Initial separating action-log and sync-log
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 82feb89..95ccc7a 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -20,163 +20,33 @@
 #include "db-helper.h"
-// #include "sync-log.h"
+#include "logging.h"
 #include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
 #include <boost/ref.hpp>
 #include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
+INIT_LOGGER ("DbHelper");
 using namespace boost;
 namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
 const std::string INIT_DATABASE = "\
 PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;                                       \n\
-                                                                \n\
-CREATE TABLE                                                    \n\
-    SyncNodes(                                                  \n\
-        device_id       INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,      \n\
-        device_name     BLOB NOT NULL,                          \n\
-        description     TEXT,                                   \n\
-        seq_no          INTEGER NOT NULL,                       \n\
-        last_known_locator  BLOB,                               \n\
-        last_update     TIMESTAMP                               \n\
-    );                                                          \n\
-                                                                \n\
-CREATE TRIGGER SyncNodesUpdater_trigger                                \n\
-    BEFORE INSERT ON SyncNodes                                         \n\
-    FOR EACH ROW                                                       \n\
-    WHEN (SELECT device_id                                             \n\
-             FROM SyncNodes                                            \n\
-             WHERE device_name=NEW.device_name)                        \n\
-         IS NOT NULL                                                   \n\
-    BEGIN                                                              \n\
-        UPDATE SyncNodes                                               \n\
-            SET seq_no=max(seq_no,NEW.seq_no)                          \n\
-            WHERE device_name=NEW.device_name;                         \n\
-        SELECT RAISE(IGNORE);                                          \n\
-    END;                                                               \n\
-                                                                       \n\
-CREATE INDEX SyncNodes_device_name ON SyncNodes (device_name);         \n\
-                                                                       \n\
-CREATE TABLE SyncLog(                                                  \n\
-        state_id    INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,                 \n\
-        state_hash  BLOB NOT NULL UNIQUE,                              \n\
-        last_update TIMESTAMP NOT NULL                                 \n\
-    );                                                                 \n\
-                                                                       \n\
-CREATE TABLE                                                            \n\
-    SyncStateNodes(                                                     \n\
-        id          INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,                  \n\
-        state_id    INTEGER NOT NULL                                    \n\
-        device_id   INTEGER NOT NULL                                    \n\
-            REFERENCES SyncNodes (device_id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, \n\
-        seq_no      INTEGER NOT NULL                                    \n\
-    );                                                                  \n\
-                                                                        \n\
-CREATE INDEX SyncStateNodes_device_id ON SyncStateNodes (device_id);    \n\
-CREATE INDEX SyncStateNodes_state_id  ON SyncStateNodes (state_id);     \n\
-CREATE INDEX SyncStateNodes_seq_no    ON SyncStateNodes (seq_no);       \n\
-                                                                        \n\
-CREATE TRIGGER SyncLogGuard_trigger                                     \n\
-    BEFORE INSERT ON SyncLog                                            \n\
-    FOR EACH ROW                                                        \n\
-    WHEN (SELECT state_hash                                             \n\
-            FROM SyncLog                                                \n\
-            WHERE state_hash=NEW.state_hash)                            \n\
-        IS NOT NULL                                                     \n\
-    BEGIN                                                               \n\
-        DELETE FROM SyncLog WHERE state_hash=NEW.state_hash;            \n\
-    END;                                                                \n\
-                                                                        \n\
-CREATE TABLE ActionLog (                                                \n\
-    device_id   INTEGER NOT NULL,                                       \n\
-    seq_no      INTEGER NOT NULL,                                       \n\
-                                                                        \n\
-    action      CHAR(1) NOT NULL, /* 0 for \"update\", 1 for \"delete\". */ \n\
-    filename    TEXT NOT NULL,                                          \n\
-                                                                        \n\
-    version     INTEGER NOT NULL,                                       \n\
-    action_timestamp TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,                                \n\
-                                                                        \n\
-    file_hash   BLOB, /* NULL if action is \"delete\" */                \n\
-    file_atime  TIMESTAMP,                                              \n\
-    file_mtime  TIMESTAMP,                                              \n\
-    file_ctime  TIMESTAMP,                                              \n\
-    file_chmod  INTEGER,                                                \n\
-    file_seg_num INTEGER, /* NULL if action is \"delete\" */            \n\
-                                                                        \n\
-    parent_device_id INTEGER,                                           \n\
-    parent_seq_no    INTEGER,                                           \n\
-                                                                        \n\
