Switched to hash table to hold state.
diff --git a/filesystemwatcher/filesystemwatcher.cpp b/filesystemwatcher/filesystemwatcher.cpp
index 98f3857..bab6a33 100644
--- a/filesystemwatcher/filesystemwatcher.cpp
+++ b/filesystemwatcher/filesystemwatcher.cpp
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
m_watcher(new QFileSystemWatcher()),
m_listViewModel(new QStringListModel()),
m_listView(new QListView()),
+ m_timer(new QTimer(this)),
// setup user interface
@@ -22,27 +23,15 @@
// set title
- // open database
- m_db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
- m_db.setDatabaseName("filesystem.db");
- if(!m_db.open())
- {
- qDebug() << "Error: Could not open database.";
- return;
- }
- if(!createFileTable())
- {
- qDebug() << "Error: Could not create table.";
- return;
- }
// register signals (callback functions)
- connect(m_watcher, SIGNAL(directoryChanged(QString)),this,SLOT(dirChangedSlot(QString)));
+ connect(m_watcher, SIGNAL(directoryChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(handleCallback()));
+ connect(m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(handleCallback()));
- // bootstrap file list
- dirChangedSlot(m_dirPath);
+ // bootstrap
+ handleCallback();
+ // start timer
+ m_timer->start(10000);
@@ -52,26 +41,27 @@
delete m_watcher;
delete m_listViewModel;
delete m_listView;
- // close database
- m_db.close();
+ delete m_timer;
-void FileSystemWatcher::dirChangedSlot(QString dirPath)
+void FileSystemWatcher::handleCallback()
// scan directory and populate file list
- QHash<QString, QFileInfo> fileList = scanDirectory(dirPath);
+ QHash<QString, sFileInfo> currentState = scanDirectory(m_dirPath);
- QStringList dirChanges = reconcileDirectory(fileList);
+ QStringList dirChanges = reconcileDirectory(currentState);
// update gui with list of changes in this directory
- m_listViewModel->setStringList(dirChanges);
+ qDebug() << endl << m_watcher->directories() << endl;
+ if(!dirChanges.isEmpty())
+ m_listViewModel->setStringList(dirChanges);
-QHash<QString, QFileInfo> FileSystemWatcher::scanDirectory(QString dirPath)
+QHash<QString, sFileInfo> FileSystemWatcher::scanDirectory(QString dirPath)
// list of files in directory
- QHash<QString, QFileInfo> fileList;
+ QHash<QString, sFileInfo> currentState;
// directory iterator (recursive)
QDirIterator dirIterator(dirPath, QDirIterator::Subdirectories |
@@ -89,142 +79,109 @@
// if not this directory or previous directory
if(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath() != ".." && fileInfo.absoluteFilePath() != ".")
+ QString absFilePath = fileInfo.absoluteFilePath();
// if this is a directory
QStringList dirList = m_watcher->directories();
// if the directory is not already being watched
- if (!dirList.contains(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath()))
+ if (absFilePath.startsWith(m_dirPath) && !dirList.contains(absFilePath))
// add this directory to the watch list
- m_watcher->addPath(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath());
+ m_watcher->addPath(absFilePath);
+ // construct struct
+ sFileInfo fileInfoStruct;
+ fileInfoStruct.fileInfo = fileInfo;
+ // initialize checksum
+ QCryptographicHash crypto(QCryptographicHash::Md5);
+ // open file
+ QFile file(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath());
+ file.open(QFile::ReadOnly);
+ // calculate checksum
+ while(!file.atEnd())
+ {
+ crypto.addData(file.read(8192));
+ }
+ fileInfoStruct.hash = crypto.result();
// add this file to the file list
- fileList.insert(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath(), fileInfo);
+ currentState.insert(absFilePath, fileInfoStruct);
- return fileList;
+ return currentState;
