blob: b4c3d731626ac68cb13234e1eda1f4bebea0f0bc [file] [log] [blame]
$.Class ("ChronoShare", { },
init: function (username, foldername) {
$("#folder-name").text (foldername);
$("#user-name").text (username);
this.username = new Name (username);
this.files = new Name ("/localhost").add (this.username).add ("chronoshare").add (foldername).add ("info").add ("files").add ("folder");
this.actions = new Name ("/localhost").add (this.username).add ("chronoshare").add (foldername).add ("info").add ("actions");
this.restore = new Name ("/localhost").add (this.username).add ("chronoshare").add (foldername).add ("cmd").add ("restore").add ("file");
this.ndn = new NDN ({host:""});
run: function () {
console.log ("RUN page: " + PAGE);
$("#loader").fadeIn (500);
$("#error").addClass ("hidden");
cmd = {};
if (PAGE == "fileList") {
cmd = this.info_files (PARAMS.item);
else if (PAGE == "folderHistory") {
cmd = this.info_actions ("folder", PARAMS.item);
else if (PAGE == "fileHistory") {
cmd = this.info_actions ("file", PARAMS.item);
if (cmd.request && cmd.callback) {
console.log (cmd.request.to_uri ());
this.ndn.expressInterest (cmd.request, cmd.callback);
else {
$("#loader").fadeOut (500); // ("hidden");
$("#content").empty ();
if (cmd.error) {
$("#error").html (cmd.error);
else {
$("#error").html ("Unknown error with " + PAGE);
$("#error").removeClass ("hidden");
info_files: function(folder) {
request = new Name ().add (this.files)./*add (folder_in_question).*/addSegment (PARAMS.offset?PARAMS.offset:0);
return { request:request, callback: new FilesClosure (this) };
info_actions: function (type/*"file" or "folder"*/, fileOrFolder /*file or folder name*/) {
if (type=="file" && !fileOrFolder) {
return { error: "info_actions: fileOrFolder parameter is missing" };
request = new Name ().add (this.actions).add (type);
if (fileOrFolder) {
request.add (fileOrFolder);
request.addSegment (PARAMS.offset?PARAMS.offset:0);
return { request: request, callback: new HistoryClosure (this) };
cmd_restore_file: function (filename, version, hash) {
request = new Name ().add (this.restore)
.add (filename)
.addSegment (version)
.add (hash);
console.log (request.to_uri ());
$.Class ("FilesClosure", {}, {
init: function (chronoshare) {
this.chronoshare = chronoshare;
upcall: function(kind, upcallInfo) {
$("#loader").fadeOut (500); // ("hidden");
if (kind == Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT) {
convertedData = DataUtils.toString (upcallInfo.contentObject.content);
if (PARAMS.debug) {
$("#json").text (convertedData);
$("#json").removeClass ("hidden");
data = JSON.parse (convertedData);
tbody = $("<tbody />", { "id": "file-list-files" });
// error handling?
newcontent = $("<div />", { "id": "content" }).append (
$("<h2 />").append ($(document.createTextNode("List of files ")), $("<green />").text (PARAMS.item)),
$("<table />", { "class": "item-list" })
.append ($("<thead />")
.append ($("<tr />")
.append ($("<th />", { "class": "filename border-left", "scope": "col" }).text ("Filename"))
.append ($("<th />", { "class": "version", "scope": "col" }).text ("Version"))
.append ($("<th />", { "class": "size", "scope": "col" }).text ("Size"))
.append ($("<th />", { "class": "modified", "scope": "col" }).text ("Modified"))
.append ($("<th />", { "class": "modified-by border-right", "scope": "col" }).text ("Modified By"))))
.append (tbody)
.append ($("<tfoot />")
.append ($("<tr />")
.append ($("<td />", { "colspan": "5", "class": "border-right border-left" })))));
newcontent.hide ();
for (var i = 0; i < data.files.length; i++) {
file = data.files[i];
row = $("<tr />", { "class": "with-context-menu" } );
if (i%2) { row.addClass ("odd"); }
row.bind('mouseenter mouseleave', function() {
row.attr ("filename", file.filename); //encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(file.filename)));
row.bind('click', function (e) { openHistoryForItem ($(this).attr ("filename")) });
row.append ($("<td />", { "class": "filename border-left" })
.text (file.filename)
.prepend ($("<img />", { "src": fileExtension(file.filename) })));
row.append ($("<td />", { "class": "version" }).text (file.version));
row.append ($("<td />", { "class": "size" }).text (SegNumToFileSize (file.segNum)));
row.append ($("<td />", { "class": "modified" }).text (new Date (file.timestamp)));
row.append ($("<td />", { "class": "modified-by border-right"})
.append ($("<userName />").text (file.owner.userName))
.append ($("<seqNo> /").text (file.owner.seqNo)));
tbody = tbody.append (row);
// if (!PARAMS.offset || PARAMS.offset==0)
// {
$("#content").fadeOut ("fast", function () {
$(this).replaceWith (newcontent);
$("#content").fadeIn ("fast");
self = this; // small "cheat"
$("#content-nav").fadeOut ("fast", function () {
$("#content-nav a").hide ();
if (PARAMS.offset !== undefined || data.more !== undefined) {
$("#content-nav").fadeIn ("fast");
if (data.more !== undefined) {
$("#get-more").show ();
$("#get-more").unbind ('click').click (function () {
url = self.base_url ();
url += "&offset="+data.more;
document.location = url;
if (PARAMS.offset > 0) {
$("#get-less").show ();
$("#get-less").unbind ('click').click (function () {
url = self.base_url ();
if (PARAMS.offset > 1) {
url += "&offset="+(PARAMS.offset - 1);
document.location = url;
// }
// else {
// tbody.children ().each (function (index, row) {
// $("#history-list-actions").append (row);
// });
// }
selector: ".with-context-menu",
events: {
show: function (opt) {
console.log(opt.$trigger.attr ("filename")); = opt.$trigger.attr ("filename");
console.log (;
items: {
"info": {name: "x", type: "html", html: "<b>File operations</b>"},
"sep1": "---------",
history: {name: "View file history",
icon: "quit", // need a better icon
callback: function(key, opt) {
openHistoryForItem (opt.$trigger.attr ("filename"));
// bar: {name: "Bar", callback: function(key, opt){ alert("Bar!") }}
// there's more, have a look at the demos and docs...
