Almost reverting changes in naming convention: moving "user" name to
front, but still keeping application name.  As part of an additional
change, shared folder name in actions is moved just after "action"

Making AddRemoteAction call exception-free

Change-Id: Ifd0a0c6256940eaf6df8081722ae9d7ed40b12e5
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 19c5c9d..6be38ee 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -239,8 +239,8 @@
   string item_msg;
   item->SerializeToString (&item_msg);
-  // action name: /<appname>/<shared-folder>/action/<device_name>/<action-seq>
-  Name actionName = Name ("/")(m_appName)(m_sharedFolderName)("action")(m_syncLog->GetLocalName ())(seq_no);
+  // action name: /<device_name>/<appname>/action/<shared-folder>/<action-seq>
+  Name actionName = Name ("/")(m_syncLog->GetLocalName ())(m_appName)("action")(m_sharedFolderName)(seq_no);
   _LOG_DEBUG ("ActionName: " << actionName);
   Bytes actionData = m_ccnx->createContentObject (actionName, item_msg.c_str (), item_msg.size ());
@@ -341,8 +341,8 @@
   string item_msg;
   item->SerializeToString (&item_msg);
-  // action name: /<appname>/<shared-folder>/action/<device_name>/<action-seq>
-  Name actionName = Name ("/")(m_appName)(m_sharedFolderName)("action")(m_syncLog->GetLocalName ())(seq_no);
+  // action name: /<device_name>/<appname>/action/<shared-folder>/<action-seq>
+  Name actionName = Name ("/")(m_syncLog->GetLocalName ())(m_appName)("action")(m_sharedFolderName)(seq_no);
   _LOG_DEBUG ("ActionName: " << actionName);
   Bytes actionData = m_ccnx->createContentObject (actionName, item_msg.c_str (), item_msg.size ());
@@ -450,13 +450,15 @@
   if (!actionPco)
-      BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION (Error::ActionLog () << errmsg_info_str ("actionPco is not valid"));
+      _LOG_ERROR ("actionPco is not valid");
+      return ActionItemPtr ();
   ActionItemPtr action = deserializeMsg<ActionItem> (actionPco->content ());
   if (!action)
-      BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION (Error::ActionLog () << errmsg_info_str ("action cannot be decoded"));
+      _LOG_ERROR ("action cannot be decoded");
+      return ActionItemPtr ();
   _LOG_DEBUG ("AddRemoteAction: [" << deviceName << "] seqno: " << seqno);
@@ -520,23 +522,33 @@
 ActionLog::AddRemoteAction (Ccnx::PcoPtr actionPco)
   Name name = actionPco->name ();
-  // action name: /<appname>/<shared-folder>/action/<device_name>/<action-seq>
+  // action name: /<device_name>/<appname>/action/<shared-folder>/<action-seq>
-  uint64_t seqno = name.getCompFromBackAsInt (0);
-  string sharedFolder = name.getCompAsString (1);
+  uint64_t seqno      = name.getCompFromBackAsInt (0);
+  string sharedFolder = name.getCompFromBackAsString (1);
   if (sharedFolder != m_sharedFolderName)
-      BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION (Error::ActionLog () << errmsg_info_str ("Action doesn't belong to this shared folder"));
+      _LOG_ERROR ("Action doesn't belong to this shared folder");
+      return ActionItemPtr ();
-  string action = name.getCompAsString (2);
+  string action = name.getCompFromBackAsString (2);
   if (action != "action")
-      BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION (Error::ActionLog () << errmsg_info_str ("not an action"));
+      _LOG_ERROR ("not an action");
+      return ActionItemPtr ();
-  Name deviceName = name.getPartialName (3, name.size ()-4);
+  string appName = name.getCompFromBackAsString (3);
+  if (appName != m_appName)
+    {
+      _LOG_ERROR ("Action doesn't belong to this application");
+      return ActionItemPtr ();
+    }
+  Name deviceName = name.getPartialName (0, name.size ()-4);
   _LOG_DEBUG ("From [" << name << "] extracted deviceName: " << deviceName << ", sharedFolder: " << sharedFolder << ", seqno: " << seqno);
