ChronoChat is a multiparty chat application that demostrates our synchronization primitive that we call ChronoSync.
Note that after you click to close ChronoChat, it will keep running on your system tray. To restore it to normal size window, you have to click on the system tray icon (normally on the upper right corner of your screen). Clicking on the dock won't work for now and is still on the to-do list (because I'm using qt for gui, not the native Cocoa framework).
You need pkg-config command, protobuf, boost, and qt to compile this app. All of them can be installed through macports. The following command should do it: $ sudo port install pkgconfig protobuf-cpp boost qt4-mac
To compile this app:
in the top directory, check out the "sync" submodule
$ git submodule update --init
go to sync directory, do:
$ ./waf configure $ ./waf $ sudo ./waf install
back to the top directory, set up environment for pkg-config, make sure libsync.pc is searchable, this is mine:
$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig
compile Chronos:
$ ./waf configure $ ./waf
Congratulations! build/ is ready to use (on a Mac).