gui: Settings dialog improvements and small logic change

!!! The real directory for the folder is now composed <PATH>/<shared-folder-name> !!!

In initial stage when there are no settings:
+ if FileDialog aborted, selected $HOME/ChronoShare as a base directory
+ if invalid folder specified, ask question again until aborted to valid
folder selected

At later stages:
+ if aborted, just exit
+ if the same folder selected, just exit
+ if invalid folder selected, ask again until valid folder selected or aborted
+ if different valid folder is selected, restart FsWatcher and Dispatcher for new location

For either stage:
+ if username or folder name not specified, don't hide/save settings.
Keep it until something is specified
+ if username or folder name changed, restart FsWatcher and Dispatcher
with new parameters

Change-Id: I19c34cb91f7375f88347542abe30b85a1c5d6d3f
diff --git a/gui/chronosharegui.cpp b/gui/chronosharegui.cpp
index 7214218..22366ea 100644
--- a/gui/chronosharegui.cpp
+++ b/gui/chronosharegui.cpp
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
+  setMinimumWidth (600);
   labelUsername = new QLabel("Username (hint: /<username>)");
   labelSharedFolder = new QLabel("Shared Folder Name");
@@ -80,7 +81,7 @@
   QPalette pal = editSharedFolderPath->palette();
   pal.setColor(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Base, pal.color(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Base));
-  button = new QPushButton("Submit");
+  button = new QPushButton("Save and apply settings");
   QString versionString = QString("Version: ChronoShare v%1").arg(CHRONOSHARE_VERSION);
   label = new QLabel(versionString, this);
@@ -110,10 +111,6 @@
   // show tray icon
-  // Dispatcher(const boost::filesystem::path &path, const std::string &localUserName,  const Ccnx::Name &localPrefix,
-  //            const std::string &sharedFolder, const boost::filesystem::path &rootDir,
-  //            Ccnx::CcnxWrapperPtr ccnx, SchedulerPtr scheduler, int poolSize = 2);
   // load settings
@@ -125,7 +122,16 @@
-      startBackend();
+      if (m_username.isNull () || m_username == "" ||
+          m_sharedFolderName.isNull () || m_sharedFolderName == "")
+        {
+          openMessageBox("First Time Setup", "To activate ChronoShare, please configure your username and shared folder name.");
+          viewSettings();
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          startBackend();
+        }
@@ -134,20 +140,45 @@
+ChronoShareGui::startBackend (bool restart/*=false*/)
+  if (m_username.isNull () || m_username=="" ||
+      m_sharedFolderName.isNull () || m_sharedFolderName=="" ||
+      m_dirPath.isNull () || m_dirPath=="")
+    {
+      _LOG_DEBUG ("Don't start backend, because settings are in progress or incomplete");
+      return;
+    }
   if (m_watcher != 0 && m_dispatcher != 0)
-    return;
+    if (!restart)
+      {
+        return;
+      }
+    _LOG_DEBUG ("Restarting Dispatcher and FileWatcher for the new location or new username");
+    delete m_watcher; // stop filewatching ASAP
+    delete m_dispatcher; // stop dispatcher ASAP, but after watcher (to prevent triggering callbacks on deleted object)
+  filesystem::path realPathToFolder (m_dirPath.toStdString ());
+  realPathToFolder /= m_sharedFolderName.toStdString ();
   m_dispatcher = new Dispatcher (m_username.toStdString (), m_sharedFolderName.toStdString (),
-                                 m_dirPath.toStdString (), make_shared<CcnxWrapper> ());
+                                 realPathToFolder, make_shared<CcnxWrapper> ());
   // Alex: this **must** be here, otherwise m_dirPath will be uninitialized
-  m_watcher = new FsWatcher (m_dirPath,
+  m_watcher = new FsWatcher (realPathToFolder.string ().c_str (),
                              bind (&Dispatcher::Did_LocalFile_AddOrModify, m_dispatcher, _1),
                              bind (&Dispatcher::Did_LocalFile_Delete,      m_dispatcher, _1));
+  if (m_httpServer != 0)
+    {
+      // no need to restart webserver if it already exists
+      return;
