Moving out scheduler from dispatcher and sync-core constructors
diff --git a/src/dispatcher.h b/src/dispatcher.h
index 3bb01b9..769723e 100644
--- a/src/dispatcher.h
+++ b/src/dispatcher.h
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
   // rootDir is the shared folder dir in local file system;
   Dispatcher(const boost::filesystem::path &path, const std::string &localUserName,
              const std::string &sharedFolder, const boost::filesystem::path &rootDir,
-             Ccnx::CcnxWrapperPtr ccnx, SchedulerPtr scheduler, int poolSize = 2);
+             Ccnx::CcnxWrapperPtr ccnx, int poolSize = 2);
   // ----- Callbacks, they only submit the job to executor and immediately return so that event processing thread won't be blocked for too long -------