reexpressingInterestId = m_scheduler.scheduleEvent (time::milliseconds(GET_RANDOM (m_reexpressionJitter)),
- bind (&SyncLogic::sendSyncInterest, this));
+ m_reexpressingInterestId = eventId;
SyncLogic::processSyncRecoveryInterest (const Name &name, DigestConstPtr digest)
- _LOG_DEBUG("processSyncRecoveryInterest");
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID("processSyncRecoveryInterest");
DiffStateContainer::iterator stateInDiffLog = m_log.find (digest);
if (stateInDiffLog == m_log.end ())
- _LOG_TRACE ("Could not find " << *digest << " in digest log");
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID ("Could not find " << *digest << " in digest log");
@@ -518,17 +487,17 @@
if (!interest.m_unknown)
- _LOG_TRACE (">> D " << interest.m_name);
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID (">> D " << interest.m_name);
sendSyncData (interest.m_name, interest.m_digest, diffLog);
- _LOG_TRACE (">> D (unknown)" << interest.m_name);
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID (">> D (unknown)" << interest.m_name);
sendSyncData (interest.m_name, interest.m_digest, fullStateLog);
counter ++;
- _LOG_DEBUG ("Satisfied " << counter << " pending interests");
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID ("Satisfied " << counter << " pending interests");
catch (Error::InterestTableIsEmpty &e)
@@ -558,19 +527,19 @@
boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock (m_stateMutex);
NameInfoConstPtr info = StdNameInfo::FindOrCreate(prefix.toUri());
- _LOG_DEBUG ("addLocalNames (): old state " << *m_state->getDigest ());
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID ("addLocalNames (): old state " << *m_state->getDigest ());
SeqNo seqN (session, seq);
m_state->update(info, seqN);
- _LOG_DEBUG ("addLocalNames (): new state " << *m_state->getDigest ());
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID ("addLocalNames (): new state " << *m_state->getDigest ());
diff = boost::make_shared<DiffState>();
diff->update(info, seqN);
insertToDiffLog (diff);
- // _LOG_DEBUG ("PIT size: " << m_syncInterestTable.size ());
+ // _LOG_DEBUG_ID ("PIT size: " << m_syncInterestTable.size ());
satisfyPendingSyncInterests (diff);
@@ -608,7 +577,7 @@
SyncLogic::sendSyncInterest ()
- _LOG_DEBUG("sendSyncInterest");
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID("sendSyncInterest");
boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock lock (m_stateMutex);
@@ -616,14 +585,15 @@
ostringstream os;
os << *m_state->getDigest();
- _LOG_TRACE (">> I " << m_outstandingInterestName);
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID (">> I " << m_outstandingInterestName);
- _LOG_DEBUG("sendSyncInterest: " << m_outstandingInterestName);
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID("sendSyncInterest: " << m_outstandingInterestName);
+ EventId eventId = m_scheduler.scheduleEvent (time::seconds(m_syncInterestReexpress) + time::milliseconds(GET_RANDOM (m_reexpressionJitter)),
+ bind (&SyncLogic::sendSyncInterest, this));
m_scheduler.cancelEvent (m_reexpressingInterestId);
- m_reexpressingInterestId = m_scheduler.scheduleEvent (time::seconds(m_syncInterestReexpress)+time::milliseconds(GET_RANDOM (m_reexpressionJitter)),
- bind (&SyncLogic::sendSyncInterest, this));
+ m_reexpressingInterestId = eventId;
ndn::Interest interest(m_outstandingInterestName);
@@ -679,13 +649,14 @@
SyncLogic::sendSyncData (const Name &name, DigestConstPtr digest, SyncStateMsg &ssm)
- _LOG_TRACE (">> D " << name);
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID (">> D " << name);
int size = ssm.ByteSize();
char *wireData = new char[size];
ssm.SerializeToArray(wireData, size);
Data syncData(name);
syncData.setContent(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(wireData), size);
+ syncData.setFreshnessPeriod(m_syncResponseFreshness);
@@ -702,11 +673,14 @@
if (satisfiedOwnInterest)
- _LOG_TRACE ("Satisfied our own Interest. Re-expressing (hopefully with a new digest)");
+ _LOG_DEBUG_ID ("Satisfied our own Interest. Re-expressing (hopefully with a new digest)");
+ time::Duration after = time::milliseconds(GET_RANDOM (m_reexpressionJitter));
+ cout << "------------ reexpress interest after: " << after << " ms " << endl;
+ EventId eventId = m_scheduler.scheduleEvent (after,
+ bind (&SyncLogic::sendSyncInterest, this));
m_scheduler.cancelEvent (m_reexpressingInterestId);
- m_reexpressingInterestId = m_scheduler.scheduleEvent (time::milliseconds(GET_RANDOM (m_reexpressionJitter)),
- bind (&SyncLogic::sendSyncInterest, this));
+ m_reexpressingInterestId = eventId;