+    }
   QFileInfo indexHtmlInfo(":/html/index.html");
   if (indexHtmlInfo.exists())
@@ -474,6 +505,9 @@
 void ChronoShareGui::changeSettings()
+  QString oldUsername = m_username;
+  QString oldSharedFolderName = m_sharedFolderName;
     m_username = editUsername->text().trimmed();
@@ -484,33 +518,73 @@
-  saveSettings();
-  this->hide();
+  if (m_username.isNull () || m_username=="" ||
+      m_sharedFolderName.isNull () || m_sharedFolderName=="")
+    {
+      openMessageBox ("Error",
+                      "Username and shared folder name cannot be empty");
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      saveSettings();
+      this->hide();
-  startBackend();
+      if (m_username != oldUsername ||
+          oldSharedFolderName != m_sharedFolderName)
+        {
+          startBackend (true); // restart dispatcher/fswatcher
+        }
+    }
 void ChronoShareGui::openFileDialog()
-  // prompt user for new directory
-  QString tempPath = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Choose a new folder"),
-                                                       m_dirPath, QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly | QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks);
-  QFileInfo qFileInfo (tempPath);
-  if(qFileInfo.isDir())
+  while (true)
+      // prompt user for new directory
+      QString tempPath = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Choose ChronoShare folder"),
+                                                           m_dirPath, QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly | QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks);
+      if (tempPath.isNull ())
+        {
+          if (m_dirPath.isNull ())
+            {
+              openMessageBox ("Notice", "ChronoShare will use [" + QDir::homePath () + "/ChronoShare]. \n\nYou can change it later selecting \"Change Folder\" menu.");
+              m_dirPath = QDir::homePath () + "/ChronoShare";
+              editSharedFolderPath->setText (m_dirPath);
+              break;
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              // user just cancelled, no need to do anything else
+              return;
+            }
+        }
+      QFileInfo qFileInfo (tempPath);
+      if (!qFileInfo.isDir())
+        {
+          openMessageBox ("Error", "Please select an existing folder or create a new one.");
+          continue;
+        }
+      if (m_dirPath == tempPath)
+        {
+          // user selected the same directory, no need to do anything
+          return;
+        }
       m_dirPath = tempPath;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      openMessageBox ("Error", "Not a valid folder, Ignoring.");
+      break;
   _LOG_DEBUG ("Selected path: " << m_dirPath.toStdString ());
   // save settings
-  saveSettings();
+  saveSettings ();
+  startBackend (true); // restart dispatcher/fswatcher
 void ChronoShareGui::trayIconClicked (QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason reason)
@@ -591,8 +665,15 @@
 void ChronoShareGui::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event)
-  _LOG_DEBUG ("Close Event")
-    this->hide();
+  _LOG_DEBUG ("Close Event");
+  if (m_username.isNull () || m_username == "" ||
+      m_sharedFolderName.isNull () || m_sharedFolderName == "")
+    {
+      openMessageBox ("ChronoShare is not active", "Username and/or shared folder name are not set.\n\n To activate ChronoShare, open Settings menu and configure your username and shared folder name");
+    }
+  this->hide();
   event->ignore(); // don't let the event propagate to the base class
diff --git a/gui/chronosharegui.h b/gui/chronosharegui.h
index fffaca7..c56baa5 100644
--- a/gui/chronosharegui.h
+++ b/gui/chronosharegui.h
@@ -112,9 +112,9 @@
   // capture close event
   void closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event);
-  // starts fs watcher and dispatcher
+  // starts/restarts fs watcher and dispatcher
-  startBackend();
+  startBackend(bool restart=false);
   QSystemTrayIcon* m_trayIcon; // tray icon