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 2aa19ca..fa0ea4c 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -62,11 +62,7 @@
   ScopedLock lock (m_mutex);
   for (PrefixIt it = m_prefixes.begin(); it != m_prefixes.end(); ++it)
-    Name filePrefix   = Name (*it)(m_appName)("file");
-    Name actionPrefix = Name (*it)(m_appName)(m_sharedFolderName)("action");
-    m_ccnx->clearInterestFilter(filePrefix);
-    m_ccnx->clearInterestFilter(actionPrefix);
+    m_ccnx->clearInterestFilter (*it);
   m_prefixes.clear ();
@@ -75,17 +71,11 @@
 ContentServer::registerPrefix(const Name &forwardingHint)
-  // Format for files:   /<forwarding-hint>/<appname>/file/<hash>/<device_name>/<segment>
-  // Format for actions: /<forwarding-hint>/<appname>/<shared-folder>/action/<device_name>/<action-seq>
+  // Format for files:   /<forwarding-hint>/<device_name>/<appname>/file/<hash>/<segment>
+  // Format for actions: /<forwarding-hint>/<device_name>/<appname>/action/<shared-folder>/<action-seq>
-  Name filePrefix   = Name (forwardingHint)(m_appName)("file");
-  Name actionPrefix = Name (forwardingHint)(m_appName)(m_sharedFolderName)("action");
-  m_ccnx->setInterestFilter (filePrefix,   bind(&ContentServer::serve_File,   this, forwardingHint, filePrefix,   _1));
-  m_ccnx->setInterestFilter (actionPrefix, bind(&ContentServer::serve_Action, this, forwardingHint, actionPrefix, _1));
-  _LOG_DEBUG (">> content server: register FILE   " << filePrefix);
-  _LOG_DEBUG (">> content server: register ACTION " << actionPrefix);
+  _LOG_DEBUG (">> content server: register " << forwardingHint);
+  m_ccnx->setInterestFilter (forwardingHint, bind(&ContentServer::filterAndServe, this, forwardingHint, _1));
   ScopedLock lock (m_mutex);
@@ -94,70 +84,66 @@
 ContentServer::deregisterPrefix (const Name &forwardingHint)
-  Name filePrefix   = Name (forwardingHint)(m_appName)("file");
-  Name actionPrefix = Name (forwardingHint)(m_appName)(m_sharedFolderName)("action");
-  m_ccnx->clearInterestFilter(filePrefix);
-  m_ccnx->clearInterestFilter(actionPrefix);
-  _LOG_DEBUG ("<< content server: deregister FILE   " << filePrefix);
-  _LOG_DEBUG ("<< content server: deregister ACTION " << actionPrefix);
+  _LOG_DEBUG ("<< content server: deregister " << forwardingHint);
+  m_ccnx->clearInterestFilter(forwardingHint);
   ScopedLock lock (m_mutex);
   m_prefixes.erase (forwardingHint);
-// void
-// ContentServer::serve(Name forwardingHint, const Name &interest)
-// {
-//   // /forwardingHint/app-name/device-name/action/shared-folder/action-seq
-//   // /forwardingHint/app-name/device-name/file/file-hash/segment
+ContentServer::filterAndServe (Name forwardingHint, const Name &interest)
+  // Format for files:   /<forwarding-hint>/<device_name>/<appname>/file/<hash>/<segment>
+  // Format for actions: /<forwarding-hint>/<device_name>/<appname>/action/<shared-folder>/<action-seq>
-//   Name name = interest.getPartialName(forwardingHint.size());
-//   if (name.size() > 3)
-//   {
-//     string type = name.getCompAsString(name.size() - 3);
-//     if (type == "action")
-//     {
-//       serve_Action (forwardingHint, interest);
-//     }
-//     else if (type == "file")
-//     {
-//       serve_File (forwardingHint, interest);
-//     }
-//   }
-// }
+  Name name = interest.getPartialName (forwardingHint.size());
+  // name for files:   /<device_name>/<appname>/file/<hash>/<segment>
+  // name for actions: /<device_name>/<appname>/action/<shared-folder>/<action-seq>
+  if (name.size() >= 4 && name.getCompFromBackAsString (3) == m_appName)
+  {
+    string type = name.getCompFromBackAsString (2);
+    if (type == "file")
+      {
+        serve_File (forwardingHint, interest);
+      }
+    else if (type == "action")
+      {
