RPC call info_actions_folder seem to work almost perfectly
Use ccnpeek to test:
ccnpeek -c /localhost/<your-user-name>/chronoshare/<folder>/info/actions/folder/<nonce>/%00
ccnpeek -c /localhost/<your-user-name>/chronoshare/<folder>/info/actions/folder/<specific-folder>/<nonce>/%00
+ json_spirit used to format the whole message, not just parts
Change-Id: I40c15459a8ae0ef6278364c45e84e5cbd0b08241
diff --git a/src/state-server.cc b/src/state-server.cc
index 6f73950..c264edf 100644
--- a/src/state-server.cc
+++ b/src/state-server.cc
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include "periodic-task.h"
#include "simple-interval-generator.h"
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
+#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
INIT_LOGGER ("StateServer");
@@ -121,9 +122,77 @@
// }
// }
-void debugAction (const Ccnx::Name &name, sqlite3_int64 seq_no, const ActionItem &action)
+StateServer::formatActionJson (json_spirit::Array &actions,
+ const Ccnx::Name &name, sqlite3_int64 seq_no, const ActionItem &action)
- std::cout << name << ", " << seq_no << ", " << action.filename () << std::endl;
+ * {
+ * "id": {
+ * "userName": "<NDN-NAME-OF-THE-USER>",
+ * "seqNo": "<SEQ_NO_OF_THE_ACTION>"
+ * },
+ * "timestamp": "<ACTION-TIMESTAMP>",
+ * "filename": "<FILENAME>",
+ *
+ * "action": "UPDATE | DELETE",
+ *
+ * // only if update
+ * "update": {
+ * "hash": "<FILE-HASH>",
+ * "timestamp": "<FILE-TIMESTAMP>",
+ * "chmod": "<FILE-MODE>",
+ * "segNum": "<NUMBER-OF-SEGMENTS (~file size)>"
+ * },
+ *
+ * // if parent_device_name is set
+ * "parentId": {
+ * "userName": "<NDN-NAME-OF-THE-USER>",
+ * "seqNo": "<SEQ_NO_OF_THE_ACTION>"
+ * }
+ * }
+ */
+ using namespace json_spirit;
+ using namespace boost::posix_time;
+ Object json;
+ Object id;
+ id.push_back (Pair ("userName", boost::lexical_cast<string> (name)));
+ id.push_back (Pair ("seqNo", seq_no));
+ json.push_back (Pair ("id", id));
+ json.push_back (Pair ("timestamp", to_iso_string (from_time_t (action.timestamp ()))));
+ json.push_back (Pair ("filename", action.filename ()));
+ json.push_back (Pair ("action", (action.action () == 0) ? "UPDATE" : "DELETE"));
+ if (action.action () == 0)
+ {
+ Object update;
+ update.push_back (Pair ("hash", boost::lexical_cast<string> (Hash (action.file_hash ().c_str (), action.file_hash ().size ()))));
+ update.push_back (Pair ("timestamp", to_iso_string (from_time_t (action.mtime ()))));
+ ostringstream chmod;
+ chmod << setbase (8) << setfill ('0') << setw (4) << action.mode ();
+ update.push_back (Pair ("chmod", chmod.str ()));
+ update.push_back (Pair ("segNum", action.seg_num ()));
+ json.push_back (Pair ("update", update));
+ }
+ if (action.has_parent_device_name ())
+ {
+ Object parentId;
+ Ccnx::Name parent_device_name (action.parent_device_name ().c_str (), action.parent_device_name ().size ());
+ id.push_back (Pair ("userName", boost::lexical_cast<string> (parent_device_name)));
+ id.push_back (Pair ("seqNo", action.parent_seq_no ()));
+ json.push_back (Pair ("parentId", parentId));
+ }
+ actions.push_back (json);
@@ -156,10 +225,36 @@
folder = interest.getCompFromBackAsString (2);
else // == 4
folder = "";
+ * {
+ * "actions": [
+ * ...
+ * ],
+ *
+ * // only if there are more actions available
+ * }
+ */
- m_actionLog->LookupActionsInFolderRecursively (debugAction, folder, offset*100, 100);
+ using namespace json_spirit;
+ Object json;
- // m_ccnx->publishData (interest, "FAIL: Not implemented", 1);
+ Array actions;
+ bool more = m_actionLog->LookupActionsInFolderRecursively
+ (boost::bind (StateServer::formatActionJson, boost::ref(actions), _1, _2, _3),
+ folder, offset*10, 10);
+ json.push_back (Pair ("actions", actions));
+ if (more)
+ {
+ Ccnx::Name more = Name (interest.getPartialName (0, interest.size () - 1))(offset + 1);
+ json.push_back (Pair ("more", lexical_cast<string> (more)));
+ }
+ ostringstream os;
+ write_stream (Value (json), os, pretty_print | raw_utf8);
+ m_ccnx->publishData (interest, os.str (), 1);
catch (Ccnx::NameException &ne)