diff --git a/src/sync-logic.h b/src/sync-logic.h
index 5efb81e..4e9e69b 100644
--- a/src/sync-logic.h
+++ b/src/sync-logic.h
@@ -48,11 +48,6 @@
-#ifdef NS3_MODULE
-#include <ns3/application.h>
-#include <ns3/random-variable.h>
namespace Sync {
struct MissingDataInfo {
@@ -68,9 +63,6 @@
class SyncLogic
-#ifdef NS3_MODULE
- : public ns3::Application
//typedef boost::function< void ( const std::string &/*prefix*/, const SeqNo &/*newSeq*/, const SeqNo &/*oldSeq*/ ) > LogicUpdateCallback;
@@ -130,12 +122,6 @@
ndn::Scheduler &
getScheduler () { return m_scheduler; }
-#ifdef NS3_MODULE
- virtual void StartApplication ();
- virtual void StopApplication ();
void stop();
@@ -229,24 +215,13 @@
ndn::Scheduler m_scheduler;
-#ifndef NS3_MODULE
boost::mt19937 m_randomGenerator;
boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937&, boost::uniform_int<> > m_rangeUniformRandom;
boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937&, boost::uniform_int<> > m_reexpressionJitter;
- ns3::UniformVariable m_rangeUniformRandom;
- ns3::UniformVariable m_reexpressionJitter;
static const int m_unknownDigestStoreTime = 10; // seconds
-#ifdef NS3_MODULE
- static const int m_syncResponseFreshness = 100; // milliseconds
- static const int m_syncInterestReexpress = 10; // seconds
- // don't forget to adjust value in SyncCcnxWrapper
- static const int m_syncResponseFreshness = 4;
+ static const int m_syncResponseFreshness = 100;
static const int m_syncInterestReexpress = 4;
static const int m_defaultRecoveryRetransmitInterval = 200; // milliseconds
uint32_t m_recoveryRetransmissionInterval; // milliseconds
@@ -254,6 +229,9 @@
ndn::EventId m_delayedInterestProcessingId;
ndn::EventId m_reexpressingInterestId;
ndn::EventId m_reexpressingRecoveryInterestId;
+ std::string m_instanceId;
+ static int m_instanceCounter;
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 0aefb6f..cc6e56b 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -220,8 +220,9 @@
- check()
+ check(int round)
+ cout << "++++++++++++++++++ " << round << " " << m_a1.toString() << endl;
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_a1.toString(), m_a2.toString());
BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_a2.toString(), m_a3.toString());
@@ -323,14 +324,14 @@
string data0 = "Very funny Scotty, now beam down my clothes";
scheduler.scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(0.15), ndn::bind(&TestSet1::publishSocket1, &testSet1, 0, data0));
scheduler.scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(1.15), ndn::bind(&TestSet1::setSocket1, &testSet1, "/0/0", data0));
- scheduler.scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(1.16), ndn::bind(&TestSet1::check, &testSet1));
+ scheduler.scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(1.16), ndn::bind(&TestSet1::check, &testSet1, 1));
string data1 = "Yes, give me that ketchup";
string data2 = "Don't look conspicuous, it draws fire";
scheduler.scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(1.17), ndn::bind(&TestSet1::publishSocket1, &testSet1, 0, data1));
scheduler.scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(1.18), ndn::bind(&TestSet1::publishSocket1, &testSet1, 0, data2));
scheduler.scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(2.15), ndn::bind(&TestSet1::setSocket1, &testSet1, "/0/1", data1));
scheduler.scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(2.16), ndn::bind(&TestSet1::setSocket1, &testSet1, "/0/2", data2));
- scheduler.scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(2.17), ndn::bind(&TestSet1::check, &testSet1));
+ scheduler.scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(2.17), ndn::bind(&TestSet1::check, &testSet1, 2));
string data3 = "You surf the Internet, I surf the real world";
string data4 = "I got a fortune cookie once that said 'You like Chinese food'";
string data5 = "Real men wear pink. Why? Because their wives make them";
@@ -348,7 +349,7 @@
scheduler.scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(3.30), ndn::bind(&TestSet1::publishSocket2, &testSet1, 0, data7));
scheduler.scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(4.80), ndn::bind(&TestSet1::setSocket1, &testSet1, "/0/3", data6));
scheduler.scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(4.80), ndn::bind(&TestSet1::setSocket2, &testSet1, "/0/2", data7));
- scheduler.scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(4.90), ndn::bind(&TestSet1::check, &testSet1));
+ scheduler.scheduleEvent(ndn::time::seconds(4.90), ndn::bind(&TestSet1::check, &testSet1, 3));