+        serve_Action (forwardingHint, interest);
+      }
+  }
-ContentServer::serve_Action (Name forwardingHint, Name locatorPrefix, Name interest)
+ContentServer::serve_Action (Name forwardingHint, Name interest)
-  _LOG_DEBUG (">> content server serving ACTION, hint: " << forwardingHint << ", locatorPrefix: " << locatorPrefix << ", interest: " << interest);
-  m_scheduler->scheduleOneTimeTask (m_scheduler, 0, bind (&ContentServer::serve_Action_Execute, this, forwardingHint, locatorPrefix, interest), boost::lexical_cast<string>(interest));
+  _LOG_DEBUG (">> content server serving ACTION, hint: " << forwardingHint << ", interest: " << interest);
+  m_scheduler->scheduleOneTimeTask (m_scheduler, 0, bind (&ContentServer::serve_Action_Execute, this, forwardingHint, interest), boost::lexical_cast<string>(interest));
   // need to unlock ccnx mutex... or at least don't lock it
-ContentServer::serve_File (Name forwardingHint, Name locatorPrefix, Name interest)
+ContentServer::serve_File (Name forwardingHint, Name interest)
-  _LOG_DEBUG (">> content server serving FILE, hint: " << forwardingHint << ", locatorPrefix: " << locatorPrefix << ", interest: " << interest);
+  _LOG_DEBUG (">> content server serving FILE, hint: " << forwardingHint << ", interest: " << interest);
-  m_scheduler->scheduleOneTimeTask (m_scheduler, 0, bind (&ContentServer::serve_File_Execute, this, forwardingHint, locatorPrefix, interest), boost::lexical_cast<string>(interest));
+  m_scheduler->scheduleOneTimeTask (m_scheduler, 0, bind (&ContentServer::serve_File_Execute, this, forwardingHint, interest), boost::lexical_cast<string>(interest));
   // need to unlock ccnx mutex... or at least don't lock it
-ContentServer::serve_File_Execute (Name forwardingHint, Name locatorPrefix, Name interest)
+ContentServer::serve_File_Execute (Name forwardingHint, Name interest)
   // forwardingHint: /<forwarding-hint>
-  // locatorPrefix:  /<forwarding-hint>/<appname>/file
-  // interest:       /<forwarding-hint>/<appname>/file/<hash>/<device_name>/<segment>
+  // interest:       /<forwarding-hint>/<device_name>/<appname>/file/<hash>/<segment>
-  Name pureInterest = interest.getPartialName (locatorPrefix.size ());
-  // pureInterest:   /<hash>/<device_name>/<segment>
+  Name name = interest.getPartialName (forwardingHint.size());
+  // name:           /<device_name>/<appname>/file/<hash>/<segment>
-  int64_t segment = pureInterest.getCompFromBackAsInt (0);
-  Name deviceName = pureInterest.getPartialName (1, pureInterest.size () - 2);
-  Hash hash (head(pureInterest.getComp (0)), pureInterest.getComp (0).size());
+  int64_t segment = name.getCompFromBackAsInt (0);
+  Name deviceName = name.getPartialName (0, name.size () - 4);
+  Hash hash (head(name.getCompFromBack (1)), name.getCompFromBack (1).size());
   _LOG_DEBUG (" server FILE for device: " << deviceName << ", file_hash: " << hash.shortHash () << " segment: " << segment);
@@ -218,17 +204,16 @@
-ContentServer::serve_Action_Execute (Name forwardingHint, Name locatorPrefix, Name interest)
+ContentServer::serve_Action_Execute (Name forwardingHint, Name interest)
   // forwardingHint: /<forwarding-hint>
-  // locatorPrefix:  /<forwarding-hint>/<appname>/<shared-folder>/action
-  // interest:       /<forwarding-hint>/<appname>/<shared-folder>/action/<device_name>/<action-seq>
+  // interest:       /<forwarding-hint>/<device_name>/<appname>/action/<shared-folder>/<action-seq>
-  Name pureInterest = interest.getPartialName (locatorPrefix.size ());
-  // pureInterest:  /<device_name>/<action-seq>
+  Name name = interest.getPartialName (forwardingHint.size());
+  // name for actions: /<device_name>/<appname>/action/<shared-folder>/<action-seq>
-  int64_t seqno = pureInterest.getCompFromBackAsInt (0);
-  Name deviceName = pureInterest.getPartialName (0, pureInterest.size () - 1);
