implement ObjectDBFile. Not finished yet.
diff --git a/src/object-db-file.cpp b/src/object-db-file.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae13d91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/object-db-file.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+#include "object-db-file.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+writeBytes(ostream &out, const Bytes &bytes)
+  int size = bytes.size();
+  writeInt(out, size);
+  out.write(head(bytes), size);
+readBytes(istream &in, Bytes &bytes)
+  int size;
+  readInt(in, size);
+  bytes.reserve(size);
+, size);
+ObjectDBFile::ObjectDBFile(const string &filename)
+                : m_size(0)
+                , m_cap(0)
+                , m_index(0)
+                , m_initialized(false)
+                , m_writable(false)
+                , m_filename(filename)
+, ios_base::binary);
+  int magic;
+  ReadLock(m_lock);
+  readInt(m_istream, magic);
+  if (magic == MAGIC_NUM)
+  {
+    m_initialized = true;
+    readInt(m_istream, m_cap);
+    readInt(m_istream, m_size);
+    m_istream.seekg( (3 + m_cap) * sizeof(int), ios::beg);
+  }
+  m_istream.close();
+  if (m_writable)
+  {
+    m_ostream.close();
+  }
+ObjectDBFile::init(int capacity)
+  WriteLock(m_lock);
+  if (m_initialized)
+  {
+    throwException("Trying to init already initialized ObjectDBFile object" + m_filename);
+  }
+  if (!m_writable)
+  {
+    prepareWrite();
+  }
+  m_cap = capacity;
+  m_size = 0;
+  int magic = MAGIC_NUM;
+  writeInt(m_ostream, magic);
+  writeInt(m_ostream, m_cap);
+  writeInt(m_ostream, m_size);
+  m_initialized = true;
+  int count = size;
+  int offset = 0;
+  while (count-- > 0)
+  {
+    writeInt(m_ostream, offset);
+  }
+  // prepare read pos
+  m_istream.seekg(m_ostream.tellp(), ios::beg);
+  // DEBUG
+  assert(m_ostream.tellp() == ((3 + m_cap) * sizeof(int)));
+// Append is not super efficient as it needs to seek and update the pos for the
+// Content object. However, in our app, it is the case the these objects are wrote
+// once and read multiple times, so it's not a big problem.
+ObjectDBFile::append(const Bytes &co)
+  WriteLock(m_lock);
+  checkInit("Trying to append to un-initialized ObjectDBFile: " + m_filename);
+  if (!m_writable)
+  {
+    prepareWrite();
+  }
+  if (m_size >= m_cap)
+  {
+    throwException("Exceed Maximum capacity: " + boost::lexical_cast<string>(m_cap));
+  }
+  // pos for this CO
+  int coPos = m_ostream.tellp();
+  // index field for this CO
+  int indexPos = (3 + m_size) * sizeof(int);
+  m_size++;
+  // Update size (is it necessary?) We'll do it for now anyway
+  m_ostream.seekp( 2 * sizeof(int), ios::beg);
+  writeInt(m_ostream, m_size);
+  // Write the pos for the CO
+  m_ostream.seekp(indexPos, ios::beg);
+  writeInt(m_ostream, coPos);
+  // write the content object
+  m_ostream.seekp(coPos, ios::beg);
+  writeBytes(m_ostream, co);
+  // By the end, the write pos is at the end of the file
+ObjectDBFile::read(vector<Bytes> &vco, int n)
+ObjectDBFile::size() const
+  return m_size;
+  int pos = m_istream.tellg();
+  m_istream.seekg(2 * sizeof(int), ios::beg);
+  readInt(m_istream, m_size);
+  // recover the original pos
+  m_istream.seekg(pos, ios::beg);
+  ReadLock(m_lock);
+  updateSize();
+  return m_size;
+  ReadLock(m_lock);
+  return m_index;
+ObjectDBFile::seek(int index)
+  ReadLock(m_lock);
+  updateSize();
+  if (m_size <= index)
+  {
+    return false;
+  }
+  m_index = index;
+  m_istream.seekg( (3 + m_index) * sizeof(int), ios::beg);
+  int pos;
+  readInt(m_istream, pos);
+  m_istream.seekg(pos, ios::beg);
+  return true;
+  ReadLock(m_lock);
+  m_index = 0;
+  // point to the start of the CO fields
+  m_istream.seekg( (3 + m_cap) * sizeof(int), ios::beg);
+ObjectDBFile::checkInit(const string &msg)
+  if (!m_initialized)
+  {
+    throwException(msg);
+  }
+  ios_base::openmode mode = ios_base::app | ios_base::binary;
+  // discard any content if the object is considered uninitialized
+  if (!m_initialized)
+  {
+    mode |= ios_base::trunc;
+  }
+, mode);
+  m_writable = m_ostream.is_open();
+  if (!m_writable)
+  {
+    throwException("Unable to open file for write: " + m_filename);
+  }