blob: 50424789a0109bea7cdd0dff00894feb2366b47b [file] [log] [blame]
function prefix() {
var tmp = document.getElementById("prefixcontent").innerHTML;
var data = tmp.split("END");
var odd = "odd";
for (var i in data) {
// Parse the JSON data.
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(data[i]);
if (i % 2 == 0) {
odd = "";
} else {
odd = "odd";
// Create the HTML for each prefix.
var output = '<tr class="' + odd + '">\n';
output += '<td rowspan="' + obj.prefixes.length + '">' + obj.router + '</td>';
for (var i in obj.prefixes) {
output += '<td class="' + odd + '">' + obj.prefixes[i].timestamp + '</td>';
output += '<td class="' + odd + '">' + obj.prefixes[i].prefix + '</td>';
if (obj.prefixes[i].status == "notintopology") {
output += '<td id="' + obj.prefixes[i].status + '">NPT</td>';
} else {
output += '<td id="' + obj.prefixes[i].status + '">' + obj.prefixes[i].status + '</td>';
output += '</tr>';
// Append the data to the prefix table.
$('.one > tbody:last').append(output);
function link() {
var tmp = document.getElementById("linkcontent").innerHTML;
var data = tmp.split("END");
var odd = "odd";
for (var i in data) {
// Parse the JSON data.
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(data[i]);
if (i % 2 == 0) {
odd = "";
} else {
odd = "odd";
// Create the HTML for each prefix.
var output = '<tr class="' + odd + '">\n';
output += '<td rowspan="' + obj.links.length + '">' + obj.router + '</td>';
output += '<td rowspan="' + obj.links.length + '">' + obj.timestamp + '</td>';
for (var i in obj.links) {
output += '<td id="' + obj.links[i].status + '">' + obj.links[i].link + '</td>';
if (obj.links[i].status == "notintopology") {
output += '<td id="' + obj.links[i].status + '">NPT</td>';
} else {
output += '<td id="' + obj.links[i].status + '">' + obj.links[i].status + '</td>';
output += '</tr>';
// Append the data to the prefix table.
$('.two > tbody:last').append(output);