+  int64_t seqno = name.getCompFromBackAsInt (0);
+  Name deviceName = name.getPartialName (0, name.size () - 4);
   _LOG_DEBUG (" server ACTION for device: " << deviceName << " and seqno: " << seqno);
diff --git a/src/content-server.h b/src/content-server.h
index 7d9b3ed..13ca2dc 100644
--- a/src/content-server.h
+++ b/src/content-server.h
@@ -47,20 +47,20 @@
   void deregisterPrefix(const Ccnx::Name &prefix);
-  // void
-  // serve (Ccnx::Name forwardingHint, const Ccnx::Name &interest);
+  void
+  filterAndServe (Ccnx::Name forwardingHint, const Ccnx::Name &interest);
-  serve_Action (Ccnx::Name forwardingHint, Ccnx::Name locatorPrefix, Ccnx::Name interest);
+  serve_Action (Ccnx::Name forwardingHint, Ccnx::Name interest);
-  serve_File (Ccnx::Name forwardingHint, Ccnx::Name locatorPrefix, Ccnx::Name interest);
+  serve_File (Ccnx::Name forwardingHint, Ccnx::Name interest);
-  serve_Action_Execute(Ccnx::Name forwardingHint, Ccnx::Name locatorPrefix, Ccnx::Name interest);
+  serve_Action_Execute(Ccnx::Name forwardingHint, Ccnx::Name interest);
-  serve_File_Execute(Ccnx::Name forwardingHint, Ccnx::Name locatorPrefix, Ccnx::Name interest);
+  serve_File_Execute(Ccnx::Name forwardingHint, Ccnx::Name interest);
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 38ba37e..fadc224 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@
       Name userName (reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *> ( ().c_str ()), ().size ());
       // fetch actions with oldSeq + 1 to newSeq (inclusive)
-      Name actionNameBase = Name ("/")(CHRONOSHARE_APP)(m_sharedFolder)("action")(userName);
+      Name actionNameBase = Name ("/")(userName)(CHRONOSHARE_APP)("action")(m_sharedFolder);
       m_actionFetcher->Enqueue (userName, actionNameBase,
                                 std::max<uint64_t> (oldSeq + 1, 1), newSeq, FetchManager::PRIORITY_HIGH);
@@ -286,13 +286,18 @@
   _LOG_DEBUG ("Received action deviceName: " << deviceName << ", actionBaseName: " << actionBaseName << ", seqno: " << seqno);
   ActionItemPtr action = m_actionLog->AddRemoteAction (deviceName, seqno, actionPco);
+  if (!action)
+    {
+      _LOG_ERROR ("AddRemoteAction did not insert action, ignoring");
+      return;
+    }
   // trigger may invoke Did_ActionLog_ActionApply_Delete or Did_ActionLog_ActionApply_AddOrModify callbacks
   if (action->action () == ActionItem::UPDATE)
       Hash hash (action->file_hash ().c_str(), action->file_hash ().size ());
-      Name fileNameBase = Name ("/")(CHRONOSHARE_APP)("file")(hash.GetHash (), hash.GetHashBytes ())(deviceName);
+      Name fileNameBase = Name ("/")(deviceName)(CHRONOSHARE_APP)("file")(hash.GetHash (), hash.GetHashBytes ());
       string hashStr = lexical_cast<string> (hash);
       if (ObjectDb::DoesExist (m_rootDir / ".chronoshare",  deviceName, hashStr))
@@ -344,7 +349,9 @@
 Dispatcher::Did_FetchManager_FileSegmentFetch_Execute (Ccnx::Name deviceName, Ccnx::Name fileSegmentBaseName, uint32_t segment, Ccnx::PcoPtr fileSegmentPco)
-  const Bytes &hashBytes = fileSegmentBaseName.getComp (2);
+  // fileSegmentBaseName:  /<device_name>/<appname>/file/<hash>
+  const Bytes &hashBytes = fileSegmentBaseName.getCompFromBack (0);
   Hash hash (head(hashBytes), hashBytes.size());
   _LOG_DEBUG ("Received segment deviceName: " << deviceName << ", segmentBaseName: " << fileSegmentBaseName << ", segment: " << segment);
@@ -374,11 +381,13 @@
 Dispatcher::Did_FetchManager_FileFetchComplete_Execute (Ccnx::Name deviceName, Ccnx::Name fileBaseName)
+  // fileBaseName:  /<device_name>/<appname>/file/<hash>
   _LOG_DEBUG ("Finished fetching " << deviceName << ", fileBaseName: " << fileBaseName);
-  const Bytes &hashBytes = fileBaseName.getComp (2);
+  const Bytes &hashBytes = fileBaseName.getCompFromBack (0);