-    action_name	     TEXT,                                              \n\
-    action_content_object BLOB,                                         \n\
-                                                                        \n\
-    PRIMARY KEY (device_id, seq_no),                                    \n\
-                                                                        \n\
-    FOREIGN KEY (parent_device_id, parent_seq_no)                       \n\
-	REFERENCES ActionLog (device_id, seq_no)                        \n\
-	ON UPDATE RESTRICT                                              \n\
-	ON DELETE SET NULL                                              \n\
-);                                                                      \n\
-                                                                        \n\
-CREATE INDEX ActionLog_filename_version ON ActionLog (filename,version);        \n\
-CREATE INDEX ActionLog_parent ON ActionLog (parent_device_id, parent_seq_no);   \n\
-CREATE INDEX ActionLog_action_name ON ActionLog (action_name);          \n\
-                                                                        \n\
-CREATE TRIGGER ActionLogInsert_trigger                                  \n\
-    AFTER INSERT ON ActionLog                                           \n\
-    FOR EACH ROW                                                        \n\
-    WHEN (SELECT device_id                                              \n\
-            FROM ActionLog                                              \n\
-            WHERE filename=NEW.filename AND                             \n\
-                  version > NEW.version) IS NULL AND                    \n\
-         (SELECT a.device_id                                            \n\
-            FROM ActionLog a                                            \n\
-                LEFT JOIN SyncNodes s ON s.device_id=a.device_id        \n\
-            WHERE filename=NEW.filename AND                             \n\
-                  version = NEW.version AND                             \n\
-                  a.device_id != NEW.device_id AND                      \n\
-                  s.device_name > (SELECT device_name                   \n\
-                                    FROM SyncNodes                      \n\
-                                    WHERE device_id=NEW.device_id)) IS NULL      \n\
-    BEGIN                                                               \n\
-        SELECT apply_action ((SELECT device_name FROM SyncNodes where device_id=NEW.device_id), \
-                             NEW.device_id, NEW.seq_no,                 \
-                             NEW.action,NEW.filename,NEW.file_hash,     \
-                             strftime('%s', NEW.file_atime),strftime('%s', NEW.file_mtime),strftime('%s', NEW.file_ctime), \
-                             NEW.file_chmod, NEW.file_seg_num); /* function that applies action and adds record the FileState */  \n \
-    END;                                                                \n\
-                                                                        \n\
-CREATE TABLE FileState (                                                \n\
-    type        INTEGER NOT NULL, /* 0 - newest, 1 - oldest */          \n\
-    filename    TEXT NOT NULL,                                          \n\
-    device_id   INTEGER NOT NULL,                                       \n\
-    seq_no      INTEGER NOT NULL,                                       \n\
-    file_hash   BLOB, /* NULL if action is \"delete\" */                \n\
-    file_atime  TIMESTAMP,                                              \n\
-    file_mtime  TIMESTAMP,                                              \n\
-    file_ctime  TIMESTAMP,                                              \n\
-    file_chmod  INTEGER,                                                \n\
-    file_seg_num INTEGER,                                               \n\
-                                                                        \n\
-    PRIMARY KEY (type, filename)                                        \n\
-);                                                                      \n\
-                                                                        \n\
-CREATE INDEX FileState_device_id_seq_no ON FileState (device_id, seq_no); \n\
 DbHelper::DbHelper (const fs::path &path)
   fs::path chronoshareDirectory = path / ".chronoshare";
   fs::create_directories (chronoshareDirectory);
   int res = sqlite3_open((chronoshareDirectory / "state.db").c_str (), &m_db);
   if (res != SQLITE_OK)
       BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION (Error::Db ()
                              << errmsg_info_str ("Cannot open/create dabatabase: [" + (chronoshareDirectory / "state.db").string () + "]"));
   res = sqlite3_create_function (m_db, "hash", 2, SQLITE_ANY, 0, 0,
                                  DbHelper::hash_xStep, DbHelper::hash_xFinal);
   if (res != SQLITE_OK)
@@ -187,14 +57,8 @@
   // Alex: determine if tables initialized. if not, initialize... not sure what is the best way to go...
   // for now, just attempt to create everything
-  char *errmsg = 0;
-  res = sqlite3_exec (m_db, INIT_DATABASE.c_str (), NULL, NULL, &errmsg);
-  if (res != SQLITE_OK && errmsg != 0)
-    {
-      std::cerr << "DEBUG: " << errmsg << std::endl;
-      sqlite3_free (errmsg);
-    }
+  sqlite3_exec (m_db, INIT_DATABASE.c_str (), NULL, NULL, NULL);
+  _LOG_DEBUG_COND (sqlite3_errcode (m_db) != SQLITE_OK, sqlite3_errmsg (m_db));
 DbHelper::~DbHelper ()
@@ -222,7 +86,7 @@
       sqlite3_result_error (context, "Hash expects (blob,integer) parameters", -1);
   EVP_MD_CTX **hash_context = reinterpret_cast<EVP_MD_CTX **> (sqlite3_aggregate_context (context, sizeof (EVP_MD_CTX *)));
   if (hash_context == 0)
@@ -236,7 +100,7 @@
       *hash_context = EVP_MD_CTX_create ();
       EVP_DigestInit_ex (*hash_context, HASH_FUNCTION (), 0);
   int nameBytes       = sqlite3_value_bytes (argv[0]);
   const void *name    = sqlite3_value_blob  (argv[0]);
   sqlite3_int64 seqno = sqlite3_value_int64 (argv[1]);
@@ -262,7 +126,7 @@
       sqlite3_result_blob (context, &charNullResult, 1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); //SQLITE_TRANSIENT forces to make a copy
   unsigned char *hash = new unsigned char [EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
   unsigned int hashLength = 0;
@@ -271,7 +135,7 @@
   sqlite3_result_blob (context, hash, hashLength, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); //SQLITE_TRANSIENT forces to make a copy
   delete [] hash;
   EVP_MD_CTX_destroy (*hash_context);