-QStringList FileSystemWatcher::reconcileDirectory(QHash<QString, QFileInfo> fileList)
+QStringList FileSystemWatcher::reconcileDirectory(QHash<QString, sFileInfo> currentState)
+ // list of files changed
QStringList dirChanges;
- // setup database query
- QSqlQuery storedRecord(m_db);
- // query database for list of files
- storedRecord.exec("SELECT absFilePath, lastModified FROM files");
- // Debug
- qDebug() << storedRecord.lastQuery();
// compare result (database/stored snapshot) to fileList (current snapshot)
- while(storedRecord.next())
+ QMutableHashIterator<QString, sFileInfo> i(m_storedState);
+ while(i.hasNext())
- QString absFilePath = storedRecord.value(0).toString();
- qint64 lMStored = storedRecord.value(1).toLongLong();
+ i.next();
- // debug
- qDebug() << absFilePath << ", " << lMStored;
+ QString absFilePath = i.key();
+ sFileInfo storedFileInfoStruct = i.value();
+ QFileInfo storedFileInfo = storedFileInfoStruct.fileInfo;
+ QByteArray storedHash = storedFileInfoStruct.hash;
// check file existence
- /*if(fileList.contains(absFilePath))
+ if(currentState.contains(absFilePath))
- QFileInfo fileInfo = fileList.value(absFilePath);
+ sFileInfo currentFileInfoStruct = currentState.value(absFilePath);
+ QFileInfo currentFileInfo = currentFileInfoStruct.fileInfo;
+ QByteArray currentHash = currentFileInfoStruct.hash;
- // last Modified
- qint64 lMCurrent = fileInfo.lastModified().currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
- if(lMStored != lMCurrent)
+ if((storedFileInfo != currentFileInfo) || (storedHash != currentHash))
- storedRecord.prepare("UPDATE files SET lastModified = :lastModified "
- "WHERE absFilePath= :absFilePath");
- storedRecord.bindValue(":lastModified", lMCurrent);
- storedRecord.bindValue(":absFilePath", absFilePath);
- storedRecord.exec();
- // Debug
- qDebug() << storedRecord.lastQuery();
+ // update stored state
+ i.setValue(currentFileInfoStruct);
// this file has been modified
- // delete this file from fileList, we have processed it
- fileList.remove(absFilePath);
+ // delete this file from fileList we have processed it
+ currentState.remove(absFilePath);
- storedRecord.prepare("DELETE FROM files WHERE absFilePath= :absFilePath");
- storedRecord.bindValue(":absFilePath", absFilePath);
- storedRecord.exec();
- // Debug
- qDebug() << storedRecord.lastQuery();
+ // delete from stored state
+ i.remove();
// this file has been deleted
- }*/
+ }
- /*storedRecord.prepare("INSERT INTO files (absFilePath, lastModified) "
- "VALUES (:absFilePath, :lastModified)");
// any files left in fileList have been added
- for(QHash<QString, QFileInfo>::iterator i = fileList.begin(); i != fileList.end(); ++i)
+ for(QHash<QString, sFileInfo>::iterator i = currentState.begin(); i != currentState.end(); ++i)
QString absFilePath = i.key();
- qint64 lastModified = i.value().lastModified().currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
+ sFileInfo currentFileInfoStruct = i.value();
- storedRecord.bindValue(":absFilePath", absFilePath);
- storedRecord.bindValue(":lastModified", lastModified);
- storedRecord.exec();
+ m_storedState.insert(absFilePath, currentFileInfoStruct);
// this file has been added
- }*/
- // close query
- storedRecord.finish();
- return dirChanges;
-bool FileSystemWatcher::createFileTable()
- bool success = false;
- if(m_db.isOpen())
- {
- if(m_db.tables().contains("files"))
- {
- success = true;
- }
- else
- {
- QSqlQuery query(m_db);
- // create file table
- success = query.exec("CREATE TABLE files "
- "(absFilePath TEXT primary key, "
- "lastModified UNSIGNED BIG INT, "
- "fileSize UNSIGNED BIG INT)");
- // Debug
- qDebug() << query.lastQuery();
- query.finish();
- }
- return success;
+ return dirChanges;
#if WAF