   Hash hash (head (hashBytes), hashBytes.size ());
-  _LOG_DEBUG ("Extracted hash: " << hash);
+  _LOG_DEBUG ("Extracted hash: " << hash.shortHash ());
   if (m_objectDbMap.find (hash) != m_objectDbMap.end())
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 7b02e16..fc50488 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
-// /<appname>/file/<hash>/<devicename>/<segment>
+// /<devicename>/<appname>/file/<hash>/<segment>
 boost::tuple<HashPtr /*object-db name*/, size_t /* number of segments*/>
 ObjectManager::localFileToObjects (const fs::path &file, const Ccnx::Name &deviceName)
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
-      Name name = Name ("/")(m_appName)("file")(fileHash->GetHash (), fileHash->GetHashBytes ())(deviceName)(segment);
+      Name name = Name ("/")(deviceName)(m_appName)("file")(fileHash->GetHash (), fileHash->GetHashBytes ())(segment);
       // cout << *fileHash << endl;
       // cout << name << endl;
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 1a1ff1f..c4d6a9b 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -77,12 +77,12 @@
   pco = actionLog->LookupActionPco (localName, 1);
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL ((bool)pco, true);
-  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (pco->name (), "/test-chronoshare/top-secret/action/alex/%00%01");
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (pco->name (), "/alex/test-chronoshare/action/top-secret/%00%01");
-  ActionItemPtr action = actionLog->LookupAction (Name ("/test-chronoshare/top-secret/action/alex")(0));
+  ActionItemPtr action = actionLog->LookupAction (Name ("/alex/test-chronoshare/action/top-secret")(0));
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL ((bool)action, false);
-  action = actionLog->LookupAction (Name ("/test-chronoshare/top-secret/action/alex")(1));
+  action = actionLog->LookupAction (Name ("/alex/test-chronoshare/action/top-secret")(1));
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL ((bool)action, true);
   if (action)
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
       BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (action->version (), 1);
-  BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW (actionLog->AddRemoteAction (pco));
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL ((bool)actionLog->AddRemoteAction (pco), true);
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (actionLog->LogSize (), 2);
   // create a real remote action
@@ -128,11 +128,11 @@
   item.set_timestamp (time (NULL));
   BytesPtr item_msg = serializeMsg (item);
-  Name actionName = Name ("/")("test-chronoshare")("top-secret")("action")("zhenkai")(1);
+  Name actionName = Name ("/")(Name("/zhenkai/test"))("test-chronoshare")("action")("top-secret")(1);
   Bytes actionData = ccnx->createContentObject (actionName, head (*item_msg), item_msg->size ());
   pco = make_shared<ParsedContentObject> (actionData);
-  BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW (actionLog->AddRemoteAction (pco));
+  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL ((bool)actionLog->AddRemoteAction (pco), true);
   BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (actionLog->LogSize (), 3);
   remove_all (tmpdir);
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 9d71cfb..7919246 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
   FetchManager fm(ccnx_fetch, bind(simpleMap, _1));
   HashPtr hash = pub.get<0> ();
-  Name baseName = Name ("/")(APPNAME)("file")(hash->GetHash(), hash->GetHashBytes())(deviceName);
+  Name baseName = Name ("/")(deviceName)(APPNAME)("file")(hash->GetHash(), hash->GetHashBytes());
   fm.Enqueue(deviceName, baseName, bind(segmentCallback, _1, _2, _3, _4), bind(finishCallback, _1, _2), 0, pub.get<1>() - 1);