else if (kind == Closure.UPCALL_INTEREST_TIMED_OUT) {
$("#error").html ("Interest timed out");
$("#error").removeClass ("hidden");
else {
$("#error").html ("Unknown error happened");
$("#error").removeClass ("hidden");
base_url: function () {
url = "#fileList"+
"&user="+encodeURIComponent (encodeURIComponent (PARAMS.user)) +
"&folder="+encodeURIComponent (encodeURIComponent (PARAMS.folder));
if (PARAMS.item !== undefined) {
url += "&item="+encodeURIComponent (encodeURIComponent (PARAMS.item));
return url;
$.Class ("HistoryClosure", {}, {
init: function (chronoshare) {
this.chronoshare = chronoshare;
upcall: function(kind, upcallInfo) {
$("#loader").fadeOut (500); // ("hidden");
if (kind == Closure.UPCALL_CONTENT) {
convertedData = DataUtils.toString (upcallInfo.contentObject.content);
if (PARAMS.debug) {
$("#json").text (convertedData);
$("#json").removeClass ("hidden");
data = JSON.parse (convertedData);
tbody = $("<tbody />", { "id": "history-list-actions" });
newcontent = $("<div />", { "id": "content" }).append (
$("<h2 />").append ($(document.createTextNode("Recent actions ")), $("<green />").text (PARAMS.item)),
$("<table />", { "class": "item-list" })
.append ($("<thead />")
.append ($("<tr />")
.append ($("<th />", { "class": "filename border-left", "scope": "col" }).text ("Filename"))
.append ($("<th />", { "class": "version", "scope": "col" }).text ("Version"))
.append ($("<th />", { "class": "modified", "scope": "col" }).text ("Modified"))
.append ($("<th />", { "class": "modified-by border-right", "scope": "col" }).text ("Modified By"))))
.append (tbody)
.append ($("<tfoot />")
.append ($("<tr />")
.append ($("<td />", { "colspan": "4", "class": "border-right border-left" })))));
for (var i = 0; i < data.actions.length; i++) {
action = data.actions[i];
row = $("<tr />");
if (i%2) { row.addClass ("odd"); }
if (action.action=="DELETE") { row.addClass ("delete"); }
row.bind('mouseenter mouseleave', function() {
row.attr ("filename", action.filename);
row.attr ("file_version", action.version);
row.attr ("file_hash", action.hash);
// row.bind('click', function (e) {
// url = "#fileHistory";
// url += "&item=" + $(this).attr ("filename");
// pos = URIPARAMS.indexOf ("&");
// if (pos >= 0) {
// url += URIPARAMS.substring (pos)
// }
// document.location = url;
// });
row.append ($("<td />", { "class": "filename border-left" })
.text (action.filename)
.prepend ($("<img />", { "src": fileExtension(action.filename) })));
row.append ($("<td />", { "class": "version" }).text (action.version));
row.append ($("<td />", { "class": "timestamp" }).text (new Date (action.timestamp)));
row.append ($("<td />", { "class": "modified-by border-right" })
.append ($("<userName />").text (
.append ($("<seqNo> /").text (;
tbody = tbody.append (row);
// if (!PARAMS.offset || PARAMS.offset==0)
// {
$("#content").fadeOut ("fast", function () {
$(this).replaceWith (newcontent);
$("#content").fadeIn ("fast");
self = this; // small "cheat"
$("#content-nav").fadeOut ("fast", function () {
$("#content-nav a").hide ();
if (PARAMS.offset !== undefined || data.more !== undefined) {
$("#content-nav").fadeIn ("fast");
if (data.more !== undefined) {
$("#get-more").show ();
$("#get-more").unbind ('click').click (function () {
url = self.base_url (PAGE);
url += "&offset="+data.more;
document.location = url;
if (PARAMS.offset > 0) {
$("#get-less").show ();
$("#get-less").unbind ('click').click (function () {
url = self.base_url (PAGE);
if (PARAMS.offset > 1) {
url += "&offset="+(PARAMS.offset - 1);
document.location = url;
// }
// else {
// tbody.children ().each (function (index, row) {
// $("#history-list-actions").append (row);
// });
// }
else if (kind == Closure.UPCALL_INTEREST_TIMED_OUT) {
$("#error").html ("Interest timed out");
$("#error").removeClass ("hidden");
else {
$("#error").html ("Unknown error happened");
$("#error").removeClass ("hidden");
base_url: function (page) {
url = "#"+page+
"&user="+encodeURIComponent (encodeURIComponent (PARAMS.user)) +
"&folder="+encodeURIComponent (encodeURIComponent (PARAMS.folder));
if (PARAMS.item !== undefined) {
url += "&item="+encodeURIComponent (encodeURIComponent (PARAMS.item));
return url;